"Snake Heart? It doesn't look so strong." Hong Tu heard a cosmic person saying, "That is the legendary heir to the empire? If I, I am afraid that I will directly become the ruler of the empire? Replace that called' Neg's guy?"

His voice was not small, which quickly attracted the attention of others.

People in the surrounding universe glanced at him unexplainably, and after finding that it was an unfamiliar face, they decisively moved away from him, as if he was some kind of virus.

So in the blink of an eye, a small open space appeared around this cosmic man.

The guy he had never seen before was not a well-known cosmic human race. He wanted to be an idiot who had just stepped into the universe and didn't know how powerful he was.

And this has always been the fastest one to die.

The cosmic man who found himself far away looked around blankly, even the laughter brewing from his mouth got stuck in his throat, and he didn't know what was going on.

After noticing the malicious mockery in the eyes of others, this cosmic person was a little annoyed: "What do you mean?"

But no one in the universe paid attention to him, there seemed to be scattered chuckles in the crowd, but hiding in the crowd, there was no way to find it.

This made this cosmic person more uncomfortable. He subconsciously wanted to catch a nearby cosmic person and vent his embarrassment, but he threw himself in the air. Instead, he stumbled directly on the outstretched foot and almost fell down. .

More sneers rang out, this time with some mocking chuckles.

In this way, the cosmic people stared bitterly around, got into the crowd, and escaped from the hall.

It wasn't until after the cosmic people disappeared that there was a sound of conversation.

"A fool dare to be so arrogant."

"Is it true that the title of the'Snake Heart' Demon is a false name?"

"Did you want to replace the darkness of the empire? Do you rely on your mouth?"

"Probably you can rely on your mouth, hahahaha."


All kinds of disdainful words appeared one after another, making the originally messy atmosphere a little warm.

Naturally, there will not be too many idiots who want to participate in the war, at least there will be no idiots who want to replace the ruler of the power, let alone the ruler of the empire. If the dark stars of the empire hear this statement, this guy and this Don't even think of a spacecraft passing through the star gate safely.

The dark stars of the empire...that are real lunatics, especially when it comes to their rulers, this group of lunatics' nature that is not afraid of death will be exposed.

A loyal and loyal ruler who can convince such a dark star is also not a messy guy.

An idiot who can't even see this, death is only a matter of time.

But this episode also successfully led the topic to the empire. Everyone whispered about Juggler's arrest and guessed what measures the empire would take.

Of course, there are also some extremists who are eager to try, wanting to try whether they can intercept Juggler, or rob the prison to sell the empire for favor.

This kind of excitement continued until the station.

"The spacecraft has arrived at the Deslet Planetary Airport, please disembark all passengers immediately." The electronic audio sounded coldly, although it was "please", but the tone was relentlessly driven.

Hong Tu stopped paying attention to the cosmic people in the spaceship, and after covering Yitzhak with a cloak, he took Mana off the spaceship.

Deslett planet is a relatively remote planet with a bad environment, but now it has become barren because of the war.

This is the edge of the battlefield, a semi-abandoned planet, and countless stowaways as a temporary resting place.

So here are all chaotic places such as interstellar bars, casinos, battlefields, underground black markets, and even the airport itself is more like a bar than a docking point for a spacecraft.

Inferior colored lights form the word "Airport" on the top of the building perfunctorily, but below it is a dilapidated, unknown wooden door. The door is not big, it looks a little old, and it looks like it will break at any time.

Hong Tu opened the door, and the ancient cosmic Internet pop songs immediately filled her ears, accompanied by loud noises.

Several cosmic people are gathered around the gaming table, shaking the weightless dice, talking about the big and small.

There are also some cosmic people sitting somewhere in the bar, drinking and enjoying a short moment.

Under the colored lights, the dancers of the female Salome are dancing on the stage, and the Black Stars are wiping the cups as the bartender behind the bar.

Everywhere here is filled with an aura of injustice, which is obviously not a good place.

The arrival of Hong Tu and Mana did not attract many people's attention. There are often faces here, some only appear once, and some choose to stay here.

"What do you want?" The Black Star raised his hand very perfunctorily, indicating that Hong Tu can place an order.

"Black Star Coffee, a cup." Hong Tu sat in front of the bar, and Mana stood behind him, quietly like a background board.

"Black Star Limited." The bartender didn't plan to serve him coffee. Black Star Coffee is very rare.

"A cup of Black Star." Hong Tu smiled, as if he didn't hear the voice of the bartender.

The bartender raised his head and glanced at him. The upper half of Hong Tu's face was hidden in the darkness, but the exposed chin looked harmless.

It is not advisable to judge people by their appearance, but there are times when faces are extremely important.

However, when Hongtu shot a credit card, the bartender still made him a cup of coffee.

"The taste is as good as ever." Hong Tu didn't take off his hood, took a sip from the coffee cup, and gave a pertinent evaluation, "It's a Black Star."

Black Star is also the best drink brewed by Black Stars.

"It's rare to see the dark stars of the empire here." The Black Stars couldn't help but glanced at Hong Tu, and then withdrew his gaze restrained.

"Oh?" Hong Tu became interested. "Where do you see that I am a member of the Empire?"

Blake continued to wipe the cup, seeing that the people around the universe hadn't noticed this, he raised his eyes to Hong Tu: "Aura."

"Huh?" Hong Tu narrowed his eyes. "I thought I was hiding well."

As far as hiding is concerned, he is still very confident. When he wants to hide, unless he touches directly, even the light cannot detect his breath.

"It's not a power fluctuation." The Black Star shook his head, but didn't say any more.

Hong Tu tilted his head slightly to look at him for a long time, then retracted his gaze, lowered his head and started drinking coffee: "Speaking half way, it's easy to be beaten."

"But to clarify, it is easy to lose your life." The Blackstar was unmoved.

"But you can easily lose your life if you don't understand it." Hong Tu snorted.

"But this adult wants to be a minor offense than me."

He didn't touch the credit card from start to finish.

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