Juggler turned and drove the long knife up.

Ying quickly withdrew, letting the tip of the knife pass the tip of his nose, and at the same time the two guns in his hand were raised and lowered, and they fired at the same time.

Juggler stepped on his feet, and the whole person was spinning horizontally in the air, the long knife in his hand whistled with cold light, and he swung out a blade of energy light.

Ying bowed back, avoiding this energy blade, and turned back at the same time, raising his hand for a few shots when he stabilized his body.

Juggler's long knife stabbed on the ground, the blade was slightly bent, and quickly straightened, and shot him up, letting him avoid these laser bullets.

He landed lightly and distanced himself from the warden on the opposite side.

After a short trial, neither of the two sides could help anyone else.

So, the next step is the real battle.

Juggler shook his blade, and his figure instantly turned into a terrifying demon.

He lowered his body, turned his left torso, with a long knife leaning behind his left shoulder, glanced at his head slightly, and assumed a familiar combat starting position.

Opposite him, the shadow also changed.

The warden, who looks similar to humans, has sharp red horns on both sides of his forehead, another eye grows between his forehead, red lines extending from the corner of the eye to the cheek, and sharp fangs on the corner of his mouth. , Looks quite vicious.

"Oh?" Juggler tilted his head unexpectedly, "It's a ghost."

The ghosts, to be precise, should be called the Guststars. They are a group of homeless wandering races. These guys are fierce by nature and like to kill, so they have caused the genocide.

They like to torture their opponents in an extreme way, making this group of guys disgusting like evil spirits, but they are not ashamed of this, and even proud of it, they simply call themselves "ghosts."

It is said that their biggest feature is the sharp horns on the head and three eyes.

The corner of Shadow's mouth was hooked, and he directly attacked Juggler.

The special ability of the ghost race is to ignore the injury. They feel special pain. The fatal injury to other races is not painful to the ghost race at all. It is said that even if the head is cut off, they can continue to survive. Before they fall, they will use the enemy's blood and wailing as nourishment to strengthen themselves bit by bit until they kill the enemy.

"Trouble." Juggler said in a distressed tone, but the knife in his hand did not hesitate at all and slashed directly at the rushing shadow.

Shadow lifted the spear against the cutting blade, sparks splashed at the place where the blade collided with the gun body, Juggler lifted his foot and kicked, kicking the other spear that came down directly, and the long blade went up. As the legs fell to the ground, they began to shift, and the gun body also deflected.

With this offensive, Juggler twisted his waist and went around behind the shadow. Their backs were against each other, and the two of them also bent their arms in unison, and bumped their elbows back.

The two hit each other's waist at the same time, and staggered a step at the same time, but quickly stabilized his body, Juggler turned and kicked his leg backwards, while the shadow shot more simply and sharply.

But this hasty attack hit no one.

The bullet flew away from the side of Juggler's neck, and Juggler's kicked leg was also empty, only to pass the waist of Shadow.

The two each stepped back a few steps, and moved a distance again.

After a fight, they are still evenly matched.

"You, that's good." Ying showed a bloodthirsty smile. At this time, he didn't use the nickname "His Royal Highness" anymore, obviously he valued Juggler.

Juggler stood up straight, and put the long sword on his shoulders with some annoyance: "Ah, I'm a bit in a hurry."

"Well, what a coincidence, me too." Ying also echoed.

The two looked at each other and once again put on a fighting start position.

Juggler didn't want to entangle him here for too long, and Ying was also a little worried about the situation at the bottom, those criminals...I don't know how many ran out.

So... decide the outcome as soon as possible.

Ying's eyes lit up with orange-red light, and he rushed to Juggler first, and this time he rushed straight up, not caring about avoiding it.

Juggler was aware of his intentions, but didn't intend to avoid it. He raised his long sword and slashed a dark purple energy blade diagonally from the bottom up.

The shadow did not evade, letting the blade fall on him, and a blood stain dropped from his waist to the shoulder, but he also caught the moment Juggler turned his knife back.

The muzzle was raised, and six laser shells were fired in the blink of an eye, blocking all Juggler's retreat, and the middle one aimed directly at Juggler's chest.

Juggler had only time to lift the knife and knocked out four of them, while the remaining two hit his shoulder with one shot and his chest with one shot.

Ying stopped, and slowly lowered the muzzle. The black blood dripping from the wound on his chest fell to the ground along his clothes, but he didn't seem to have any effect at all.

There was even a big smile from the corner of his mouth, which seemed extremely happy.

But suddenly, Juggler moved.

He took a step forward, the light of the knife flashed, and the shadow's naturally falling left arm flew out with black blood, leaving a trace of blood in the air, smashing it to the position behind the shadow.

Ying blinked, only then did he hesitate to realize that he had lost his left arm.

But his first reaction was not to cover the wound, but to directly raise the gun in his right hand, point it at Juggler, and prepare to shoot.

A monster card suddenly appeared, before blocking his muzzle, swallowing all the laser shells he fired.

Ying fixed a look: "Bemunstein."

A small whirlpool on Bemunstein's card flashed away. Obviously, his fatal attack just now was directly absorbed by Bemunstein's card.

Juggler squeezed the card floating in the air in one hand and looked at the shadow: "I said, I'm in a hurry."

Shadow narrowed his eyes and moved his gaze from Bemunstein's card to Juggler's face.

Juggler had already lifted the form of a demon, and turned back into that handsome young man.

This time, Ying Leng snorted, but gave way.

"Thank you." Juggler used a card to move one point at the corner of his forehead, and calmly walked past the shadow and walked to the door.

But when he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped, and turned his head to look at Ying: "By the way, I think I need a key."

Ying didn't look at him again, and threw out a key, walked to his broken arm, and picked it up.

Juggler caught the key and turned out of the warden's office.

But not long after he walked, his footsteps paused for a moment, and the right hand holding the knife shed a blood stain from the cuff, and the bright red blood fell to the ground, leaving traces in the corridor along the route he walked.

He was shot just now.

Bemunstein only helped him absorb the laser bullet that hit his chest, but he couldn't prevent the attack on his right shoulder.

But the problem is not big, it will not affect the battle.

"Don't let me down." He was injured, so the "His Royal Highness" who is about to be "saved" should be more useful.

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