Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1194: The Shattered Galactic Court

When the Libra in the center began to collapse, the cosmic people in the outer circle realized that something was wrong, and some immediately began to evacuate.

The rest were still waiting and watching, until they were told that it was His Majesty Naig from the Empire, and the rest were immediately ready to evacuate, needless to say.

This looks like a war between the two big forces, maybe this is the battlefield.

Even those who intended to make trouble were persuaded by the staff to leave the scene.

And when the evacuation area was almost the same, the Libra building in the center collapsed more quickly, and a few breathing rooms were reduced to pieces of building fragments.

The tall tower in the middle shattered, and the pieces of buildings built into two scales fell apart, losing the restraint of gravity, and floating around like space junk.

Countless people in the universe watched this scene from a distance, and fell into silence one after another.

This seems to be just the beginning. When the center scale was destroyed, the gravitational system of the Galactic Court also collapsed. The two outer rings began to shift their positions, and one end collided together, losing balance at the same time. Cracks gradually began to appear.

The cracks did not start from the collision, but appeared out of thin air, just like some invisible force appeared, abruptly affecting these buildings and causing them to begin to collapse.

Some cosmic people turned on the energy detection device in time, and the full-screen red alert immediately came into view.

The dark red energy that was so powerful that it was specially marked as high-risk by the instrument began to spread to the surroundings from the place where Libra collapsed, abruptly covering the entire Galactic Court, but it did not overflow a bit.

"...Is the motivation to read." A humanoid universe man in a court uniform said dryly.

It is not the dark power that is most proud of, nor is it the power of any powerful weapon, it is just the motivation of mind.

"You said this is the motivation for reading?" Another cosmic person asked rhetorically, obviously not believing it.

This is the Galactic Court, where the energy-binding device is helpless even if the legendary warrior of light comes, but now, when those devices are activated, some people have released the power to destroy the building, even perfect. The power of the earth's control only enveloped the court, and did not leak a bit.

Is this really what the universe can do?

Even those cosmic people who are extremely good at thinking motivation can't do such a thing, right...

"So, how powerful is that majesty?" A cosmic man asked suicide.

No one answered him, but someone asked another question: "Can the Star Alliance stop it?"

But in any case, this galactic court, which was built for more than 3,700 years and marked the fairness and justice of the Keinmamon universe, has been declared annihilated today, and the enemy is the ruler of the strength of the outer universe. Dropped here.

This incident is also destined to be engraved in the history of the Kein Mamun universe.

On Jagula's side, under Birange's efforts, the fourth-tier prison was mostly destroyed.

Fortunately, the building is strong enough to show no signs of collapse.

When Juggler arrived, he saw a pure blue translucent monster raging like a phantom, eagerly roaring at the surrounding prisoners.

If it hadn't been for Bilanqi's suppression, this monster was afraid that it would kill all the living creatures around it, regardless of the enemy and us.

Speaking of it, Juggler had heard Hongtu talk about monsters of different dimensions.

The vast majority of different-dimensional monsters are very dangerous monsters. They are irrational and only know how to kill. This is probably what they are talking about.

Glancing at the cosmic people around him who were moving away from Bilanqi and the alien monsters, Juggler squinted his eyes: "Bilangi."

"Ah, Lord Prince!" Billanche immediately ran towards him excitedly, and said invitingly, "My Lord Prince, you see that I have already laid down this level!"

Her face was full of praise, Juggler's eyes sank and looked at the monster.

It seems that because of Bilanchi's emotions, the monster also noticed Jacques La, and it let out a low roar, its translucent blue eyes staring at Jacques closely, and the malice in it could not be concealed.

Such undisguised malice made Juggler subconsciously hold the long knife, but soon, he turned away his gaze nonchalantly: "Bilangi, put away the monster."

He did not praise, but asked Bilanqi to put away the monster.

Bilanchi's expression froze, and the inviting smile on her face gradually faded. After finding that Jacques did not explain, she could only put away the monster with a dejected face: "Why..."

Juggler ignored her, turned and walked to a higher level.

Bilanchi immediately followed him, even if his mouth was so loud that he could hang an oil pot, he would only follow Juggler obediently.

Juggler glanced sideways at her, his eyes darkened, and finally he didn't say anything.

The other cosmic people glanced at each other, gave admiration to Juggler's back, and followed the two of them.

Under Birange's uproar, the third floor was basically empty.

The remaining jailers have returned to the staff dormitory, packed up and saluted, and escaped from the prison.

Fortunately, their staff dormitory was on the second floor, so when Juggler wandered to the upper floor, the jailers had completely left, and even some of the prisoners who were accidentally released escaped with them.

In an instant, there were only these cosmic people led by Juggler, as well as some confused prisoners who had not yet figured out the situation.

The prisoners who remain are those who are not very bright or more rigid. Some of them have already started to revel on their own, planning to find a way to destroy the prison.

Some of them headed towards the lower level, wanting to find out what caused these jailers to escape from the prison.

Naturally, this group of cosmic people met Juggler and the others.

The first to hit Juggler and the others was a Huraso. This cosmic person quickly determined that Juggler was the leader, but because Juggler followed nearly twenty cosmic people behind him, he subconsciously persuaded him. Get up, even take a step back, intending to escape.

However, his solitary cosmic being stuck in the center of the road could not be more conspicuous, so twenty cosmic people including Juggler immediately stared at him.

The poor Xurazo star suddenly froze in place, neither leaving nor staying.

It's embarrassing.

"Surraso?" Juggler said, interrupting the awkward atmosphere.

The Xiurasso star nodded hurriedly: "Yes, this lord, I, I'm here to surrender to you!"

These nearly twenty cosmic people are too exaggerated, right? ! Who can gather so many prisoners so that the jailers all escaped.

After getting his head ironed, the Xorasso star finally hesitated to realize one thing-the jailer can run, indicating that the bottom layer is dangerous! !

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