Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1158: My dream called by the earth

The World Tree is growing very fast.

From rooting and sprouting, to breaking through the isolation box, to occupying the entire research room, to breaking through the building, it only took one hour.

In the next three hours, the tree continued to grow rapidly, from a sapling to a towering tree. After five hours, the giant tree finally stopped growing.

But at this moment, the tree of the world has reached a height of 100 meters.

The huge tree trunk is a number of sturdy tree trunks that grow upward in a spiral shape, and are not distorted. On the contrary, it is straight, with neat branches and leaves, and the trunk has no extra branches and leaves. It looks quite orderly and beautiful.

The crown of the tree spreads into a huge umbrella-like shape, and the branches and leaves are lush and green, even covering the sky and the sun.

Overnight, this big tree occupies most of the city. Although the army was dispatched in time to avoid casualties, humans were also expelled from half of the city.

So the news that a towering tree grew overnight occupied the top of the earth news list.

The army was dispatched and quickly circled the tree to investigate.

And the two humans who were passionate about this matter also met a strange guy.

"...So that's it, if Gannon's tree is destroyed, that tree will sprout here." I nodded dreamily.

The two people opposite him were Shohei and Yui Nishioka, his colleague. These two people were brought out from the research building where the tree of life sprouted.

Moreover, he was also an insider who knew the situation of the World Tree and helped him a lot.

Under Xiangping's description, he knew a lot.

That seed was an ultra-ancient relic they found in the relics of the sea. When Xiangping rashly contacted the seeds of the World Tree, he established a certain connection with Queen Ganon, Amaterasu, who is far in the depths of the universe. Being able to communicate with each other without barriers, and thus know the existence of the tree of life.

Speaking of this, Xiangping also mentioned the Queen's warning just now.

There are already monsters coming towards the earth, towards the tree of life. Of course, the warrior of light also followed.

"I must guard that tree!" Xiangping said firmly.

"Why do you want to guard it?" Yui was puzzled, and her little friend became extremely weird after touching the tree's seeds.

"Because Queen Amaterasu tried her best to protect that tree!" Xiangping said firmly.

"Is there some kind of induction through the seed..." I looked at Shohei thoughtfully in a dream, and finally fixed my gaze on his head.

"By the way, are you the warrior of light that Queen Amaterasu said?" Xiangping remembered the Queen's warning and looked at my dream.

They had just been flying out of the building wrapped in an energy ball by this big boss.

But I shook my head dreamily: "I was indeed called to protect this tree, but it was not called by the Queen, but by the earth."

"Who was the warrior of light that the queen said that day?"

"It should be him." I dreamt up and motioned for them to look at the sky.

The two followed his gaze and saw a smooth stream falling in the night sky, not far away from them.

The light faded, and a man in a gray robe slowly got up and looked at them.

"Are you the Ultraman sent by Her Majesty the Queen?" My dream clearly had some misunderstanding about that queen.

But it's no harm, Kai didn't care about his words, and nodded: "Yes, are you Shohei?"

Xiangping on the side opened his mouth to clarify: "I am Xiangping. Are you the warrior of light as Queen Amaterasu said?"

"My name is Kay, and it's Ultraman Uub."

"Uub..." I dreamed of reaching out, "I'm Gaia Ultraman, my name is Gaoshan I dream, please advise."

"It turns out that there is Ultraman on the earth." Kay was a little surprised, but he was puzzled for a moment about my dream hand, then subconsciously raised his hand to hold my dream hand and shook it.

Well, he stretched out his left hand, and my dream was my right hand. When the two of them were facing each other, it was basically the back of his hand that held my dream and shook.

It seems that I don’t understand the etiquette of the earth.

"Where is Queen Amaterasu?" Xiangping couldn't help asking, "Queen Amaterasu, is she okay?"

At the end of the previous warning was the Queen’s farewell, saying that they might not be in touch anymore...

"She got rid of me to help you." As always, Kai didn't look at the atmosphere and didn't notice Xiangping's thoughts.

But Kay still explained some of the queen's situation to him by instinct.

At present, Kai is the only one who has come to this planet, and Asuka and Musashi are temporarily staying at Gannon to deal with the funeral.

After a few people exchanged the situation, I finally had time to focus on this giant tree in my dream.

He skillfully took out the watch-like scanner on his wrist and scanned it against a root of the World Tree.

"...In other words, a terrible monster is staring at this tree?" Yui probably didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, "So is it coming to Earth?"

The blue light swept across the extended roots of the tree, and some very high-tech blue projections popped up in front of my dream eyes, densely covered with various data.

"This tree is indeed worth it." While looking at the data, I sighed dreamily.

"Indeed, it is said that the tree of life can evolve species." Xiangping explained.

"Ah, you touched the seeds!" I dreamed of Xiangping and asked sincerely, "Can I scan your brain?"

"It can be..." Xiangping answered instinctively.

And as soon as he finished speaking, I dreamed of raising my wrist and scanning his brain.

Xiangping: "..." So fast!

"Sure enough, come, come and take a look." I dreamed of looking at my watch, and excitedly unfolded the blue projection light screen, showing the two of them a brain map.

In this pair of icons, there is a special red dot, which is blinking.

"No way!"

"Really? It's amazing!"

Shohei and Yui, both researchers, got together and watched the scene with excitement.

Only the technology Xiaobaikai on the side was at a loss: "What?"

"The pineal gland here is activating!"

"It is precisely because this part of the pineal gland is activated that you can interact with each other." My dream came to a conclusion.

"Has it evolved?" Xiangping touched his head, feeling as if he didn't have any special feelings.

"Yes, through this induction, people who are unable to communicate can communicate."

"So that's it." Kai seemed to understand, "So the two people who are 70,000 light-years apart have met."

"I have been investigating the opportunity for the birth of intelligent life forms." I dreamtly looked at the giant tree, "What is the opportunity for evolution."

I have to say, this trip is worth it!

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