Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1188: Ruler of the empire, darkness

The highest person in charge of the Galactic Court, a male cosmic person with a human appearance, looks very young, but in fact he has appointed the highest person in charge of the Galactic Court, which is recognized as the president of the Galactic Court and the highest judge for up to 1,300 For more than a hundred years.

His name is Akima, his birth planet is unknown, but he is a very prestigious cosmic person.

Akima brought only two secretaries into the court occupied by Hong Tu, and ordered other people not to enter it without his permission.

This is a very courageous approach.

Hong Tu sat in the position of a tall judge, with her fingers crossed and her chin supported, Mana stood beside him, examining the highest judge.

Akima also looked at Hongtu.

This is the first time he has faced the ruler of the empire. Before that, he had only seen some information that was not widely circulated.

The dark stars of the empire unexpectedly praised their king, even though most of them have never witnessed the real face of the ruler, they all speak of the king of darkness without exception. Admiration, no reason, no doubt, only full of respect and reverence.

Therefore, the dark stars of the empire are also very strict in protecting the information of this king. Even if they say that their king is invincible and invincible throughout the universe, they are still tight-lipped about the king's information.

Therefore, the information that Hongtu can circulate is very small, and the only information that can be verified is the information of the kingdom of light.

However, the information of the Kingdom of Light has not been updated for a long time, because the king of darkness rarely appeared in the sight of everyone in such a fair manner after that.

And... the information is extremely contradictory.

The darkness has no interest in the desire for power, but his empire is invincible, and the dark stars of the empire are more loyal to lay a greater territory for their king.

This darkness seems to love light, but there will only be dark stars under his command. Although these dark stars will not take the initiative to burn, kill, and looting, they are still daunting dark stars. And... this one was also marked as the Kingdom of Light, and once made the Kingdom of Light lose its eternal light.

Some say that he is benevolent, because the universe he ruled has achieved true peace, and some say that he is cruel, because the empire is never merciful to enemies, and this act that has swallowed countless darkness has also made countless people in the universe frightened.

There are different opinions, and no one has really defined the power of this darkness, nor has he really defined his good and evil.

But there is one thing no one can deny.

He is the ruler of the empire, and behind him is the entire empire that controls several universes, a giant.

Or more than that.

In a daze, Akima seemed to see countless monster ghosts behind Hong Tu, and...the endless darkness behind the monster, occupying the starry sky above, and even spreading towards the entire courtroom.

But when he blinked his eyes, the horrible sight just disappeared. The starry sky was still a starry sky, the court was still brightly lit, and the person sitting on it was just sitting there, like an ordinary person. Of humans.

illusion? No, that is not an illusion.

Akima stabilized his mind. He took a few steps forward and bowed to salute: "I have seen Your Majesty Nag. Next is the President and Supreme Judge of the Galactic Court, Akima, I forgive you for not knowing if you are here today. week."

Hong Tu looked down at him, somewhat surprised by his attitude. But since the other party cooperates so well, he is not unreasonable, is he?

"I think you know the purpose of my trip."

Akima paused slightly and frowned.

It is precisely because of knowing that he feels bad.

Two minutes before this majesty triggered the alarm, they had just received news from Prison Planet 484 that the arrested Imperial Highness had already escaped from prison and caused considerable chaos in the prison, even directly leading to Chebul The star man escaped from planet 484, and his current whereabouts are unknown.

The warden’s shadow had done his best to suppress the prison, but Juggler at the bottom still released the evil princess who was imprisoned in the deepest place, and occupied the bottom of the prison, meaning it faintly occupies the entire prison.

And obviously the situation over there is already bad, this one also ran over, don't even think about knowing that he is here to fill the table for that highness, no, maybe he is still here to ask for justice.

Akima closed her eyes and calmed herself down. Now that they can stand here and talk, it shows that the other party is not a righteous person.

So think of a way.

"Jugura seems to have been taken care of by you a lot during this time," Hong Tu changed into a comfortable posture. "As his parent, I always have to give some gifts back too, don't I?"

Akima opened her brown and yellow eyes: "Your empire is at war with us, this..." Everything, including the arrest and imprisonment of Juggler, is in compliance with the laws of war.

But the judge, who was in a high position and accustomed to observing the interstellar law, could not finish his words, and a loud noise interrupted him.

Leng Khan had already climbed on his back before he had noticed it, and Akima finally couldn't maintain the stability and calm on the surface, and his entire face looked stiff and pale.

He slowly turned his head, not even daring to make too much movement, taking the lead in using his peripheral vision to see where the loud noise was sounding.

On his left, half of the open court has collapsed, and the originally neatly arranged audience seats have been reduced to ruins, even deeply sunken into a five-meter pit.

The attack came suddenly, and the dust from the collapse of the ruins seemed too late to be lifted, or the invisible force that caused the pit was controlled so well that there was no dust at all, and it had already blasted half of the court into ruins.

And he didn't even know it happened.

There were two soft noises from behind Akima, which was the sound of landing. He didn't even need to look back to know that these two voices came from the two secretaries he had brought.

They were frightened by this scene, and they were so frightened that they sat on the ground with their legs weak.

In fact, if Akima hadn't seen a lot of big winds and waves, he didn't think he would be much better.

Where is this place? It is the Galactic Court, the largest military tribunal in the Galactic Court. Everyone who can be sent here is a powerful military criminal, so this court itself is also equipped with a sufficiently powerful energy limiting device.

Akima can guarantee that even those warriors of light will not be able to maintain the body of light, let alone use power.

But... not only could this man still use his power, he even destroyed half of the courtroom in the blink of an eye.

This is... the ruler of the empire, known as the existence of the universe [darkness].

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