The light blue mental power followed the tentacles of the Chebull star and pressed between the protective caption and the door, and successfully blended in the light of the light blue virtual caption.

It took a lot of effort for his mental power to invade the system, and quickly tampered with the program.

As a leader among the Chebble Stars, his hacking skills are not convincing.

And those puppets and this mist also bought him a lot of time.

This made the Cheble star feel very good, he could not help even humming an old pop tune.

I don't know what the outer universe has become. He has been detained for a long time, enough for him to fall behind.

This is not enough. As a wise man at the forefront of the times, he needs to keep up with the development of the universe. I just hope that his subordinates are still there, and the guy who made him fall here...he won't let it go.

Finally, with the soft sound of a drop, the subtitle barriers blocking him opened one after another, and layers of identity checks were passed, and he smoothly opened this space transfer room.

Ying also noticed something was wrong. After killing the puppet but hadn't seen the Chebleman for a long time, he quickly realized the other party's original purpose.

He quickly turned his head and ran along the wall.

Sadra's fog actually affects the direction perception of creatures, but this interference does not seem to have any effect on the shadows.

He ran quickly, and an afterimage of Hua Chu appeared in front of the Cheble Star in the blink of an eye.

But it was still too late.

The door and the beginning of closing, the Chebull star even arrogantly waved his tentacles after noticing him: "See you, your warden."

Ying quickly raised his hand with a shot, but the laser bomb only hit the closed door and was directly bounced open. He tilted his head slightly, and the laser grater hit the wall behind him with his cheek.

In the thick white fog, the ghost's eyes gradually overflowed with scattered orange-red light. He stared at the closed door without any expression on his face. He raised his gun at will, and a laser shot was shot into the thick fog. At this point, he unbiasedly hit the monster card inserted on the wall.

The monster card was shot down immediately and fell to the ground, but the monster card finally stopped spreading fog.

As the source of the fog was resolved, the thick fog that filled the corridor dissipated, and the electronic equipment affected by the fog restarted, and the lights illuminated the long corridor again.

He glanced blankly at the corpses of the cosmic people lying there over and over, turned around and walked towards the wall without mercy.

This separation wall can only be arranged by the control room, and the electronic system here has been restored. After the monitoring, the jailer noticed the existence of the shadow and hurriedly opened the separation wall for him.

"Preparing to issue a wanted order." Ying said as he walked, "The Chebleman wanted."

He didn't need an answer from the jailer after the surveillance, he speeded up his pace, turned into an afterimage, and rushed to the upper level.

Juggler appeared at the bottom again, he felt the disappearance of the fog, so he directly used his spatial ability to see the situation of Sadra.

He leaned over and picked up the monster card, raised it up to look at the light for a while, and smiled: "Thank you."

Sadla responded with a low voice, returning to silence.

Juggler collected the cards and looked at the last door.

The crisp sound of his footsteps echoed in the silent corridor, very conspicuous.

Suddenly, he stopped in his footsteps and stopped in front of a cell.

There was obviously a small sound inside the door. It was very small and disappeared quickly. Juggler even heard a small exclamation from someone who was too scared or nervous.

There are still people in this cell, and they hide in it and dare not come out...

Without warning, he raised his foot and kicked on the door that was already open. The universe inside was so scared that he let out a panic exclaim, but quickly consciously covered it, praying deceived that he did not be found.

"Come out." Juggler said nonchalantly, "Or, I'll go in?"

The cosmic man inside hesitated for a moment, but he walked out on his own. He timidly put a hand on the crack of the door and carefully poke out an eye.

No, he actually only has one eye.

"Jerton star?" Juggler raised an eyebrow.

The Jetton star was taken aback and hid in the room again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't kill me!"

Juggler: "?"

what's the situation?

He retracted his foot on the door, turned a hook, and opened the door.

This weird Jetton star was squatting in the corner of the cell, holding his head in his hands, shaking with his hands.

It doesn't look like it's pretending...

A... the cowardly Jetton?

Juggler's eyes changed. How was this timid guy locked in this bottom layer?

"Hey, get up." He lifted his foot and kicked the Jetton star.

This "weak" Earth Jerton star suddenly lay on the ground, shaking more violently.

There was obvious confusion in Juggler's eyes.

What is the situation with this Jetton star?

He simply drew a long knife and inserted one by the neck of the Jetton star, causing the Jetton star to almost jump from the ground in fright.

In the end, the Jetton star could only curl up into a ball, shivering like a good housewife being oppressed, and Juggler was that bully...

Juggler: "..."

But who Juggler is, he can only be confused, so he lowered his head slightly, and his tone was full of malicious interest: "Why are you locked here?"

The Jetton star replied tremblingly: "Because of, because of, because of, Jie, Jie, Jie, Monster..."

"Oh?" Juggler became more interested. He put away the knife, motioned to the Jetton star, turned and walked outside the cell.

The Jetton star obviously understood what he meant and shrank, but still followed him honestly.

Although this pace is comparable to turtle speed.

But Juggler didn't care either, he had gone straight to the door of the corridor and took out a key.

He fiddled with the key, and the gear of the key changed slightly, and he raised his hand to place it on the first lock.

The closed lock is then opened.

Then came the second and third.

As the last three locks were opened, the photon restraint device was released, and the twisted heavy alloy door slowly opened along with the air pressure inside the capsule door in the compartment. It is called the most dangerous existence in this galaxy. Finally appeared in front of Juggler's eyes.

This is a slender girl who is fixed on an inclined metal plate bed. She has a strap made of liquid metal bound to her body, and her head is covered by a special mask made of alloy. There are three different sizes on her head. The alloy ring, if Juggler had not admitted wrong, it was a mental power limiting device.

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