Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1201: Criminals' ability to do things

Juggler tilted his head, the dark aura of the demon flickered on him, and his eyes lit up with gray-green light, reminding Uub that he belonged to the power of darkness at this moment.

"Let's play a game." Juggler tilted his head and pointed at the gray prison planet behind them. "That prison is now our stronghold and fortress. But guess inside. have what?"

Uub paused and looked at the planet.

Because he was so happy to see Jacques, he had forgotten the chaos that might have occurred in that prison.

"Now that prison is full of evil and dangerous interstellar criminals. Guess what a group of extremely evil criminals will do when they stay together?"

"We, there are bombs buried in that prison, enough to threaten the entire universe..." He laughed wildly, like a villain boss, "Try to stop us!"

He tilted his head slightly, lowered his voice, and said maliciously: "I hope you can stop the bomb before it explodes!"

Bilanche looked at Juggler in surprise, he was indeed Master Juggler! He actually buried a bomb when he didn't know it, it was still a bomb that could threaten the entire universe! It's really amazing! !

"Jugura!" The complex emotions that had just arisen were immediately provoked into anger by Juggler's words, and Uub floated a little in front of him, "Don't you..."

The two monsters couldn't help but attacked him again.

"Look at that, you have to deal with these two monsters first." Juggler turned his gaze away nonchalantly, and looked at Billanche, "He will leave it to you."

After that, he turned around and Neogerton's card appeared, leading him to disappear in place.

"Jagula! Wait a minute!" Uub wanted to call him, but it was too late. Juggler's figure had disappeared, and instead he was stopped by two monsters.

A bird-like monster stepped on Bilanchi's feet and rose to the same height as Uub's eyes: "With me, you don't want to destroy Master Juggler's plan!"

Uub immediately noticed the monster under her feet.

This monster... Uub looked at the two monsters standing in front of him.

Is it the monster that this girl summoned...

Uub paused, his gaze slowly fixed on Bilanche's body. Do monsters summon people...

After Juggler returned to the prison, he saw a group of prisoners enthusiastically surrounding a cosmic person.

After seeing Jacques come back, these cosmic people gave way for Jacques, so that he could see what was going on inside.

I saw a thin cosmic man who didn't know where to turn out a white coat, looking at a device in his hand with a distressed expression on his face.

Juggler recognized this thing. It was a spherical sealing device, which seemed to be the more common type in this prison. At least he had seen two in the warden's collection room.

But this group of people surrounds this thing, is there something wrong with the sealed thing inside?

The skinny cosmic man saw the appearance of Juggler, and ran over as if he saw a savior: "My lord, do you have a way to break this seal?"

Juggler was stunned, raised his hand to take the alloy ball that was a circle larger than his head, and turned his hand upside down.

"What's inside?"

"Hi, it's Barenga's cell." The Ebony Universe replied with a smile.

"Barunga?" Juggler didn't think of the identity of this monster for a while, and it took him a while to realize what it was, "Barunga."

"Although it's just a cell, if there is a star, it can make a Balenga bomb!" The thin cosmic man said invitingly, "I think the artificial star outside is good."

He was referring to the huge man-made star near the planet.

"That's a super bomb that can threaten the universe!"

Barenga is a dangerous monster. If the amount is right, the explosive power of the exploding bomb will be about five times the power of a star. It is not necessarily a threat to half of the universe, because they will not be able to find enough in a short time. Energy, but it’s okay to threaten this galaxy.

Juggler paused, and suddenly remembered the threat he had just released. In fact, he guessed that these guys would find a way to make bombs, but he never thought it would be such a dangerous bomb.

Unexpectedly, just to scare Kai a bit, it turned out to be true. Shouldn't it be a group of vicious criminals? , Actually made such a dangerous bomb.

But fortunately, no matter what, it was enough to make Kai suffer.

If the bomb does not explode, Kay won the game. Although I will be very unwilling, but at least I won't lose anything. I want to come to Hongtu to have trouble over there.

If it explodes, that's even better. It can directly solve most of the Star Covenant's power, and by the way, I can taunt Kai.

Come and see, who will be better after a thousand years.

Juggler threw the ball in his hand into the air, stretched out his hand, and the long knife immediately appeared in his hand. As the cold light of the knife flashed, the sealing device was cut open.

"It's amazing!" The thin cosmic man exclaimed, and then hurriedly caught the pink piece of meat falling from mid-air.

The hemispherical sealing device that was cut in half fell to the ground, and the arc flashed from the fracture, and then black smoke came out, completely losing its effect.

But no one cared anymore, everyone looked at the long knife in Juggler's hand, and their eyes were about to move. Obviously he was very interested in this knife.

But in the end it was Juggler's thing, and Juggler's strength was obvious to all, and no one could not want to run out to grab the knife at this time.

"Next, make that bomb as soon as possible." Juggler put away the long knife, "The guy who got in the way is coming."

The other cosmic people suddenly became serious: "Really? I feel it, like a warrior of light."

"The legendary warrior of light?"

"It is said to be very powerful, I don't know if it is really that powerful."

"Don't you know after a fight?"

"We can't help making bombs anyway, so let's fight!"

"Oh, yes! I want to go first!"

A group of cosmic people were immediately distracted, and if they were clamoring, they would fight against Uub outside for hundreds of rounds to move their bodies.

Although they haven't recovered much now, who cares, after being detained for so long, they are looking forward to moving their bodies.

"Then I can warn you first," Juggler didn't have any thoughts of preventing these guys from committing death. "That guy is still strong. Don't be solved because you underestimate the enemy."

"Of course," echoed the cosmic man, "you must fight happily!"

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