Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1163: This is the first time you saved me

"But this is at the cost of depriving free will."

"In order to achieve great goals, there is no need for free will at all!"

"A dictatorship of one person, ruling all the world, that is nothing but a kingdom of death!"

"That's right!" The talent did not rise at all, and he even snapped his fingers proudly.

"My friend and I don't want such a world!" The little robot Padil replied happily. The next instant, when a halo was born above his head, a special energy barrier suddenly appeared, trapping Kai in it.

When Kai was surprised, he felt extremely heavy, his hands and feet could not move, and even the light energy in his body was a bit condensed.

Talented but nonchalantly continued: "If the world you want is created by a dictator to satisfy their own selfishness, and suppress people's free will and force them to obey themselves, it will indeed be a kingdom of death."

Suddenly the energy increased, Kai let out a muffled groan and bowed down in pain.

"Eh? Hey, I haven't finished speaking yet!" He blamed it inhumanely, and then continued, "Close to the subject, my purpose is to create a peaceful world, and I will not inhibit people's free will."

He smiled shyly: "After all, they will lose their free will, so there is no need to suppress it."

As he said, he seemed to have heard some cold joke and laughed to himself.

Over there, Kay has already taken out the Sword of Uub: "No one wants that kind of world at all!"

But his transformation failed.

This energy barrier seems to be specially prepared for their Ultraman.

"Hey, what did you do to me?"

"You want to use that sword to release a powerful light energy, it's really dangerous," Padil replied, "So I put up a barrier, just to be safe."

"What Kuin and I want to create is a world that has not changed, will not grow, and will be eternally stagnant!" Talent said in a chanting tone, "but it can keep peace forever!"

"Why did we do this wrong?" Talent looked at Kai and asked sincerely.

"Don't think about it or know that the world deprived of free will is not peaceful at all!"

Kay would say this. Juggler in the dark turned his head, changed his posture and leaned against the wall, admiring Kai's trapped appearance with interest.

"You don't want to think about it anymore." Padil said to Kay in an innocent voice, "what else do you need wisdom for?"

"If justice leads to emotional use like you, then there is no need for so-called wisdom." He said coldly, "If you think you are right, then the other party is wrong, so you don't need wisdom at all! Use violence to destroy yourself. Your consciousness is imposed on others. Do you think such a world needs wisdom?"

"You are wrong!" Kai hoarsely denied the talented words loudly.

This made the talent rarely lose his reason. He rushed to Kai and shouted in a hoarse voice: "What's wrong with me? You are Ultraman, a warrior of light! I am also illuminating the whole with light. The universe! I also want to create a world with no disputes, no sorrow, no darkness but light!"

Kai Yusi looked at him, looked at the hysterical expression of talent, and listened to the words of talent, suddenly did not know how to answer.

"Do you still need to ask?" Juggler stood up straight, and suddenly said, "The world like that is boring, and it's ridiculously ridiculous."

Talent was shocked by Juggler's sudden utterance: "Why are you here?"

Juggler sneered, glanced at Kai who was equally surprised, drew out the long knife, and looked at talent: "Do you really think you have a copper wall and iron wall here? It's easy to come in."

"As ridiculous as your ideal."

"What did you say?" He was anxious, "What's funny! Tell me, what's funny!"

"From the time you tried to build such a world, it was ridiculous." Juggler walked to the opposite side of the talent, "I have never seen a guy like you, ridiculously trying to turn everyone into a doll to make life eternal, Guess how it turned out?"

Juggler leaned close to him, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled evil intentions: "Darkly swallowed up and clean."

Taking a step back, Padil tried to repeat the trick, but also trapped Juggler.

But as soon as the energy converged, Juggler noticed something, and with a single stroke of his hand, he split the newly formed halo directly from it.

Talented and indifferently looked at him: "I will prove it, prove our ideal."

Juggler watched him for a while, then suddenly closed the knife, and slowly walked around the immovable Kai: "In fact, I still agree with you for one thing. These guys will only label themselves as justice, and then deny. The beliefs of others are indeed stupid."

"Oh? It seems that you can't understand them either." He looked at Juggler angrily, realizing something from his attitude.

"So that's it, have you been denied by him." Cai looked at Kai angrily. Seeing Kai's expression low, he knew that he was right.

Juggler broke the smile he had just raised in the next sentence: "But you are just as stupid."

He was very angry and smiled back: "It looks like you are just a ridiculous guy, just like these warriors of light."

"Don't confuse me with these guys," Juggler approached him. "Compared to these naive guys, I know what to do."

He suddenly drew his knife and twisted his waist with a wave. The long knife was cut from the talented waist to his head, leaving a red mark on his body.

But talent did not die because of this. After pretending to be dead, he looked at Juggler with a joking expression: "Unqualified!"

"Sure enough." Juggler was not surprised. He walked to Kai's side in a few steps. With a wave of the long knife, a strange dark red energy was entangled in the knife, which easily cut off the barrier that trapped Kai.

Kai immediately took off his strength and fell down, Juggler grabbed his collar directly, turned and glanced at his talent: "By the way, for the sake of..., I advise you to be careful of the darkness."

After he finished speaking, he disappeared into the spaceship while carrying Kai, regardless of how Kai felt when he was being carried by the collar.

After bringing Kai to the ground, he threw Kai to the ground and turned around to leave.

Kay had recovered at this time, and he quickly got up from the ground: "Jugura!"

Juggler paused slightly and continued to leave.

"At this time, how many times have you saved me." Kay's voice stopped him.

"Who knows." Juggler glanced back at him, and was about to leave.

"Kay!" A voice came, Juggler turned his head and looked around, and saw Ganon's Amaterasu Queen and Tachibana, as well as the human being called "coordinates" by Hong Tu and an unknown female human.

Queen of Ganon, huh!

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