Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1179: Juggler's prison escape is in progress

What kind of existence is it that can still leak out such a powerful force under the heavy constraints, causing the surrounding space to appear distorted?

Juggler lowered his eyes and drew away the interest in his eyes.

He found it.

Juggler was retreated into a door next to these two doors.

The jailers pushed him off the cart, but didn't mean to untie the energy band for him, and threw Juggler to the ground and left.

From beginning to end, they didn't have any expressions or said anything, just like cold robots, just to complete instructions.

As the metal door slowly closed, the single cell completely lost the light source, plunged into darkness, and isolated all information from the outside world.

"Really, this hospitality is too unconcerned." Juggler stayed **** and lay on the icy ground. He turned his head, and after confirming that there was nothing around him, he couldn't help but vomit. , "This environment is really unpleasant. At any rate, install a thermostat."

But vomiting, he still has business to do.

Juggler closed his eyes and waited for a while. He opened his eyes when it was about time. A gleam of gray and green appeared in his eyes. Vaguely, the demon's face covered that handsome face, but It disappeared in an instant.


A monster card appeared out of thin air and appeared above him.

The pale mist began to spread from around the card, and the restraint device on Juggler flashed, then the light went out, losing its effect.

Juggler struck lightly, and the useless restraint belt fell from him. He pulled off his restraint clothes, sat up, and pinched the card in the air with one hand, and the corner of his mouth raised: "Good job. "

A lowly beast roar sounded from the card, and the thick fog continued to fill, quickly spreading to the entire room.

Juggler had already walked to the door under the guidance of Sadraka, pressed one hand on the door, pushed and swiped to the side, and easily opened the closed cell door.

The pale fog leaked from the open door and filled the corridor.

The extremely heavy alloy door closest to Juggler's cell was the first to be affected.

As the electronic sizzling sounded, Juggler turned his eyes and saw that the three electronic locks in the row of locks at the bottom of the metal door began to light up with blue arcs. When the arcs disappeared, this The three-way electronic lock also lost its function.

But the rest are locks that require a key to open.

Holding the monster card in one hand, Juggler glanced at the fog that was about to spread to the door of other cells. After thinking about it, he flicked the card in his hand and inserted it firmly into the metal wall.

Allowing the fog to spread to the entire prison, Juggler stepped on the fog, followed the induction of the dark circle, and walked towards the place where he placed his weapon.

Anyway, it's going to be a trouble, so let's make a big trouble.

The abnormal situation at the bottom of the prison quickly triggered an alarm. Although the alarm was only fleeting, it still attracted the attention of the jailers.

The prison director’s office was originally equipped with the entire prison’s surveillance system, so when the alarm first sounded, he had already called out the surveillance.

Two of the lowest-level monitors have been damaged. In the two closest monitors, Juggler looked up with feeling. The corners of his mouth slanted upward, and his **** were put together at the corner of his forehead one by one. , Greeted with a mocking meaning, then raised his hand and compared it to the gesture of a gun, with a "bang" foe sound in his mouth, and the monitoring also fell into a snow in an instant.

Ying leaned against the soft back of the chair and didn't move, but his orange-red eyes were already narrowed: "Heh, I really can't wait."

He originally thought that His Royal Highness the prince would be more patient. Unexpectedly, I couldn't wait to make trouble when I first arrived.

But this is also good news. As long as the other party takes the initiative to make trouble, he has the confidence to make this guy regret it.

This is Prison Planet 484, which is known as the most terrifying prison. None of the people who come to this prison can get out completely.

"Squads one to three went to the deepest level immediately. Prisoner 144 has escaped from the cage." Ying pressed the button beside him, "Grab him and teach him a lesson."

Following his order, the prison moved.

The isolation doors were lowered, trying to trap Juggler in one place.

Juggler stepped up to the falling metal door: "Neojeton."

A monster card appeared in front of him, Juggler raised his hand to grab it, and the grayish-green light gleamed slightly in his eyes.

The heavy alloy door fell heavily, isolating the diffuse fog, but the people who should have existed inside had disappeared.

Kage saw that he fell into the surveillance of Snowflake in front of him, squinted his eyes, and notified the jailer again: "144 still has space ability, it is temporarily confirmed as the power of the monster card."

He paused, his eyes suddenly turned to a door in his office.

Although he is a bloodthirsty guy who likes torturing prisoners for fun, he is also a very enjoyable person.

Therefore, everything in his office is exquisite, and the furnishings are carefully selected by him and placed one by one.

This is his territory, his territory, and the most inviolable territory of this prison.

But at this moment, he keenly sensed that his most private forbidden area seemed to have broken into some uninvited guests.

He is like an enraged lion, his eyes are full of anger and coldness, and there is also a hint of guard.

In his sight, the closed door was slowly opened from inside, and a figure came out leisurely.

It's Juggler.

He held the long knife that should have been confiscated in one hand, and casually carried the handle of the dark circle in the other. He glanced casually at this luxurious office, and finally settled on Ying's body.

"Good afternoon." He put the knife on his shoulder and raised his other hand slightly to light up the white prison uniform on his body. "Can you tell me where my clothes go? Your prison uniform is a little bit better. I don’t feel comfortable. I know a good textile company, maybe you can visit that one."

Ying squinted her eyes.

The cubicle in his office is not a rest room, but a showroom. It is filled with valuables confiscated from criminals, weapons, dangerous goods, or other treasures, all of which are regarded as collections by him.

Juggler's long knife and dark circle are of course rare treasures.

But he didn't expect Juggler to hide other cards, teleported directly to the showroom, and retrieved his own things.

There was a grin at the corner of his mouth. Really... As expected to be the prince of the empire, it is indeed trickier than the average prisoner.

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