Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1202: Multiple uses of dark power

People in the universe have never considered whether Uub can survive under Birange's monster.

So those who were interested in making bombs went to make bombs, and those who were interested in fighting went directly to Uub in trouble.

Of course, there are also some who are not interested in these, they chose to stay with Juggler, such as... the bewildered Jetton star, or the sniper Ga Ci star.

Juggler sat alone in a chair, with a long knife in one hand, his neck leaning on the back of the chair, staring at the ceiling dreamily, not knowing what it looked like.

Other cosmic people glanced at him curiously, but after all, they didn't care too much.

Outside, Uub is fighting hard with two monsters.

But he already had a way to deal with these two monsters.

To be honest, although I felt bad for the delicate-looking girl, I can't take care of that much now.

Yes, the solution Uub thought of was to solve the summoner.

Since these two monsters are controlled by the girl, defeating this girl may probably... be able to stop these two monsters. Since they are different-dimensional monsters, they might be able to send them back.

So while Uub entangled with the two monsters, he vaguely tried to get past the two monsters and directly deal with Birange.

But these two monsters are really difficult to deal with. One is an annoying flesh shield that resists all kinds of damages, and the other is a "mage" who only knows the mental shock hiding in the distance, and will give him one from time to time. Bo mentally attacked, interrupting his attacking pace.

This caused a lot of trouble for Uub.

For this kind of mental shock monster, his experience is really too little.

But Birange would probably be a good solution.

But before he got rid of Birange, a group of cosmic people who looked fierce at first flew from the prison planet, and when they saw Uub, they speeded up directly, and it was self-evident who came to them.

Obton feels bad, those are prisoners!

"Get out of the way!" Than Ranchi was even bigger than Uub's reaction, "He is mine! It's a task assigned to me by Master Juggler!"

A group of prisoners stopped in the distance of Uub, looking at the furious Birange, a cosmoman headed by Birange showed a bright smile: "Master Juggler asked us to help you."

"...I don't need your help!" Billanche's mouth was hardened, she didn't need this group of guys to intervene, she could solve this nasty guy by herself!

The other cosmic people are suddenly a little unhappy, they kindly come to help, this guy doesn't appreciate it? Isn't it just being able to summon monsters? If they don't summon the monster, they will let this weaker little princess directly crush her to death with one hand.

Moreover, this group of cosmic people was already considering whether to deal with Bilanchi first, and then fight Uub happily.

What? The consequences of offending Birange? Ah, ah, they ran away after the fight, the universe is so big, can they still be caught?

As for Juggler, they believed that the adult would not care about their small request.

This group of cosmic people suddenly looked at Billanche unkindly.

"What are your eyes!" Birange's mental power is already strong, and it is easy to detect the disgusting malice emanating from this group of guys, "Insolent people, do you want to die?"

Don't look at her being low in front of Juggler, but in fact she is defined as a super-dangerous person who "can threaten the universe". Naturally, it can't be just because of her ability, her personality, and hysterical madness. Let her do anything for the so-called "love".

It also naturally includes killing.

To be precise, Bilanche does not have a so-called view of good and evil. Her so-called "good" is just love in fairy tales.

Therefore, everything that hinders her "love" must be eliminated...

Bilanqi was eager to summon more monsters and destroy these cosmic people together.

Those cosmic people are also not well-intentioned, and plan to have a wave of internal strife first.

This made Uub on the side see a cold sweat, and even wanted to persuade him or not. But the two monsters stopped him firmly and prevented his intentions, and could only watch the enemy's atmosphere getting more and more tense.

Uub: "..." Ah, what should I say, is it a dark star?

But suddenly, something happened in the distance.

Everyone who was about to fight had a meal and looked in that direction together.

Ten glowing starships suddenly appeared in the distance. It was a quantum shift. The Star Alliance's support to Prison Planet 484 finally arrived.

On Hongtu's side, the fleets of the Empire and the Star Alliance are fighting fiercely.

With the presence of Hongtu, the dark stars of the empire are all fighting with blood, with a twelve-point spirit to deal with the fleet of the Star Alliance.

When attacking methods, angles, team coordination, and even provoking the enemy, they all strive for perfection. Make sure that Hongtu can see their excellence. Of course, if you can praise a few words, it would be even better.

And Hong Tu was not idle, although he wanted to let his subordinates run over directly, but he also wanted to give his subordinates the capital to run over.

The moment Hong Tu sits high, he has already taken over the energy systems of these starships.

The original dark green energy barrier turned directly into dark red, and even the dangerous star cannon was stained with dark power.

As long as he is still sitting here, these starships are the most dangerous war fortresses.

This kind of opening and hanging behavior directly allowed the Empire's fleet to achieve a crushing round, and the opposing Star Covenant fleet retreated steadily.

After some battle, the Empire didn't lose much, but the Star Alliance fleet was destroyed by one third.

"What the **** is going on?" The Charma star's expression could drip with water.

Although his fleet is well-trained, no one will be deserters, but this does not mean that his fleet can withstand such attrition.

Forget the loss, the enemy is unscathed? ! Are you kidding me? !

"Commander, it is the dark force!" Someone finally analyzed the anomaly of the Imperial fleet.

"Huh?" The Charma star has never heard of any dark star that can directly control the energy of a starship, "Neg?"

"Yes..." The analyst also looked dreamy.

"Cut, our intelligence doesn't say that Nig is so tricky." The Charma star clenched his fist and slammed his fist on the table, unwilling to say, "Retreat."

"All members retreat!" His order was given, and all the Star Alliance fleets immediately began to retreat.

Special isolation weapons were dropped, forming an energy barrier in mid-air, blocking the advance route of the imperial fleet.

Although the Imperial fleet quickly broke the barrier with an attack, the Star Alliance fleet had already withdrawn some distance.

"No need to chase." Hong Tu ordered to stop the imperial army's pursuit.

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