But the story of Juggler's capture must start with Lee's incident.

As the highest commander on the battlefield of the empire, and as the "His Royal Highness" of the empire, Juggler encountered only a lot more assassinations, and he didn't mind his end when he got interested.

As the blood on his hands increased, Juggler's notoriety gradually spread-the snake heart.

It is said that he likes to lurch like a poisonous snake no matter when he is in command of combat or when he is going to kill the enemy, and then he will give the enemy a fatal attack at the critical moment.

In addition, his swordsmanship was called "Snake Heart Flow", so the name "Snake Heart" gradually spread, and it was accompanied by fear that made the enemy afraid of it.

If Naige is the dark ruler who is high above and suppresses the dark stars of the empire, then the empire's highness is a fierce and prominent demon who is eager to kill and war.

In short, as the war progressed, Juggler's terrible reputation became more and more terrifying.

The prestige in the empire is getting higher and higher.

Such a Juggler has gradually become a thorn in the eyes of other forces. Coupled with the increasing strength of the empire on the battlefield, those forces who are about to lose and lose their dominance over the universe can no longer sit still.

Therefore, these forces united and set a trap against Juggler together with the Galactic Association of the midstream forces in the star field.

They didn't know how to learn about Juggler's whereabouts and ambush Juggler's spacecraft.

When the dark stars of the empire arrived later, only the destroyed spacecraft fragments remained on the scene.

Juggler was nowhere to be found, and when they learned about Juggler again, Juggler was already sentenced by the Galactic Court and sentenced to life imprisonment on the prison planet.

But this undoubtedly angered the empire. Even Mephistopheles, who was far away in another universe, wanted Hongtu to submit an application, wanting reinforcements and completely taking that universe.

"Oh huh." Hong Tu could hear it. Juggler probably didn't resist, or couldn't resist, which was very interesting.

"Did you say anything over there?" Hong Tu put down the file in his hand. Since there dared to spend a lot of time to ambush and capture Juggler, and treat him as a war criminal, I want to have something to ask for.

"Yes, the Galactic Association requires the Empire to withdraw from that universe as a condition of exchanging His Highness."

"They are very confident." Hong Tu was surprised by the bold behavior of these guys and sneered at their desperation. "It seems that Juggler is doing very well."

If it hadn't been for Juggler to show color and firmly suppress the battle, these guys would not take the risk and come up with this kind of damage.

Maybe it's because he has been at peace for too long, and those guys think his foul name is false?

"Yes, His Royal Highness Juggler has a firm grasp of the battle, and it will not take long to end the war." Mephistopheles' tone was a little excited, but when he thought of Juggler being captured, he immediately became gloomy again. .

"Oh?" Hong Tu squinted his eyes for a moment and asked suddenly, "What's in the prison planet?"

Mephistopheles was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "It's the prison planetary belt that holds all the heavyweight criminals in that universe. They are all notorious guys."

Seeing Hongtu interested, Mephistopheles thought about it carefully and remembered one thing.

"I remember that in Prison Planet 484, there was a dangerous criminal who was called'capable of threatening the universe.'"

Although there are many threats to the universe, very few can be imprisoned.

Mephistopheles and the others had also imagined whether they could stop a prison and see what kind of guy the so-called dangerous criminal was. It would be the best to be able to recruit into the empire.

But this is also an idea, and it hasn't had time to try.

"Oh? A dangerous criminal threatening the universe?" Hong Tu was in interest.

He stood up: "Then let's go and see this prison planet."

He glanced at the light curtain in front of him, as well as some documents, and nodded: "I will leave the rest to you. Notify Mana and prepare to leave with me."

Mephistopheles responded respectfully: "Yes, king."

Soon, the ruler of the empire, Naig, went to another universe, and the news that he was suspected of picking up the "His Royal Highness" of the empire spread throughout the universe.

Many people in the universe who knew about Naig's past achievements chose to watch the show, and those who didn't know also looked forward to the extent to which the ruler of the empire could achieve it.

However, people who think this way are basically dark stars, and people in the light universe are full of worries.

This dark ruler is really too powerful, and this time out seems to be to eliminate the enemy, and I don't know how many people in the universe will suffer.

In another universe, Juggler's whole body was tied tightly with a blue band of high-concentration energy, and he was imprisoned in a capsule warehouse and taken to the prison planet.

He did not resist at all, even even if the weapon was confiscated, the dark circle was taken away with the card box, the power was sealed, and he could not move, he still did not show any embarrassment or anger, as if he was captured voluntarily.

The guards who escorted him stuck to Juggler's expression wishing to be far away from him, but still glanced at Juggler's capsule from time to time, and it was not difficult to imagine that there was fear or hatred in it.

"It really is an evil cosmic man," a guard said angrily. "It turns out to be the owner of the dark circle, it really is an evil guy!"

"What a good thing can be a guy who can cause that kind of war." Another guard agreed.

They were all wearing armors, they couldn't see their real faces, so they concealed their expressions, and they seemed a lot unscrupulous when they spoke.

Juggler also didn't care about their slander. He didn't know how many times he had heard such slander on the battlefield. He still wouldn't be irritated by such words and express his emotions.

These guys can only talk like this anyway.

Regardless of how tightly he is now, these guys dare not even interrogate him, and they just want to detain him to the deepest part of the prison, which is also the strongest place.

"It's almost on planet 484. See how long you can laugh." A guard pointed at Juggler through the capsule with a gun in his hand. "You will be locked up with the dangerous cosmic prisoner, and then she won't know. Kill without knowing it!"


Juggler did not expect that the most dangerous criminal was actually a woman.

That's right, Juggler came for the criminal.

He had heard of the reputation of the criminal who could "threat the universe" before, so he was curious.

I have to say that Juggler has been bored after experiencing the war. He was tired of seeing too many deaths and killings, so he wanted to end this meaningless stand as soon as possible. So he thought of the dangerous criminal.

I am a little curious, can the so-called threat to the universe be able to end this war?

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