Uub was knocked into the air with a dazed expression, and finally stabilized his body, still not understanding what was going on.

Why did the monster suddenly heal?

Obviously the monster looked like it was going to explode just now, why did it suddenly heal?

Do you want to try again?

Uub thought of Bemunstein, that kind of monster is also a rare monster that invalidates light skills.

So, is this monster as capable of absorbing energy as Bemunstein?

He tentatively compared the familiar L gesture and radiated light.

This familiar posture made Juggler's eyes narrowed, and in a daze, he seemed to be back a thousand years ago. At that time, this idiot could only use this trick, and he could put his skills to the wrong way, even the monster would laugh at it.

But this trance was only a moment, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, only a piece of calm remained in his eyes.

But habitually, he cursed in a low voice.


After regaining his senses, Birange turned to look at him: "Master Juggler?"

What did the prince say just now?

Juggler glanced at her and said nothing. The brief gentleness before was like an illusion, full of scumbag style.

Bilanche didn't care either, she was persistent in some way, but in some way dull and terrible.

So Bilanche turned his head and continued to control the monster against Uub.

The different-dimensional monster, Iculius, is a monster that rarely appears in the universe, but the appearance of this monster represents a kind of disaster.

But it doesn't matter how powerful this monster is. Its special ability is to temporarily hide in another dimension to avoid damage. But as Uub discovered, when this monster attacks, it will inevitably appear in the current space.

This is the shortcoming of many monsters with spatial power, and Iculius naturally can't avoid it.

But it can be said to be immortal. It is a much stronger survival and regeneration ability than the regenerating monster Salmandora. Even if it is blown to pieces, it will be reborn again in just a few minutes.

So it is very tricky.

But the most frightening thing is that this guy is extremely vengeful, hurt it once, it can chase you to death.

Now, Uub, who had regenerated the monster once, had obviously become the target of this Iculius's revenge.

Of course, this monster also has weaknesses. The extreme ultra-low temperature can minimize the cell activity of this guy, but it can take the opportunity to get rid of it.

But this is not something Uub can know.

Uub's light stream hit Iculius' body, causing cracks to appear on Iculius' body as before, but soon, as the attack stopped, these cracks healed and the monster was unscathed.

It doesn't seem to have absorbed power.

Uub judged Iculius' strange situation, but it seemed like a super recovery ability.

In other words, is it that the attack is not strong enough to reach the limit of the monster's recovery?

Uub decided to fight.

He rushed towards the monster, the long sword in his hand was shining with bluish light, and he was slashed with a sword, and slashed across the monster's shoulder to the abdomen, leaving a sword mark glowing with bluish light.

But soon, the monster's wound squirmed, and it recovered in the blink of an eye.

It is indeed extremely terrifying resilience.

Uub retreated to avoid the monster's attack.

He steadied his body in the distance, a dazzling blue light shining on his body, and then his whole mysteriousization turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the monster.

The streamer speed is extremely fast, and when the monster fails to react, it passes around the monster's body, leaving a series of scars on the monster's body, knocking the monster back and forth, and constantly roaring with pain.

But when Uub stopped attacking, the wounds on the monster's body healed again and recovered as before.

Uub: "..."

How to fight this? !

Uub fell into thinking. While avoiding the monster's attack, Uub was thinking about ways to defeat the monster.

Fortunately, the attack power of this monster is not very good, at least the speed is very slow, and it can't hit Uub at all.

As a result, the battle gradually turned into a scene where Uub dodged all the way, and the monster could only growl incompetently when he couldn't hit.

Birange was angry at this scene, especially because he could not take Uub for a long time. On the contrary, it seemed that after being played around, Birange became even more angry. Of course, the biggest reason was that he was afraid of Juggler's dissatisfaction.

This is the first time Master Juggler has asked her to do something, so it must not be screwed up!

The space around Bilanqi began to twist, and the range of this distortion gradually expanded, distorting all the area above her head into a whirlpool.

Then, a few translucent blue tentacles stretched out from it, which looked like a behemoth.

It is naturally impossible for Uub to notice the movement of Birange, he looked over here while avoiding the monster's attack.

And saw Juggler at a glance.


This sound was full of surprises, and the price of the surprise was that he was not very hit by the monster's energy bomb, hitting his chest, and he had to withdraw his attention with a painful cry.

During this period of time, Birange had already released the second monster.

This monster is a translucent energy monster with various barbed tentacles on its body. It is not strong in itself, but it is very good at mental impact.

Bilanchi controlled the new monster to attack Uub, and Uub finally got rid of Iculius' entanglement, and turned his head and flew towards Juggler.

Anything else I don't understand, this monster was made by Juggler.

"Jugula!" He tried to avoid the second monster, but as soon as he spoke, he was caught off guard by the monster's mental attack. He clutched his head and wailed, and Iculius seized the opportunity behind him. , A light bullet hit the back.

Juggler finally couldn't stand it anymore, and he raised his hand and pressed it on Birange's shoulder.

Bilanche was taken aback, then turned to look at him: "Master Juggler?"

Juggler motioned her to stop controlling the monster to attack Uub first, and looked up at Uub who was slowing down, with a cold smile at the corner of her mouth: "It's been a long time, Kay."

I wanted to ridicule a few words about his lack of strength now, but I remembered that they did not fight head-on, so I could only ridicule: "It's really embarrassing, two monsters made you to this point... It looks like a thousand years have passed. , You are nothing but that."

But Uub just looked at him and didn't react to his sarcasm, at least he didn't seem to be angry.

"Jugula..." He wanted to say that he hadn't seen him for a long time, or to be glad he was okay, or to persuade him not to continue.

But when he really saw Juggler, he suddenly couldn't tell.

He hadn't seen it in a thousand years, he always felt that Juggler was a lot stranger, but he seemed to be the one he knew well.

It's just that he is no longer his partner.

Juggler squinted his eyes and told him instinctively that what Kay this idiot was thinking at the moment was not a good thing, at least something he didn't like.

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