Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1166: You are the chosen warrior of light!

God of War and Kuin fought together.

The God of War, who had made up his mind, no longer kept his hands. There was a lot of structure in the attack, and he did not slop in the slightest, showing two extremes from the hesitant posture before.

But this is still not Kuin's opponent.

Compared with the debilitating Ain, although Kuin was weakened due to the proliferation of offspring, he also controlled a lot of monsters, resonated with Ain, and recovered some strength, at least stronger than the God of War.

At this moment, the angry God of War had not yet realized this.

She stretched out her arms, and two sharp blades stretched out under the golden armor. When she recovered, she flung the armor and the blades together, and attacked the opposite Kuin.

Cuin just waved his foot blades and flew two armors. The God of War leaped high, kicked the back of the armor, and kicked the two blades at Cuin again.

This time, an armored blade hit Kuin and pierced Kuin's shoulders, but it was of no use. The power in Kuin's body exploded, directly flying the armored blade, and at the same time flying the God of War.

The soft spines hanging from the shoulders on both sides of Kuin suddenly stretched out, tied the neck of the God of War like tentacles, and dragged her towards him.

And the stinger at the tip of the tail is ready to go.

Suddenly, two beams of light rose into the sky, and Gaia and Aguru finally appeared.

Juggler ran to Uub's side, looking at Ubb who was struggling in pain, his bright bulb eyes faintly red, Juggler's expression was extremely gloomy.

This guy has no self-knowledge at all!

Is there a world tree seed to detoxify him now? !

By the way, the world tree seed...

Juggler turned his eyes and thought of someone who must have the seed of the World Tree.

Sen Luo! There is a tree species of the World Tree hanging on Sen Luo's neck!

"This idiot!" He cursed in a low voice, and turned to look for Senluo's whereabouts.

The Queen of Amaterasu came, and the Tachibana of the Queen's Guards also came, and Senro must have also come to the earth. As long as you find that guy, you can detoxify Uub.

Suddenly, he noticed the roof of a building.

That is where the talent is, and beside the talent, that is...Sen Luo!

With a wave of his blade, Juggler turned into a demon. He rose into the sky and flew quickly toward the building.

On the top of the building very close to the World Tree, talent is confronting Sen Luo.

It is not always the case to say that it is a confrontation. Talent will leave the spacecraft. Naturally, there is something to protect himself. Even if he is the culprit of everything now, but the World Tree is the fifth scum of war, that is, the level of technology is higher.

In order to protect himself, he carried a pair of energy barriers with him. At this moment, the barrier was blocking Sen Luo firmly, causing Sen Luo to be unable to do anything to him.

Therefore, Sun Luo could only stand here, monitoring his talent while watching the battle of Queen Amaterasu in the distance.

That's how Juggler rushed to this place fiercely, and directly grabbed at Senluo: "Give me the tree seed!"

Senluo was taken aback by his actions, and directly raised the knife to resist. Juggler immediately stopped, took a step back, and pointed the knife at Senluo.

But something happened suddenly at this moment.

At some point, two Baalishibs had already emerged from the ground, entangled Gaia and Aguru, and the stinger on Cuin's tail directly pierced the God of War who had just climbed up and tried to escape the battlefield.

"Your Majesty!" Senluo ignored Juggler. He was so worried that he shouted to the Queen of Amaterasu, but could not stop it.

And the talent on the side was also stunned. Obviously this scene was beyond his expectation: "No, Kuin, the world tree has no results yet, we don't have an antidote yet, I need an antidote!"

But Cuin no longer responded to him, the toxins quickly began to inject, and the God of War wailed in pain, but he was firmly hugged by Cuin, unable to move.

Juggler glanced over there, then turned his gaze to Senluo again.

He didn't intend to ask for it anymore, but just grabbed it.

Taking advantage of Sen Luo's distraction, he rushed over and snatched the pendant on Sen Luo's neck, and firmly grasped the small seed in his hand.

Only then did Senluo react. By the way, the seed of the World Tree is something that can save Queen Amaterasu!

"Give it to me!" Senro raised his hand to grab what was in Juggler's hand, but Juggler glanced at him, stepped back and easily avoided his snatch, and soared directly into the sky and flew towards Uub. .

As for the queen of Amaterasu?

Let her die!

Juggler who flew in front of Uub raised the knife in his hand, did not hand the seed to Uub the first time, but... first gave him a knife.

"You idiot, please clear me up!"

The knife struck Uub's chest, and Uub was instantly chopped to the ground. He struggled to prop up his body and looked at Juggler, as if he recognized this familiar figure.

"You are the warrior of light chosen by the light!"

Uub was startled, and his consciousness became sober for a moment.

Chosen by the light...Warrior of Light.

Selected by light...


In fact, before they climbed the top of the brave, they had a rest at the foot of the mountain.

Kay played the harmonica and the tune from his hometown.

Juggler's leisurely posture made Juggler laugh: "You are quite leisurely. You will be on the top of the warrior tomorrow."

"It's not that I have leisure," Kay said softly, looking at the huge peak with almost no peak under the mountain, "I just think you are more suitable to be Ultraman than me, Juggler."

Yes, whether it is Kai or Juggler himself, before climbing that peak, they think that Juggler will be selected.

Because compared to Kai, Juggler is very good in all aspects, far better than Kai.

But in the end, Kay was selected.

But at this moment, Uub, who had recovered a little stance, looked at Juggler, and suddenly remembered something. In fact, Juggler was also his goal. Yes, Juggler has always been his pursuit target during the time they traveled together.

But... he is also the Warrior of Light at the moment, the chosen Ultraman.

He struggled to get up, crossed his arms on his chest, the light slowly dissipated, and his huge body gradually dissipated, and finally turned back to Kai and landed on the ruins.

Kai's eyes were flushed, and he struggled with pain on the ground, punching the ground with his fists, and even hitting the ground with his head, just to use the pain to stay awake.

Juggler, who had been relieved of the demon form, fell in front of him, looking down at his struggling and painful posture, lowered his voice, and cursed again: "It's really an idiot."

But despite what he said, he took out the snatched seed, grabbed Kay's hair, forcefully forced him to lift his head, and stuffed the seed into his mouth.

"It's so stupid to be controlled or something."

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