With three mental power limiting instruments of different sizes and triple restraints, the leaked energy can still distort the surrounding space.

This is indeed dangerous, or quite dangerous.

The Jerton Stars were hiding far away, afraid of Juggler's threat, but they were afraid of this bound girl, so they didn't dare to come close, so they could only watch from a distance like this. Even after Juggler approached the girl, he shrank subconsciously, trying to hide himself behind the door frame.

But he even forgot what to open the door, naturally hiding it to no avail.

Juggler didn't care either. He drew out the long knife and slashed it off. The iron mask was cut off immediately, revealing the girl inside.

This was a fair-skinned girl with platinum hair. As the iron mask was cut off, she slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes are like a sea of ​​stars, and the blue is mixed with light purple streamer, magnificent and incredible, with a certain innocence and stubbornness of innocence.

After seeing Juggler, these ignorant eyes gradually showed surprise expressions.

"Are you here to save my prince?" the girl asked cheerfully in a crisp voice. If it weren't for her body still bound, Juggler felt for a moment whether she would pounce on it directly.

But the girl's words made him dazed for a moment.

Juggler: "Huh?"

Juggler felt that he had made a mistake for a moment, and for a moment he wondered if he should turn his head and leave.

But he still remembered the purpose of his trip, and didn't intend to return without success, so after only a moment of shaking, he raised the long knife again and completely cut off the device that bound the girl.

After landing, the girl staggered, but she still rushed to Juggler firmly, seeing that the posture was intended to hang on Juggler.

Juggler subconsciously turned sideways, letting the girl rush to the air, and watched the girl pounce on the ground with her face on the ground, without any thoughts of pitying Xiangyu Yu.

The girl pouted unhappily and got up from the ground, glanced at Juggler, and suddenly jumped up again without warning, seemingly not discouraged and planning to try again.

But who was Juggler, how could it be easily pounced, he stepped back lightly and avoided the girl again.

The girl landed again with her face on the ground, and she felt painful when she heard the voice.

But this time, the girl really didn't have the strength to get up.

She had been restrained for too long, and her physical strength was limited. The two bursts of strength were bursts of strength. Now that she has exhausted her strength, she can barely support her body and sit on the ground, with a pitiful look that I see. .

But this girl’s appearance is not a pure girl’s style, but an evil girl’s appearance that makes people feel that she is not a good person at a glance, so her pitiful look does not attract any sympathy at all, on the contrary. Juggler stepped back a little disgustingly.

"Prince-sama~" She reached out her hand in anticipation, trying to pull the corner of Juggler's clothes.

Juggler's gaze fell on her eagerly moving hand, and for abruptly saw the girl withdraw her hand in a daunting manner.


"My prince, my name is Bilanchi!"

"Prince... Your lord?"

"Yes, I know, one day, Lord Prince will find me and exchange a hot kiss with me under the stars!" Bilanche said, closing his eyes and pouting his mouth, as if waiting for a kiss. .

Juggler: "..."

Juggler didn't want to kiss her at all, and even stepped back in disgust.

This girl...I'm afraid it's not being locked up for a fool.

Although it was only a short minute, Juggler was already certain that this was a girl who was completely immersed in her own world, looking forward to the fairy tales of princes and princesses, romance... and a certain hysterical obsession.

Juggler didn't expect this girl to have this kind of personality. Can this kind of person really be used? It always feels like something bad.

Thinking of this, Juggler covered his forehead with one hand, and squatted down: "Tell me, what are your abilities?"

"My prince, I can summon monsters of different dimensions!" Bilanzi knelt down on the ground invitingly, trying to make himself look decent.

But Juggler didn't realize what she meant, and just nodded to himself: "Do you control the monster?"

"In other words, it's useless?"

Billanche: "...?!"

"No, the prince, I'm very useful! Really!" Billanche was flustered to see that he successfully grabbed Juggler's wrist, "Really, I'm very useful!"

At this moment, the girl became frightened, as if she was afraid of being abandoned.

Juggler tilted his head and looked at her unclearly.

Hong Tu took Mana and walked in the corridor like a leisurely courtyard. The people coming and going around didn't pay too much attention to them, and no one recognized their identities.

Most of the sights that occasionally turned away were cast on Yitzhak.

Obviously, this pet is much more conspicuous than the two.

Hong Tu didn't care either, and he didn't need to cause too much turmoil, he only needed to go to the most central court.

They passed through the long circular corridor, through the space transfer device, and finally came to the location of the two scales.

This is a huge open-air court. On the building, you can see the endless meteorite galaxy. It is surrounded by a circle of upward circular stairs. In the center of the court, two floating circular pumices are equipped with two wooden pieces. The railing, and further up, is a larger pumice stone, above which is a three-tiered table and chairs arranged in steps, which should be the position of the judge.

Hong Tu entered the court from the entrance of the auditorium. Because there was no case at the moment, there were no people here, and Hong Tu entered it smoothly.

But as the two rushed in, they were finally discovered.

A spherical robot used by the police flew over and flew around the two of them, seeming to confirm their identities.

"Non-staff, non-judge lawyers, and irrelevant personnel please leave immediately, please leave immediately, otherwise we will attack!"

Hong Tu raised his eyes and exposed his face to the camera of the spherical robot: "Call your master, let's talk about it."

A red electric light burst from the body of the little robot. The light on its camera flashed and then went out. The whole machine fell to the ground, bounced, rolled a few times, and leaned against the corner of the wall.

Hong Tu took Mana step by step into the void and walked to the judge's seat floating in the air.

At the same time, the alarm sounded through the entire court, and the news of the invasion of the imperial ruler Naig was transmitted to every corner of the court in an instant.

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