Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1152: Can negotiations really end the war?

"Quin, the queen of Baalishib!" The God of War declared his harmlessness.

Her actions were met by Kuin's response.

The queen of Baalishib made a long tweet, and there did not seem to be much hostility in it.

"Let's talk about it."


"You mean, war is meaningless?" As the twin sisters, God of War naturally understood the meaning of Kuin’s long cry. This conveyed the meaning and made her couldn’t help but rejoice. "It’s amazing, I I want to tell you this too."

"Woo~" War will only cause meaningless death.

"Well, I think so too."

Caiqi and Hongtu are also listening to this conversation.

The wavelengths of Cuin and Ain are slowly becoming the same, which makes their communication more smooth.

"Their brain waves are synchronized and they are talking." Padil was surprised by this development.

Talent was also surprised: "I never gave such an order."

"That is to say, this is Kuin's own thoughts." Padil felt incredible, "How could this be?"

"After all, Kuin is not a thoughtless monster." Hong Tu stretched out, "Maybe Kuin has any other plans."

"Huh?" Padil thought of Hong Tu.

"Resonance has begun." Hong Tu narrowed his eyes. "They have the same strength, and they will naturally resonate."

And this resonance was naturally not caused by Ain, but by Kuin, who took the initiative to bring it, or to be more detailed, it was Kuin who took the initiative to align with Ain's frequency.

As the resonance began, the surface of Cuin's body began to show colored light. Its originally bowed body straightened up, and the light gradually began to transform into gold.

Its body began to change in some way. Her head was facing the sky and she let out a long scream, with sadness in her scream, as if she was lamenting something.

"Quin...that looks like..." Talent seemed to have guessed something.

The God of War was also surprised by Kuin's change. At this moment, the ferocious monster queen seemed to have a hint of sacredness.

"Queen Baalishib..." She calmed down a bit, already hearing the meaning of Kuin's long cry. It is consistent with my own ideas!

The people of Ganon who saw this scene were also surprised, and the general to welcome even put away the sword.

"Your Majesty the Queen, Your Majesty the Queen..." People prayed, clasping their fingers together, happy for the queen's success.

"Coin is... accepted Her Majesty Amaterasu?" Sen Luo also put away the knife, a momentary surprise in his heart. Queen Amaterasu's wish seemed to come true.

Behind him, Juggler was confused: "Really... can the war be ended through negotiation?"

If it were before this, he would absolutely not believe it. The war has already begun, how can it be possible to simply end the sword and blood battle through simple conversations between the kings of the two sides.

But now... so is it possible?

Or maybe it's not Kay who is too naive, but him?

At this moment, Juggler's faith was shaken.

"This is the most ideal result for you." Musashi also laughed. Sure enough, if everyone talks carefully, they can still avoid fighting. He probably knew the queen's ideals best when he was there. So he is also very happy at this moment.

"Woo~" Ain, let us work together.

The exchange between Cuin and the fighters continued.

"Let's work together, then?" The queen of Amaterasu readily accepted Kuin's proposal, and she came for it.

Above the sky, Cai Qi suddenly understood something: "So that's it."

"Oh? Did you notice it?" Hong Tu supported his chin, looking at his talent, "I believe you and Kuin can join hands now."

Talent turned his head to look at him, with an unhappy tone: "I and Kuin are friends who share the same ideals."

"So I like to justify myself." Hong Tu sneered. "This is advice. Even friends will have their own little secrets. Even if they are ideals, there are gaps."

Talented squinted at Hong Tu: "Are you trying to sow discord? I tell you, it's useless! We are friends, of course I chose to believe in Kuin."

Hong Tu tilted his head, took a deep look at him, and turned away from him.

What Kuin did was just to let the God of War relax his vigilance, but it was not true... he chose to reconcile with the God of War.

Talent chose to trust Kuin unconditionally, so he ignored Hongtu and said directly to Kuin, "Quin, good job!"

As soon as his voice fell, the ground behind the God of War suddenly burst, and a Baalishib appeared. Before the God of War could react, the stinger on his tail directly pierced the God of War on the back.

The attack was caught off guard and unexpected, but the toxins had already begun to pour into the golden war god.

"Queen Amaterasu!" Everyone was startled, but they couldn't stop it.

Uub and Dyna had already noticed the changes over there, but the two monsters entangled them tightly, preventing them from supporting them.

"Quin, why, why..." The Queen of Amaterasu was still puzzled, trying to seek answers from Kuin.

But she couldn't hear the answer anymore.

More toxins began to be injected, and even the God of War was gradually controlled, and the originally light blue eyes were gradually occupied by scarlet.

She covered her head in pain and screamed in pain, but her sanity had begun to be eroded by toxins, and it was only a matter of time before she was controlled.

"Your Majesty! Cheer up!" Uub suddenly burst into a powerful force, and overturned Baxim who was holding him, rushing towards the God of War.

The light energy in his hand converged to form a light gear, which he threw out.

The gear of light flew out, cutting off Baalishib's tail, and directly solved the Baalishib who had attacked the God of War.

But the toxin has been injected, and even if the poisonous thorn at the tip of the tail drops, the blood in the God of War's eyes cannot disappear.


"Queen Amaterasu!"

Hong Tu was taken aback for a moment, and looked around, where did the sound come from.

He heard a clear male voice, very strange, not a voice from anyone nearby.

Soon, he looked at the **** of war on Ganon star below. The **** of war was on the verge of collapse, he was kneeling weakly on the ground, his head drooping, and the blood in his eyes gradually became stronger.

"this is……"

[It's the coordinates! Sekaiju explained graciously.

The World Tree uses the Amaterasu Queen, that is, the power of Al Ain as the medium, to connect with the seeds that have been left on the earth.

Then through the human being who touched the seed, he connected with the consciousness of the earth to reach a consensus.

Of course, this is a somewhat trivial side effect. The Queen Amaterasu as a coordinate has a connection with this earth human being, a telepathy that spans countless stars.

And before they knew it, the queen had already regarded the human being who opened her heart to each other as a kind of spiritual support.

At this moment, across the distant sea of ​​stars, the two hearts are leaning against each other.

Hong Tu: "..."

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