Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1165: The true face of Kuin

[... Cuin was actually cute before. When I was young, I was a small one, only crawling up and down on me, and then cleverly gave a needle to the guys who were plotting badly. 】

[In comparison, Ain is not so well-behaved. Ain always liked to scare Kuin, and also liked to burn off the wings of the little Baalishib. 】

[... Later, when Kuin grew up, he went out and said that he wanted to look at the universe and see the beings who had gained wisdom. 】

[Ain has always been with me. 】

The Tree of the World talked about the past of Ain and Kuin. Apart from Hongtu, he had no other objects to confide in. After all, the planetary consciousness would not always respond to him.

Not because of loneliness, but simply because He wanted to tell Hong Tu.

He is the tree of the world. He has witnessed the death of countless life forms and the replacement of countless generations of guardians. Time passes, and only He remembers.

[The changes in Kuin and Ain are really big, ah, even grandpa you have changed a little bit, you used to eat me directly, or bother me to leave directly. 】

Hong Tu: "..." Don't mention that kind of black history anymore, it's all before Taikoo! And he should be regarded as correcting evil and returning to righteousness.

But the consciousness of the World Tree is interlinked with each other, and it can even be seen as one consciousness, so... his dark history is really special, these trees remember clearly.

So he really didn't want to see these trees.

Over there, the World Tree didn’t care about Kuin and Kai being attacked by artillery fire. It quickly diverted its attention and happily asked Hongtu: [Grandpa, I heard the people on earth say that the rain of flowers with falling petals is also It's beautiful, do you like it? 】

Ahead, Kuin wailed and fell, and the petals of the World Tree began to fall.

The white flowers glowing with colorful light scattered to the surroundings, and sprinkled to the whole world.

The flowers of the World Tree began to wither.

This scene is indeed very beautiful, countless colored lights falling down, spreading to the entire city, spreading to the entire world, like a windless rain of light, or some upcoming grand opening ceremony, the beauty is shocking.

In this sky full of petals, humans stopped attacking, and amidst the rain of flowers, a beam of light rose into the sky.

The gleaming golden goddess slowly walked out of the light curtain, wandering in the rain of flowers, and walked towards the fallen ferocious monster.

"Very beautiful." Hong Tu whispered.

He turned his head and looked, Juggler had disappeared again.

"Really, it's cruel, but he is more emotional than anyone else." Hong Tu propped his head, "It's still too naive."

He was already thinking about helping Juggler see the dangers of the universe.

Over there, the God of War took heavy and slow steps, walked to Cuin's side, and slowly put his hand on Cuin's head.

Kuin slowly supported his body and let out a long call, communicating with the God of War.

Others couldn't hear it, but Hong Tu could understand their communication.

"...Let's create a new world together." Queen Amaterasu invited Kuin, "It is for this that we met."

"We met for this reason." Kuin repeated her words.

Earlier, Kuin screamed and told Queen Amaterasu that he did not want to fight, and did not want to watch his children die.

The Queen Amaterasu who heard its scream also came for this.

But at this moment, she realized the problem after she really had a face-to-face communication with Kuin.

In the spiritual space belonging to their sisters alone, Queen Amaterasu saw a scene that shocked her.

The mental body of Kuin on the other side gradually changed, his voice became similar to her, and even the appearance of the monster gradually changed.

This is... what she looks like!

"You!" The queen looked at the opposite "self" in astonishment.

"You." Kuin repeated her words.

"Put my heart..." On Ganon, the scene where she tried to communicate with Kuin for the first time continued in her mind again. Suddenly, the queen realized something.

Cuin pressed her face and showed a sneer: "Take my heart..."

"Are you just mirroring my heart?!"

This is the truth. When the brain waves of the two were the same for the first time, Kuin was already analyzing her heart.

Those who don't want to fight or want to make peace with Queen Amaterasu... have always been a scam, just a scam for the stupid God of War to send him to the door.

Now its purpose has finally been achieved.

Without the obstacle of the warrior of light, and no one else could stop it, the God of War himself sent himself to it.

A red light lit up from Cuin's eyes, and it let out a low moan, the Queen of Amaterasu felt bad, and turned and ran.

But it was too late. Outside of the consciousness space, Kuin had climbed up from the ground and quickly hugged the God of War. The stinger on his tail had stretched out and poked toward the God of War.

Everyone was stunned by this incident, and even the talent was stunned.

"Why, Kuin!"

Padil also panicked: "The World Tree has not yet produced results, and we have no antidote yet!"

"Queen Amaterasu!" Ganon exclaimed, but he couldn't stop it.

A group of Ultraman's human bodies were stunned in place, and Kai, who finally crawled out of the ruins, realized what talent had said before.

His previous questioning of talent, his conversation with the queen, and even his previous behavior to protect Cuin... are just a joke at the moment.

From the beginning to the end, they were caught by this cunning monster and used their inner tenderness, thoroughly, just to elicit the God of War and achieve its purpose.

They were all deceived...

The anger instantly spread in Kai's heart. He directly took out the Sword of Uub and transformed himself.

A huge beam of light appeared, blocking the front of the **** of war, blocking the stinger for the golden **** of war.

But the price was that Uub's chest was stabbed by a poisonous thorn, and the poison began to spread instantly.

The rescued God of War exclaimed, and Shili finally broke free from Kuin's restraint and rescued Uub.

Kuin wasn't angry when he saw this. The God of War had already appeared. It just needed to catch her and inject toxins into her.

So it stopped paying attention to Uub, and went straight to the God of War.

At this moment, God of War finally made up his mind and chose to fight.

The guardian sisters of the World Tree, after all, started an internal battle.

"I just made up my mind now." Hong Tu stood up straight, "Finally sees the situation clearly, but... it's too late."

He looked at Uub, who was struggling on the ground, with sympathy.

Kuin's toxin is not comparable to ordinary Baalishibn, even Ultraman can't hold it.

"But Ultraman hasn't arrived yet." Hong Tu glanced at My Dream and Fujimiya over there, and Dyna and Gauss hadn't reached the earth yet.

How do we do this? Wait, or go to find those two after playing these few?

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