Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1193: Birange is working hard

Gaci Star: "?"

Gaci Star: "Wow!"

No wonder there is such a convenient monster to succeed in jailbreak?

Wait... the picture on the card just now seems to be a Jetton monster?

Jetton monster? !

The Gaci star is called Ganier, a fierce and prominent mercenary who is extremely good at sniping and killing enemies at long distances. The avatar ability of the Gaci star was used by him to become an indiscriminate sniper force with multiple blind spots in his hands, so he has never lost his hand. However, he is also to blame for being too greedy for money, which led to a bounty that he shouldn't receive, and killed the ruler of a planet, and then he was caught here.

Because he is a top sniper, he has good eyesight, even if the monster card appears for a short time, he still recognizes the monster on it.

That is the legendary Jetton monster, and it is not the ordinary Jetton monster.

In an instant, the Gatsians could be sure that Jagula must also be a big man. Maybe he can follow this adult?

Then he won’t worry about money...

Garnier, the Gaci star, thought about it seriously.

On the other side, Juggler brought the Jetton star to the warden's collection room.

I have been here once, so this time he was familiar with the road, he directly touched the inspection room, and soon noticed an interesting thing.

The warden has run away.

There are only a few jailers left in this prison, and the warden himself has ran away.

Juggler was startled, but he didn't care too much. This actually facilitated him, so when Juggler took the Jetton star to look through these collections quite easily.

Some collections were obviously taken away, while others were left.

Among them is the monster capsule of the Sealer Jetton Monster.

As soon as he saw the capsule, Miyutaro immediately rushed forward, and squeezed the monster capsule, which was no bigger than his palm, and cried again.

Juggler left him a little disgustingly, and continued to pick and choose among those collections.

The remaining collections are things that look more dangerous, such as the capsule holding the Jerton monster, or something that looks like a bomb at first glance.

Why would anyone put bombs here as collectibles? !

Juggler's mouth twitched for a moment, confirming that the bomb had not been activated, and immediately dropped the bomb.

After that, he picked and picked, picked some interesting things, and went back with Miyutaro.

But as soon as he came back, he felt a tremor on the ground.

Miyutaro couldn't stand still, and sat down on the ground.

Juggler was taken aback, and suddenly his expression changed.

"this is…"

"Boss, it's not good!" Garnier, the Gaci star, found Juggler out of breath, "Monster, monster of different dimensions..."

Sure enough, Bilanche released the monster after all and started making trouble.

There are not many jailers in this prison, and they no longer need the power of monsters to drive those jailers away.

Moreover, the power of the monster is too strong, and it is easy to destroy this prison.

So Juggler so far has only released the power of the monster, instead of directly releasing the monster.

But Bilanche obviously didn't have this consideration. She eagerly wanted to prove to Juggler that she was powerful, that she was powerful, and that she was enough to occupy this prison by herself.

Therefore, Bilanqi used his brain waves to summon a different-dimensional monster and took the monster directly to the top.

In fact, the upper level has long been panicked because of the shadow’s running away, so before the prisoners at the lower level have come up, some of them have ran away directly, and the rest have not been able to hold on for long, see below If the cosmic people have a tendency to come up, they can’t hold on.

But when Birange released the monster, it was even more chaotic.

Some people even released those prisoners on their own initiative, wanting to seek the slightest possibility of surrendering to the enemy.

But when the monster appeared, the released prisoners panicked, and there was a kind of tacit understanding with the jailers, and they all began to escape in unison.

The prisoners from below couldn’t catch up, they could only watch their "ally" and "enemy" join forces, running farther and farther...

Other cosmic people: "..."

What the hell? !

But Bilanqi didn't realize it at all. She stood proudly in front of all the people in the universe, snorted disdainfully, and was quite satisfied with the scene she had caused, then stepped forward and walked to the upper level.

It's just that she didn't take two steps before she staggered. The movement caused by the monster made the ground vibrate. She was delicate and weak, and naturally she couldn't stand still.

Kai is still trying to persuade Hong Tu: "Uncle Hong, don't be impulsive! The others in this court are innocent!"

"You mean, this court is not innocent?"

Kai: "..." It doesn't mean that... He just wanted to say that there are many cosmic people here!

"The enemy commander was captured during the war and sent straight to the military court. Is this the method of the neutral camp?" Hong Tu propped his head. "I thought they belonged to the Star Alliance. This is a war between the Empire and the Star Alliance. Kay, do you want to get involved?"

Kai was speechless for a while, and he didn't expect that the Hong Tu would directly hit this banner.

He was silent for a moment: "Sorry, Uncle Hong, I don't want sacrifices..."

"In other words, are you going to intervene?" Hong Tu squinted her eyes, her dark red eyes darkening, and it seemed that there was a tendency to turn black.

Kai took out the transforming device and prepared to transform.

Suddenly, Akima on the side spoke: "Warrior of Light, please don't interfere in this matter."

Kai froze for a moment, turned his head to look at Akima, and listened to him continue to say: "Can you please go to Prison Planet 484 to prevent His Royal Highness Juggler from releasing the prisoners? There is an extremely dangerous universe in that prison. Human, that is an existence that can directly threaten the safety of the universe. Please be sure to stop that person from running away!"

Kai hesitated for a moment, then looked at Hong Tu again.

"Please leave it to us here." Akima said calmly, "This is a matter of the Galactic Court, and it is also a matter of the Galactic Court, the Empire, and the Star Alliance. It is not convenient for you to intervene in this matter."

He raised his hand and threw something to Juggler: "These are the coordinates of Prison Planet 484, I am free from you."

Kai was stunned for a while, after all, he raised the transforming device, turned into a streamer, flew over the broken dome, and flew toward the depths of the universe.

After Kai left, Akima looked at Hong Tu seriously: "Sorry, Your Majesty."

"As a member of the Kein Mamun universe, our Galaxy Court will not be able to stand by." Akima calmly looked at Hong Tu, "His Royal Highness of the Judgment Empire is indeed our own selfish heart. We also have no power to seek yours. kindness."

Hong Tu tilted her head: "Are you begging to die?"

He looked around: "Still feel that it has been delayed enough, thinking that the people outside have been safely evacuated?"

"After all, you don't intend to hurt those innocents, do you?"

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