Well, Birange knew what he thought was unlikely.

But why is the prince unwilling to kiss her?

In terms of appearance, Birange is still very confident, although she has not fully opened, but before being locked up, she is also a princess praised by the people of the planet.

Anyway, it's not worse than that "old" woman at first glance.

Do you think you can be in the eyes of Lord Prince by changing your body? ! impossible!

Bilanche has a kind of honey-confidence in Juggler, and firmly believes that Juggler will like extremely good women, at least it will definitely not be a guy like the Zabra star.

Well, Birange also has a kind of self-confidence in himself.

In comparison, Juggler was much colder.

He was interrupted by Birange's words, and looked up at Birange, seeing the girl lowered her head, pouting her mouth unhappily and silently.

If you want to appease this girl, Juggler is naturally okay.

To be honest, if he is willing to lower his posture to meet Birange for a while and say a few sweet words, Birange would be a good weapon.

But... Just like Hong Tu, Juggler has been raised a little arrogantly by the dark stars of the empire, and he doesn't bother to deceive this girl's feelings here.

What's more, it's this kind of naive "like" that makes people laugh.

He didn't think that this girl really liked herself, for fear that she would just be immersed in a beautiful fairy tale and deceive herself.

She may not even understand what likes are.

"Prepare to attack." Juggler stood up, "Occupy this prison."

Seeing what Biranki wanted to say, Juggler added: "You go too."

Bilanche's expression immediately became happy. She nodded happily, and felt that she was too frivolous, so she raised her waist and abdomen with restraint, and nodded pretentiously: "As you wish, Lord Prince , I will bring you victory."

After finishing speaking, she gave the Zabra star who turned into a fascinating beauty a contemptuous look, with her head high and her chest high, she turned and left the interrogation room confiscated as a temporary office like a victorious rooster.

The Zabra star didn't care about Biranki's small movements. When Biranki left, she walked over to Jagoula: "My lord."

"Look at her."

Juggler had a hunch that Birange's thoughtful brain circuit might do something to make people stare at it.

"Yes." The Zabra star naturally understood this. The little girl was powerful and stupid, and indeed seemed to be the one that would mess things up.

After the Zarab star also left, Jagula, the Gaci star, and the Jetton star shivering in the corner were left here.

Juggler glanced at the Gaci star and looked at the Jetton star at the corner.

This...how did it get locked into the bottom?

The Gaci star is obviously also curious about this, you know, he is only locked in the third floor from the bottom, then how did this guy who looks timid like a mouse get to the bottom?

At Juggler's gesture, the Jerton star was pulled by the collar, dragged to the interrogation table, and pressed onto the chair by the Gatsi star.

"Name." Juggler smiled and showed white teeth, looking a little cold in the dim light.

So the Jerton star trembled even harder.

"Three, Miyutaro..."

Juggler: "?" A sub-earth-style name?

"What crime did you commit and got locked into the bottom?"

"Because of getting rich."

"Huh?" Because of what?

His nasal voice made the Jetton star even more frightened. The cosmic man almost cried and added: "It's mine, Jetton monster."

A Jetton monster...get rich?

Juggler's expression became weird. If he remembers correctly, the name "Fa Cai" is generally the name of "dog" on earth...

"Have you lived on Earth?" Juggler felt confused.

"...Yes." When the Jetton star talked about the earth, his tone was lightened a lot, and he seemed to like the earth very much.

Juggler nodded: "What did you do with... the Jetton monster?"

After all, he still did not say the name "Fa Cai".

However, in relation to the earth...

"Getting rich is a good Jetton." Jetton starman Miyutaro said hardly, "It's a little bit more playful, a little bit naughty..."

He loves to play around to the extent that he accidentally ruined a planet.

That was the first Jetton monster cultivated by the Jetton stars. Unlike ordinary Jetton monsters, this is a special Jetton monster specially cultivated by him, and its strength is very good.

As a Jetton star, he naturally had to test it after he bred the monster, so... he destroyed a planet.

"Getting rich is just playing a bit hilarious, really not intentional..." The Jetton star cried in aggrieved tone.

But the Gaci star behind him took a step back silently, and it was already certain that this was also a dangerous person. He does not have the power to destroy a planet.

Juggler blinked slowly, and subconsciously asked, "What about your monster?"

"Get rich, I've been sealed up." Tears began to erupt from both sides of Jetton's big eyes, "I was sealed into a small monster capsule, ooh~"

Juggler: "..." Can this kind of guy really breed Jetton monsters capable of destroying a planet?

The Gatsians couldn’t connect the guy crying like this with the murderous prisoner who manipulated Jetton’s monster to destroy a planet...

This gap is a bit big.

He gazed at the Jetton star from behind, then noticed Juggler's expression.

The disgust visible to the naked eye on Juggler's face was not at all surprised at how powerful the opponent's monster was.

He almost forgot that this prisoner was also at the bottom, and he was the kind of prisoner who led them vigorously as soon as he was locked in.

Want to come is also a strong guy.

After all, he was the only one who didn't change his face in the face of Birange.

On the other hand, except for the Zarab star with a woman's mind, their other cosmic people can't wait how far away from Bilanqi.

As a result, the Gatsians looked at Juggler's expressions and gradually admired them.

When the Gatsians couldn't help being in a daze, Juggler had already asked for some useful information.

For example... the place where the Jetton monster was sealed.

Actually in the warden's office...Should you say that the warden has extensive collections, or should you say that he is courageous?

Shouldn't this dangerous monster be executed right away.

Juggler stood up, walked to the Jetton star, and patted his shoulder with one hand: "Don't cry, come with me."

As he said, a monster card appeared in front of him, and the light flashed in it, and Juggler and Jetton disappeared in place.

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