Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1174: Star Alliance and Empire

The last person who was called "capable of threatening the universe" was Hongtu, and why is this imprisoned person called "capable of threatening the universe"?

Juggler ignored the unpleasant abuse and ridicule of the guards, slowly closed his eyes, and began to close his eyes to rest.

There is still a period of time before reaching the destination. He needs to recharge his energy, wait for the arrival of 484, and then make a big fuss to find the target person.

I just hope Hongtu will be late.

On the other side, Hong Tu and Mana were actually riding a spaceship and passing through a star gate.

Anyway, not many people know the appearance of Hongtu human beings, most of them are the image of demon, so he basically did not do any disguise, just changed into a humble brown cloak, covering most of his face, and then Dispelled his sense of existence, even if he sits casually, not many people can notice him.

Next to him is Mana. Mana also put on a dark gray cloak. That beautiful face was also hidden under the hood of the cloak, but even so, she was sitting upright, even the cloak couldn’t cover it. , If it is not covered by Hongtu, I am afraid that it will be indispensable for attention along the way.

Suddenly, Hong Tu's chest moved, and a small furry head emerged from under his cloak.

Well, Yitzhak is also there.

They are now in an illegally smuggled boat, but the fighting is tight now, and there are not many people who care about smuggling.

Naturally, the people on the ferry boat going to the battlefield are not good people. It can even be said that the boat is carrying all kinds of dangerous people.

Mercenaries, evil cosmic people, fraudsters, black-hearted merchants, or other guys walking on the brink of death.

And their destinations, without exception, are all to go to the battlefield where they are fighting.

The standard cosmic calendar of Kynmamun is 2412, the fifth century in which the interstellar war lasted.

It is impossible to say why this long interstellar war started, but this war has dragged half of the universe into this seemingly endless dispute.

Planets may collide, unite, merge, or colonize and be colonized. As time goes on, wars gradually heat up, and peace gradually becomes a distant name.

War has become the norm in this half of the universe, and the dark star people and the evil star people are no longer separated, and even the people of the light system are gradually changed by the flames of war.

And a century ago, the empire, which had always been under the banner of "peace", intervened strongly in the war, crushing most of the battle with thunder, and seemed to intend to end this endless war.

The intervention of the forces of the outer universe made the originally scattered forces choose to unite, intending to unify the outside world and take the lead in expelling the expansion of the empire.

After all, the empire is too strong, and only a union can resist aggression.

As a result, the interstellar alliance was born, representing the forces of this half of the universe formed an alliance, and included the empire as the only enemy.

But the war is still going on. Even if the people in the universe who have been fighting for centuries are united in a hurry, they rarely can really unite together. After all, they all have unforgettable blood feuds.

The new Star Covenant needs a piece of good news that can be used to suppress the situation to calm the various forces and truly unite.

So the Star Alliance focused on the supreme commander of the empire battlefield, the future heir of the empire-"Snake Heart" Jacques Jacques.

The news of Juggler’s successful capture was quickly spread throughout the Star Alliance. Of course, this did not mean the end of the war. On the contrary, it meant that the war between the Empire and the Star Alliance was about to start.

Because the ambush and the successful arrest of the commander are completely provocative, let alone the future heir of the empire, which is completely slapped in the face of the empire.

Therefore, more philanthropists rushed to the battlefield, intending to get a share of the war that is about to begin.

This is also the reason why Hongtu can blend in smoothly.

The years of war are always chaotic, and chaos is always best for fish in troubled waters.

He glanced at the spaceship hall full of dangdang, which was obviously overloaded, so this circular hall was full of cosmic people. He and Mana were sitting on the round seats in the center of the hall, and above their heads was a The ring-shaped light curtain, in which pictures composed of the Star Alliance and some high-sounding speeches are being played, and some planetary advertisements or advertisements for special entertainment are also loaded from time to time.

Hong Tu's gaze swept across these noisy cosmic crowds vaguely, holding Yitzhak in his hands for a while, feeling the chaotic atmosphere here.

However, noisy is noisy, but there is rarely a fight, because those who fight and make trouble will be thrown directly out of the spaceship, which is the rule of this spaceship.

After all, the people on this ship are dangerous, and there are many guys who like to make troubles or have deep hatred. Once they make trouble, small ones will cause riots, and big ones will directly cause spacecraft accidents. You know, not all people in the universe are Can fly long distances in the universe.

"...According to the latest news, the future heir of the empire, the war demon, and the'snake heart' Jacques Jacques Jacques has been captured by the Star Alliance and will be sent to a military court today for trial." The person is a female Pitt star. "This demon with blood in his hands has committed countless crimes. Among them, the'War of Heathrow' that the Star Alliance deplores the most was triggered under his command..."

The host's words drew Hong Tu's idea.

He raised his head slightly, looked at the news on the virtual screen, and listened with interest.

To be honest, he rarely knew what these hostile forces said about the empire.

After all, he is the ruler of the empire. He is in a high position in the empire. He is indeed a high position, but it is inevitable that there will be information blockade. Of course, this kind of information blockage refers to the evaluation of them by hostile forces.

After all, that kind of thing is obviously not a good thing, and those subordinates who do their best will naturally not let it pass to his ears.

So it sounds quite fresh at first glance.

In the virtual barrier, Juggler was constrained by energy belts and handcuffs all over his body, and was tragically pressed into a capsule by a group of people wearing armor and sent to a spaceship.

This news is not real-time at first glance. In the news that the empire received, Juggler had already been tried and sent to the prison planet.

It seems that Interstellar Alliance is also quite afraid of intercepting people in the empire, so it has delayed the release of the news.

But in fact, it's useless, and it can just turn to those cosmic people who don't know the situation.

Mana was also watching the news, a series of numbers appeared in her eyes, and then a little bit of intelligence was probably analyzed after the video clips.

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