This is a terrible sight that Ma Qing multi-stars have never seen before in their entire life.

The cosmic man who had easily controlled him before had time to stretch out his tentacles to try to struggle for help, but after all he could not resist the erosion of darkness and was infested into a "black sculpture."

The star Ma Qing was so frightened that he kept moving backwards with his hands and feet, until he touched the leg of a dark star and stopped.

He subconsciously raised his head and pointed tremblingly at the "sculpture" for a long time without saying a word, but he hesitated to realize that this dark star was unmoved.

It seemed that he couldn't see the horrible scene, or he felt that this scene was so commonplace that he didn't need to be surprised.

This weird attitude made Ma Qing many stars hesitate to realize that something was wrong.

He even moved away from the dark star man with his body reaction earlier than his brain, and then he uttered that terrified scream.

What the **** is this place! !

The dark stars who were startled by his scream looked at him displeasedly: "Be quiet, don't disturb the king."

As they said, they subconsciously glanced at the direction of Hong Tu's departure, and Hong Tu's figure was no longer there.

This group of Dark Stars breathed a sigh of relief, and they glanced at Ma Qing's multi-stars: "What is your name? Wang saved you personally. Tell me about the coordinates."

"Wh, what?" Ma Qing was at a loss and didn't understand what they meant.

"Oh, I know this. I saw the coordinates on his spacecraft before." A cheerful voice inserted into their conversation. Ma Qing duo star felt that the voice was a bit familiar, and subconsciously turned his head to look, and then screamed again. .

"Ah!!!" Ma Qing stared at the Cheble star who looked intact as if he had seen a ghost.

Wasn't this guy turned into a "statue" by the darkness just now, why is he resurrected now? !

The Chebble star understood his thoughts perfectly: "Oh, it's rude, this look of ghosts, shouldn't you be happy to see me intact? My dear friend?"

"Who is your friend!" Ma Qing retorted subconsciously.

"Oh, okay, are you entangled with this?" Cheble shook his head. "Okay, okay, you're not my friend anymore."

He no longer paid attention to this useless Ma Qing multi-star, but turned to look at the dark star on the side: "Oh, allow me to introduce myself, Exeter, the Chebble star, oh, I seem to have said it, but It seems to be just to the master, oh, should I call the master, or... the king?"

The Chebleman's tone was quite cheerful, even a little nervous.

But the surrounding dark stars accepted this well, and the dark star people who were questioned glanced at the Chebull star: "That is the only and supreme king of our empire."

"Empire, king, oh, it's an honor." If the Chebble star thinks, he can always learn everything he wants to know from others, especially after accepting the dark power, the original sense of weakness fades and replaced by the former There is an unprecedented strong feeling.

The dark star people who were asked were also happy to clarify the newcomers, especially the information about their ruler. So soon, a group of cosmic people abandoned the Ma Qing multi-stellar people, got together, and talked about each other. What they know about Hongtu's deeds.

The Chebull star knows the atmosphere very well, and from time to time he can easily get a rough idea of ​​the strength of the empire, and by the way, he knows the identity of his current master.

It sounds like an ambitious master.

But what's wrong with being ambitious? He admires the owner of this very much. In this way, he is also useful, isn't he?

At this moment, Hong Tu, who was choosing snacks for herself in the lounge, suddenly stopped.

Mana, who was making black tea for him, turned her head sharply and looked, "Master?"

"It's nothing," Hong Tu said with a deep face, "It just feels that my style commentary has been killed again."

He blinked innocently: "I am obviously very kind and Buddhist. How can I be ambitious?"

He looked down at Yitzhak at his feet: "Right, Yitzhak."

"Oh?" Yitzhak didn't know if he listened, but it was right to follow along.

Mana: "..."

Mana turned her head and continued to make tea.

Only the dark circle expresses sarcasm: "..." As for you, is there any saying that the wind critic was killed?

Don't ask, what kind of image you are outside.

When the Star Alliance fleet arrived, all the cosmic people who said they had come to support stopped.

"Cut, it's really fast."

"Ah, I knew I would find more weapons."

"Huh? There are only a few weapons in that broken prison, what else do you want?"

"At least there must be a spaceship or something..." A cosmic man was aggrieved. "Are we going to use these broken guns to hit the opposing warship?"

Not to mention that they didn't have the opponent's ship to make them huge. Even if the monsters came, they couldn't resist a few times.

"It makes sense... it's really hard to do."

"Those **** guys drove the spaceship away!"

"Now what?"

"what to do?"

"What to do? Are you stupid? Of course..."

"Princess Birange, help!!"


"Princess Birange, come on!"

"Come on, Evil Princess!"

"That's right, put the monster and **** the other side!"


Birange: "..."

Uub: "..."

"A bunch of rubbish!" Bilanche cursed angrily, and then waved his hand in a very useful way, "All back, look at this princess!"

A group of prisoners obediently stepped back a long distance, allowing enough range for their battle.

The space around Bilanqi's body was once again distorted, and five powerful monsters came out of the void.

Uub watched this scene, his gaze finally fixed on Bilanche's body. Sure enough, this girl is in big trouble.

His gaze swept across the current seven monsters one by one, his gaze crossed these monsters, and saw the dark planet. But suddenly, he saw a terrifying scene.

The originally huge artificial sun is being engulfed by something bit by bit, and the original dazzling light is dimming. It is a symbol of star cannibalization, but because it is too bright, it cannot be found that the star is missing. A corner.

If it weren't for Ultraman's special eyesight, he wouldn't be able to spot the strangeness of that man-made star in the first place.

"That's..." Uub had a bad premonition. He took a deep look at the monster that was blocking him, tilted his head slightly, and looked at the fleet of the Star Alliance.

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