Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1167: Then I'm welcome

After taking the medicine, a dark red toxin erupted from Kai's body. He tossed on the ground in pain for a while before he recovered, but the toxin has been relieved.

Juggler had already turned around and walked away slowly.

"Juggler!" Kai yelled, lying on the ground, "Thank you!"

"Huh!" Juggler snorted and disappeared into the ruins.

He didn't save Kai to listen to his thanks, he just couldn't understand the embarrassment of this guy. Now that you have this power, show what it should be!

Hong Tu watched a plane fly away from the city, and looked at Cuin again.

"Let me say that compared to the guys who use force or monsters to rule the world, Kuin is much crazier, and Lukiel is not as crazy as it is."

The dark circle flickered slightly: "?" Why do you say that?


Suddenly, the ring on the head of the **** of war in the distance lit up with a bright green light, and the light began to spread quickly to the surroundings, spreading to the entire city, to the entire island, to the entire earth, and even to countless universe.

When this energy swept through everyone, a picture appeared in everyone's mind.

The body of the golden **** of war was exploded like cracked porcelain, and the waves of a supernova explosion followed, and the dark red toxins spread to the entire universe with the aftermath of the explosion...

When the dark red energy swept through, the buildings of human beings shattered into fine sand, flooding the crowd, and all creations representing "civilization" shattered and disappeared cleanly.

The apocalyptic scene swept the entire universe. When all the dust settled, people with dull-eyed eyes crawled out of the ruins and looked at the world with only a piece of yellow sand stupidly...

This is the world Kuin wants.

There is no evil, no architecture, no civilization, and all things that can only be produced are lost, and even the concept of "wisdom" itself is completely erased.

Such a world is the world Kuin really wants.

Joining forces with talent, letting talent rule the world... it's just a scam. Kuin's and talented ideals have never been the same.

Everyone panicked because of the picture that suddenly appeared in their minds. They didn't even know what happened, but they already knew that what the hideous monster wanted was such a world.

A crazy world without wisdom and only puppets.

"It feels really ironic." Hong Tu tilted her head. "As the guardian of the tree of wisdom, I want to erase [wisdom] itself."

"But this farce should be over." Hong Tu narrowed his eyes, and the dark red light overflowed from the bottom of his eyes, looking extremely dangerous.

He was about to pull out the short blade in his hand, and he was stunned for a moment. He glanced at Gaia and Aguru who were trying to save the God of War in the distance. He silently pulled the short dagger in his hand from the sheath and threw it under his feet.

"It seems that the Ultraman form is not suitable. The Demon King seems to be more suitable for the Demon form."

At the tip of the black handguard, the dark red gem shimmered slightly, extending a dark red light band.

This band of light stretched inch by inch and was connected to his waist, and the dark light instantly swept his whole body, replacing his human form with a terrifying demon.

The tip of the tail was pulled out from the ground, and the devil moved his sharp claws, and his dark red eyes looked at Kuin and the God of War in the distance.

"Let's start with you first."

Gaia entangled the two Baalishibs, and Aguru instantly understood what he meant, and rushed towards Kuin, trying to save the God of War from Kuin's arms.

But as soon as he rushed to Kuin, a Baalishib, regardless of Gaia's attack, directly attacked Aguru.

A flash of light struck in an instant, and Gaia didn't even have time to stop it, and saw that light bullet hit Aguru's back and knocked Aguru away.

Gaia tried to help Aguru, but because of the distraction of the battle, another Baalishib caught the opportunity, and a light bullet also hit him.

Suddenly, both Austrians were lying on the ground, unable to get up for a while.

But the change suddenly appeared at this moment, and Kuin stiffened and let out a long wailing. Even the poisonous thorns that injected the toxin into the God of War loosened and fell from the chest of the God of War.

It released the God of War that was tightly bound by it, staggered a step, and tried to stretch out one of its feet, seeming to be asking for help.

But it is still useless.

The huge body slowly fell down, revealing the culprit responsible for this scene.

The sharp blade at the tip of Naig's tail has pierced Kuin's body, and the darkness more terrifying than the puppet poison is being injected frantically, eroding the monster that was still proud before.

The golden war **** lay on the ground, and a large amount of toxins had been injected into her body. Although it was not the limit, it had begun to erode her mind. Even a dark red scar appeared on her chest.

"Yo!" Naig turned his head to look at Gaia and Aguru who were lying on the ground, "Are you ready to be beaten?"

Gaia Aguru who just breathed a sigh of relief: "..."

"Cuein!" He exclaimed in anger. Obviously, even if he was betrayed by him, this guy was still willing to worry about him. To some extent, he was very persistent.

This startled breath caught Naig's attention. He tilted his head slightly, glanced at the talent on the top of the building, and looked at Kuin at his feet.

Following his movements, the sharp blade at the tip of the tail went deeper, allowing the entire blade to be inserted into Kuin's body.

"I said earlier, your delusion will bring you death." Darkness has filled Kuin's body and is spreading to its surface, "Moreover, I don't like your world. It's too barren, yet Not as good as the dark world of the ancient times."

At any rate, there were still rebels at that time.

"Woo~" Kuin finally let out a long cry, and darkness spread to its body, dyeing all the colorful light-emitting organs on its body into black one by one. In just a few breaths, Kuin was bright But the evil red compound eyes were extinguished and occupied by darkness.

When Naig pulled out the tip of his tail, Kuin's body dissipated into black light particles like ashes, which sank into Naig's body and disappeared cleanly.

"Kuin!!" He let out a painful cry, but it was still useless.

Kuin is dead, and at this moment has been turned into a monster card by the cheerful dark circle, becoming Hong Tu's possession.

Naig didn't pay any attention to the grief of talent. He lowered his head slightly and looked at the God of War lying on the ground.

"Not this one."

And above the sky, two rays of light have also arrived, and they are falling rapidly toward the earth.

"It's all here." Naig flicked his tail slightly and eagerly pointed at the God of War on the ground, "Then I'm welcome."

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