Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1185: While the jailbreak is in progress

As the spacecraft slowly landed on the edge of the huge ring, a door was opened on the ring, and a passage extended from it to connect the spacecraft.

Five humanoid cosmos, wearing silver uniforms with golden skin, walked out of it and knocked on the door of the spacecraft.

The door of the spacecraft opened, and the captain of the spacecraft stood at the door, nodded slightly to say hello to the cosmic man in the lead, and let go of the cabin.

Because the goods are being transported, they need to be inspected by the court first.

The staff of the five courts entered the spacecraft, but after watching the five cosmonauts inside, the captain of the spacecraft took a vague look at the deepest part of the spacecraft.

This is the lounge where Hong Tu was before.

I don't know how the "noble guest" will leave.

Juggler's uproar was soon notified to the military court.

Although Ying was reluctant, he had to make some compromises if he wanted to continue sitting on the unknown, such as telling the other side in time as soon as there was a situation.

And then, he finally went to the bottom.

The group of jailers should be able to stop Juggler for a while, so he should go and solve the Zarab star in the ground first.

Of course, this prison has a space transfer device. It was in a small compartment next to the warden's office. Juggler didn't care, so he didn't look for it.

But now, the shadow needs to rely on this to reach the bottom earlier than Juggler to solve the chaos of escape.

"Although it's a little troublesome, but it's been a long time to make the ghost excited." A bloodthirsty smile slowly conjured up at the corner of his mouth. "It's been a long time since I was so active."

Holding the double guns in his hands, he walked out of the office and wandered into a cubicle on the side.

As he stepped in, blue virtual subtitles appeared, and layers of identification were passed. When he walked to the center of the room, the surrounding walls were completely flooded with blue light.

He waved his hand to call out a virtual screen and clicked on it. As the surrounding space was slightly distorted, the sense of weightlessness spread and calmed down. When the surrounding blue light faded, the room returned to silence and the door opened, he was already Come to the bottom.

The thick white mist spread in from the crack of the door, and Ying stepped out of the door and broke into the thick fog.

The Chebles have been waiting for a long time,

Juggler walked easily in the corridor, walking down layer by layer, but he was impatient. He guessed that the situation at the bottom would continue for a while, and he was not really interested in the chaos.

So he didn't have to go in a hurry, but occasionally solved the jailer squad that was blocking the way.

The separation wall on the floor was easily traversed by him using the space power of the Jetton monster, and the weapons erected in the corridor were also blocked by various protective shields, allowing him to pass through unimpeded all the way.

"The power of these monsters is indeed very useful." He held the sword in his hand, "No wonder the market for monsters is so good."

Recently, there have been more and more monster sellers, and even after the Empire launched monster fighting games, there have been more and more customized monsters.

Juggler didn't care about it before, but now he truly understands the usefulness of this power.

The power of a monster is indeed single, but when multiple powers come together, he really feels the usefulness of these powers.

The hexagonal barrier appeared suddenly, and after a few light bullets bounced off, Juggler turned his head and saw the jet opening from the corner of the ceiling.

A small part of the weapons in this prison were set up in a very hidden place. Because of the energy barrier, he was somewhat careless, so he could not find the muzzle for a while.

He slashed it casually, and the dark purple ability blade flew out, slicing the weapon directly.

"It's kind of taken lightly." He checked his surroundings, and after confirming that there were no other weapons, he lowered the long knife in his hand, "Power, it's really intoxicating."

He indulged in accidentally and relaxed his vigilance.

It's so easy.

Even though he thought this way, Juggler didn't even think about not relying on the power of the monster card. Just kidding, he still had to use it instead. If he had the power, wouldn't it be wasteful?

At the bottom level, Ying immediately solved a controlled jailer.

The dense fog is so dense that nothing can be seen from one meter away, and the sound is seriously affected, and almost no sound from three meters away can be heard.

But this had little effect on Ying. As long as he was close to five meters, he could perceive the enemy's position keenly. Although he couldn't see his face, the bottom layer was all enemies except him, so there would be no accidental injuries.

So whenever he noticed a little movement, he relentlessly dropped his hand, so he simply solved a puppet neatly.

The control of a puppet disappeared, and the Chebull was naturally aware of it.

He rolled his big eyes: "Oh, the warden has come down himself. It's terrible. I also noticed my friend through this thick fog."

But this also exposed the position of the warden. The puppets that were originally scattered began to gather. Their weapons were those of the jailers, and they didn’t need to fight in close combat, they just needed to get closer, and then Shoot a wide range of shots, try to get rid of the warden.

"Really, that guest hasn't come back until now." The Chebble star complained in a low voice, "It seems that there is no hope for such a cooperation."

But he just complained, and he already knew something, didn't he?

The Chebleman leaned against the wall and moved slowly, aiming at the place where the puppet fell.

Suddenly, another puppet disappeared from his mental power, and it was obvious that he had lost another "friend".

"Oh, it moved, it's great." He gradually quickened his pace.

As the puppets fell, he finally arrived at his destination—a small compartment equipped with a space transfer device.

"It was disguised as a cell, who could have thought of it." The Chebull star had to admit that he hadn't thought of it, or it would be difficult for him to find this device from so many cells.

But now, with the arrival of the warden, he found it smoothly, didn't he?

Space transfer devices are often equipped with strong anti-interference devices, so they can stay longer under dense fog.

The Cheble star fumbled on the door, found the switch, and opened the door smoothly.

The only rare thing is the identification device inside.

The virtual subtitles were blocked in front of him. This seemingly harmless subtitle was actually a defensive device, rashly touching the powerful current attached to the subtitle would penetrate the body, and the "feel and weak" Chebull star could not support this current.

But it doesn't matter.

"We have always been known for our wisdom, so this protection is too small for me." He lifted a tentacle and pressed it against the corner of the door, where the caption and the door intersect.

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