Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1159: Watch me change your color

"It's a seed!" Xiangping suddenly realized something, "It's the seed we picked up!"

"The seed of this tree is the opportunity for evolution," I dreamed. "Without this tree, then intelligent life forms like humans would not have been born."

"This tree has such a function." Kai raised his hand in surprise and touched the tree, but in the bottom of his heart he wanted to guard the tree more firmly.

"Yes, because this tree is very important to the universe, after the Gannon tree was destroyed, the seeds here immediately sprouted to replace it."

Hong Tu and Jakura arrived on Earth earlier than Kay.

Juggler looked at the giant tree that was growing rapidly in the dark, his vision was dark, and it seemed that something was brewing.

Suddenly, a can of drink protruded from behind his head.

It is red tea.

"Drink, it's a rare trip to the earth."

Juggler took the drink, saw the word "milk" on it, and twitched the corner of his mouth. In a blink of an eye, he saw that there was also a can of milk in Hong Tu's hand.

Juggler: "..."

Hong Tu's complexion opened the can as usual, and he didn't think there was any problem with drinking milk. He even sighed: "Oh, this tastes good."

"You really don't feel any tension at all," Juggler sneered subconsciously. "Are you absolutely confident in your strength?"

Hong Tu shook the jar, his eyes shifted to Juggler's body: "Still grieving. Although it is a pity not to be selected by the light, the power of darkness is not weak."

He leisurely propped his arm and sat on the edge of the building: "Darkness and light are always relative. "This is what an Ultraman said. I used to think so too. "

He turned his head slightly, and the moonlight fell on him, reflecting the dark red eyes clearly: "But now, I don't think so."

Juggler met his eyes: "Because you are too strong." Whether it is light or dark, it probably has no meaning in front of this guy.

"No," Hong Tu denied, her eyes filled with a smile, "I think light and darkness are actually the same."

"Look," he raised his hand, and the shadows gathered in his hand, "whatever light can do, darkness can do it, except for the different colors, there is actually no difference."

As he said, the shadow in his hand suddenly began to change color, gradually turning from pure black to dark gray, dark blue, and deep red. These dark colors began to gradually change, and finally turned into light colors.

Just before Juggler's eyes, the energy ball in his hand changed from pure black to color.

"How about it, pretty." Hong Tu raised his hand ostentatiously, "Isn't it just discoloration, I will too!"

Juggler: "..." Except for the color, is it totally different? !

He has been exposed to light at close range. This energy ball looks alike in color, but it doesn't feel like it at all! !

You know, the light is warm even when it burns him, but no matter how beautiful this group of things looks, it still feels cold!

Hong Tu, who realized what Juggler was spitting, thought for a while, rubbing his fingers, a flame appeared, and he was thrown into this energy ball.

Suddenly, the energy ball in his hand... ignited.

Juggler, who can feel the high temperature emanating from the energy ball from a certain distance: "..." Enough!

Hong Tu Peng dissipated the energy, adding: "Anyway, the darkness can do a lot."

Juggler rubbed his forehead: "I know, I'm just a little unwilling."

He was also a little confused, why he was confused, why he gained the power of darkness, and he was unwilling to admit that he was weaker than Kay.

"Is that so." Hong Tu nodded thoughtfully, "Then go find it. Your own answer, your own confusion, go find the answer by yourself."

Juggler glanced at him and said nothing.

He bet that this guy definitely didn't know how to tell him, so he would let him find it by himself.

Hong Tu will not be confused.

"However, if you want to become stronger, I have many ways." Hong Tu suggested. "The advantage of darkness is that as long as you eat enough, you can become strong enough!"

"And then go crazy?" Juggler was not deceived by him.

Don’t he really know? How many guys have rushed to eat too much darkness and go crazy. This fellow Hong Tu is now safe and sound.

"What are you afraid of." Hong Tu said that he was there, he wouldn't be.

"No, I want to become stronger by my own strength." Juggler said seriously, "I will prove that I will not be weaker than Kay."

Kay again...

Hong Tu looked in his hand. The beverage can had been melted into a pool of hot liquid because of his play just now, and a big hole was burnt on the top of the building, and it was even smoking.

He didn't care about the high temperature, he directly raised his hand and pressed it on it, slowly raising his hand, the molten metal liquid recombined little by little, and the small half of the liquid inside reappeared, and the small hole that was burned out disappeared.

By now, he was able to use the power of time perfectly.

But it's normal, he has fully recovered.

Juggler noticed this scene: "Time?"

Goldlas is now Juggler's resident "bodyguard", although he rarely uses it to train himself, but Juggler can't not care about the monster's abilities. He had seen the power of Goldras countless times, and directly recognized the source of Hong Tu's power.

"That's right." Hong Tu picked up the drink can and shook it. "Relying on this power, maybe the one...little apprentice who can resurrect you?"

Juggler was silent for a moment, and then turned away: "No, no. She is not my apprentice either."

"War is always accompanied by sacrifices. I have already prepared for it and accepted the reality."

Relying on the power of time to resurrect the dead does not know what side effects will be produced, and the "resurrection of the dead" itself is a disrespect for life.

After the emotional eruption, Juggler appeared extremely calm again.

He has always been like this, restraining his feelings and allowing himself to face everything rationally.

Therefore, he chose to accept the death of Goyan.

"Is that so?" Hong Tu didn't say anything any more, he always respected Juggler's choice.

"Then wait. It's a rare thing to watch the World Tree grow with your own eyes." Hong Tu's voice was very soft, "Although it is a bit noisy."

In his ear, the World Tree was bombarding indiscriminately.

[Grandpa, grandpa! Look at me look at me! What do you like? How about I branch out for you? 】

[Grandpa, grandpa! Kuin has arrived, but Ain hasn't come yet. Ah, how come Ain hasn't come yet. 】

[Grandpa, grandpa, the earth consciousness made me ask you, trade the darkness of the earth, can you protect me? Hey, grandpa, do you want to protect me? 】

[Grandpa Grandpa...]

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