"It's ugly to laugh." Juggler rolled his face, as if he couldn't bear to look straight.

This was a blatant provocation at all, but Ying smiled more openly. He got up and walked out from behind the desk, already holding two guns that didn't know when they appeared in his hands.

"I heard that His Royal Highness can not only control monsters, but also has a beautiful sword." He stood not far from Juggler, "It seems that I have the honor to see it."

"You won't be disappointed." Juggler snorted, put the dark circle away, and pointed the tip of the knife at the warden on the opposite side.

Chaos has appeared at the bottom of this prison.

There are not many prisoners held at the bottom, but they are all very dangerous.

Even if the prison authorities quickly took measures to lower the heavy isolation door, the fog was prevented from spreading.

But there were still three cell doors slowly opened from inside, and three dangerous interstellar prisoners walked out of the cell.

"It's really a long-lost... the breath of freedom." A Zarab star came out first. "I think about it, it's about three hundred years."

He can be regarded as one of the cosmic people who have been kept here for the longest time. You know, this prison has only a history of more than 300 years.

"Oh? Is this freedom?" Another cosmic person stepped out of the thick fog. This is a Muzhen star person, and also a famous evil cosmic person.

The last one who stepped out of the cell was a Cheble Star. Although he looked thinner than the other Cheble Stars and swayed when he walked, this one was also a vicious evil star.

"Oh!" He let out a weak exclamation, "God, what a fog, is there any kind person willing to take a poor Cheble with him? I promise you will be very obedient."

Zarab and Muzhen, who were about to say hello to the "similar" on the opposite side, unanimously turned their attention to the Chebul.

"Unexpectedly, there will be a Chebleman."

"Does this kind of weak chicken die directly in the cell?"

"Oh, of course, very lucky, isn't it?" The Cheblen didn't mind the sarcasm of these two evil stars. He tilted his oversized head, and the two round **** turned around." I’ve always had good luck, and look, I’m now one of the members who will escape."

"Chibull star, relying on your weaker body?" Mu Zhen stared with disdain.

"Oh, okay, it's really hard." The Chebleman leaned against the wall, freed a tentacle, and put it on his head in a sad manner. "But I said, I was lucky."

His eyes turned to the planet Mu Zhen and the planet Zarab: "Yes, both of you."

"Huh? You don't think we will bring your oil bottle." Mu Zhenxing laughed. "A guy who can't even count as cannon fodder wants to follow us out? It looks like he's been locked up for a fool. Woolen cloth."

But as he was speaking, his tone suddenly stopped, and he turned to look at the Zarab star on the side.

It seems that Zarab hasn't responded to him for a long time?

"Really, I have always hated the mindless guys, but I have to admit that sometimes they are needed." The Cheble star tilted his head, and his round eyes turned to the stiff star Muzhen." Am I right?"

"Spiritual hypnosis?" The Mu Zhen Xingren took a step back, trying to let himself into the thick fog.

But it was too late. I don’t know when the Zarab star had already embraced him from behind. The long-term imprisonment made these cosmic people extremely weak, so the Muzhen star could not break free from the Zarab star. Do your best to restrain.

The Chebull star walked slowly to him, and his huge head approached the Mu Zhen star: "Then, thank you for your help."

The last consciousness of the Mu Zhen Xingren was the two bulging eyes that looked terrifying, and the cheerful voice in his ears.


Whose friend will use mental hypnosis to force control! !

But Mu Zhen's cries can no longer be heard, and in just a few breaths, he has also become a puppet controlled by the Chebull.

"Although it's a little weak, it's better to control it." The Chebulls climbed up to the grief of the Zarabs and directed them to start searching in the enclosed corridor.

"Oh, what kind of cuteness is in this door?" The Cheble star looked at the twisted alloy door with a small exclamation, and decisively directed the two puppets away from here. This kind of guy who is mentally dangerous at first glance shouldn't be released easily.

So stepping back, he found another door that was open.

"It looks like this is our savior." The Chebble Stars quickly deduced that this was the cell where their "goodhearted" was released, "Oh, let me find it."

He directed the Mu Zhen star to look carefully along the wall here, and finally found a monster card with a corner inserted on the wall: "Oh, it really is Sadla, a very good boy."

With that, he stretched out a tentacle and tried to touch the card.

Sudder card suddenly let out a roar of Sadr, dark red electric light appeared from the surface of the card, and bounced his outstretched tentacles.

"Oh, okay, okay." The Chebleman was not surprised, he looked at the tips of his scorched tentacles, "It's really dangerous."

"There is no way, we have to find a way to escape." The Chebull star looked at the Zarab star who was carrying him, "Do you have any way?"

But the controlled puppets naturally couldn’t give any response, and the Chebulls didn’t expect them to say anything. He just asked habitually, then tilted his head and said to himself: “Of course, this will be a good idea."

He rolled his eyes, and at the other end of the corridor that was closed, the heavy alloy door had slowly opened. Three teams, nine cosmic people, slid in from the gap of the door that was too high. And quickly rolled on the ground to stabilize his body, the muzzle in his hand had been aimed at the corridor, but their sight was covered by the fog, and they couldn't see who was inside.

But they knew who escaped.

"Prisoners 014, 079, 103, quickly return to your cell!"

"Oh, who of you is 014 and who is 079?" The Chebleman looked at his two newly acquired puppets with interest, "Ah, it doesn't seem to be important anymore. After we go out, we don't seem to need these. It’s an annoying code name, right."

His tone changed suddenly, becoming dangerous and cold: "Go on, my friend."

The Mu Zhen star rushed up, broke through the fog, and rushed towards the jailers.

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