Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1162: The arrival of Queen Cannon

Now that there are acquaintances, the two sides naturally communicated.

My dream and Fujinomiya learned about Hongtu and Juggler, and Kai also learned about Hongtu's feats.

Protecting the earth, defeating the root cause destruction, and establishing an empire that has ruled several universes, each made Kai amazed.

Previously, he had only dimly learned from Ganon that "Empire" was a dark star, but now he knows what "Empire" means to the universe.

"Is Uncle Hong so good?"

I nodded dreamily: "We are together, probably not opponents."

Kay's expression suddenly changed: "Really?"

Fujimiya sneered: "It's probably just a little bit of pain. That guy will still show mercy to a guy like you."

Kay: "...Yes, isn't it, huh..."

"...Following the giant tree that suddenly appeared last night, monsters and giants fighting against the monsters appeared on the earth. The purpose of the two is not clear. Whether they want to invade the earth and when they will reappear, they are Was the towering tree inviting it? How will the government respond to the unprecedented and unusual situation?"

On the news, the hostess is broadcasting the situation dutifully, behind which is the huge tree of the world.

Because it is so far apart, you can see the whole picture of the tree.

Because the roots of the tree are spreading underground, the water and electricity in the city there has been completely stopped, and humans can't get close to it, and can only look at the tree from a distance.

Hong Tu was mixed in the crowd, carrying a bag in his hand with packed meals.

He ate a sorbet, as if on vacation comfortably.

Oh, it's no different from a vacation.

It seems that he hasn't been to earth for a long time.

But humans are still as interesting as ever. They are more curious than panic, wondering about the tree, the monsters, and the huge giant of light.

All kinds of rumors are being compiled, but the panic has not yet spread.

The news is still going on.

"...In the latest news, the interim cabinet meeting decided to adopt the Emergency Disaster Measures Act to deal with the current situation. Now the area where evacuation is required has expanded to the entire Tokyo..."

Hong Tu didn't listen any more, he looked up at the sky: "This queen is really a weird fellow."

I didn't bother to look for it, but I didn't expect that the queen would really send it to the door by herself.

Hong Tu looked at the bag in her hand: "Forget it, just treat it as an extra meal."

He turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

People did not find this "person" who disappeared suddenly, and they were still discussing everything in the news in a low voice.

Hong Tu found Juggler on a reef by the sea.

He was standing on the boulder, looking at the sea quietly.

"Do you want to eat?" Hong Tu broke the silence, "I brought ramen."

Juggler turned his head to look at him, a dark mood brewing in his eyes.

"It looks frustrated. It's not like you." Hong Tu tilted her head and lifted the bag in her hand. "I heard that this restaurant tastes good."

Juggler looked at this unnerved guy for a long time before turning away his gaze, but still did not speak.

Hong Tu leaped slightly and fell beside him: "Emotions are the treasure of life, and so is reason. It is not a shame to use emotions, and it is a shame to give up one's advantage because of emotions."

Hong Tu tilted her head: "Next time you can put the monster directly."

"You don't need to say," Juggler said coldly, "I know what to do."

"Then did you reflect on what happened?"

Juggler: "..."

"As the saying goes,'failure is failure, and thinking about failure is wealth.' You won't be in a daze, but are you not reflecting?"

Juggler: "...No!"

It's too much to reflect on or something!

But Juggler did reflect on it a bit, and he has been a bit arrogant lately.

Especially when his brain was hot for a while, he was flat in front of those Ultraman.

"But your current strength is indeed weak. After all, you have just awakened, so it's better to get familiar with it." Hong Tu handed over what was in his hand.

Juggler didn't say anything. He took the bag and took out two boxes of ramen noodles. After one was handed to Hongtu, he sat directly on the stone and ate it directly.

He is really hungry.

"I know." Juggler said as he ate, "I admit that I am weak, but it doesn't mean I am willing to do it. It won't be long, I will catch up with that guy Kay."

"Just catching up?" Hong Tu sat beside him.

"Of course not, I will surpass him."

"Ah, by the way, the queen of Ganon is chasing me." Hong Tu thought for a while, "Kay will save people in a while."

Juggler looked at him suspiciously: "Queen Amaterasu? She is not on her planet to take care of her people. Why did she come to the earth to do it."

"Who knows, I'm probably worried about the coordinates."

"Coordinates? That human?"


"Where is Ganon?"

"Who knows."

Juggler's expression became extremely exciting. The queen used to avoid fighting for the so-called people. Now that the battlefield has shifted, she has come together because of a human being?

Are you kidding me?

Hong Tu smiled and did not speak, but Juggler speeded up his meal silently, and left after eating quickly.

"Next, we just have to wait patiently."

The appearance of the queen, and being entangled by two monsters, Kay naturally wouldn't ignore it.

He transformed into Uub, and the power of one Austria entangled Patton and Bemunstein, oh, there were six Baalishib, let the queen's spacecraft fly into the earth smoothly.

Uub entered the spacecraft at the invitation of talent.

Juggler was worried, and fell into the spaceship with Uub. With the strength and shape of the monster card, he sneaked into the interior without anyone noticed, and overheard the conversation between Kai and Talent.

"...I just want to ask one question, Doctor Talent." Kai asked coldly, "Are you manipulating Kuin?"

The Queen of Amaterasu said that she could feel that Cuin and her thoughts were the same. Cuin didn't want to fight. All this was not Cuin's original intention. So, is talent manipulating Kuin?

This is what he wants to know about this trip.

If it is talent that controls Kuin, then he only needs to solve the talent and save Kuin to end the war.

Talent didn't expect him to ask this question, but he was also happy to answer this question: "Did you say I am manipulating Kuin? No, I and Kuin have the same values. We all want to create an ideal world! It is a peaceful world without disputes! There will be no gap between the rich and the poor, a world full of love, and no one lacks love!"

"I can create such a perfect world for you!" He raised his voice loudly, "An absolutely beautiful world!"

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