Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1207: Juggler's provocation

The commander of this fleet is a female Xia De star, she is a capable silver uniform, heroic.

"Ob Altman?" She directly connected to the communication, "I am the commander of the Fifth Fleet of the 2nd Legion of the Star League, Starr Shard Milan."

Uub was startled slightly, and connected her communication with his thoughts: "Hello, are you also here for the prison planet?"

"Yes." Milan admitted. "We are here to support you on the orders of the Star Alliance."

"Can you stop those monsters for me?" Uub was a little anxious. "How about leaving things to me in prison?"

"Of course." Milan agreed to Uub's proposal. They had also heard of this entanglement with the Snakeheart Demon, so they were relieved to leave it to him.

Uub nodded, and the timer on his chest flashed, and the whole Austrian suddenly turned into a stream of light. Before the monster could react, he bypassed the herd and flew towards the prison planet behind.

"Stop him!" Billanche ordered immediately, letting the monsters stop.

But the Star Alliance's fleet launched an attack on them first, preventing the monsters from moving, and incidentally also stopped those cosmic people who planned to go back, allowing Uub to fly into the planet smoothly.

In the prison hall, Juggler still maintained that posture, and at the door of the prison, five cosmic people were gathered together, pointing to the outside, making some strange laughs from time to time.

Obviously, the process of making bombs here is also very smooth, and these guys are already manipulating Barenga to devour the energy of the stars outside.

Juggler felt that they were a little noisy, frowned and looked at them, got up and left.

The Jetton star who had been squatting in the corner immediately got up, and staggered behind him with the monster capsule in his hand. The Gazi star who was wiping the gun immediately got up and followed the back of the gun. Behind Juggler.

"Boss, where are you going?"

Juggler glanced sideways at him: "Those guys are too noisy, and there is a guy here."

"Huh?" Before the star Gaci understood what he meant, he saw the star Jerton on the side shrank his head in fear.

Juggler then thought of the Jetton monster of the Jetton star. He stood still: "Hey, your monster, get rich, right? Can you fight?"

Jetton star Miyaujiro shrank his head: "Yes, it's okay."

Juggler smiled maliciously: "In this case..."

The bluish light passed directly through the ceiling and fell into the hall.

The cosmic people who were discussing in a low voice calmed down, turning their heads to see that the light faded, and a cosmic person wearing a white cloak was slowly standing up straight.

His gaze swept across a group of people in the universe, and finally fixed on Juggler's body: "Juggler."

"Here you are." Juggler tilted his head, "You guy is really as stupid as ever." Don't you dare to come directly to the fortress occupied by him, and you are not afraid of traps?

But he really didn't do much to decorate it... But does he need to decorate it here?

Juggler stepped on him, and a yellow beam of energy suddenly appeared, imprisoning Kai in it.

This is Prison Planet 484. I can’t say a lot about traps, but at least there are definitely a lot of devices used to restrain prisoners, and they operate flexibly. Look, have you caught Kay soon?

Kai was startled, and subconsciously raised his hand to touch the energy pillar, but was sore by the high energy on the energy pillar that he had to withdraw his hand: "Hey, Juggler!"

Juggler raised his eyelids: "What?"

"Stop it, Juggler." Kay tried to persuade. "The Galactic Court has been..."

Juggler rubbed his ears and interrupted him: "Why, is it already destroyed?"

Kai was startled: "Jugula..."

"Ah, it was really destroyed." Juggler's face was only gloating, "Guess where is the next one to be destroyed?"

Without waiting for Kai to speak, he continued to speak for himself: "Of course it is the Star Alliance. Although the fellow Hong Tu is sometimes out of tune, he likes to watch fun, but he protects his shortcomings. And you know his power, right? Guess how long it will take to destroy the Star Alliance?"

He deliberately lowered his voice, matching his expression, like a dangerous person.

"Is your purpose for the Star Alliance?" Kai hesitated to realize Juggler's true purpose.

"Of course," Juggler walked slowly in front of him, and walked around the beam of light that trapped him, "After all, we are now a hostile force. The war between the Empire and the Star Covenant has been going on for too long, I have I'm tired of war, and if it ends directly, the universe will be at peace now."

"What are you kidding? Do you plan to end the war by destroying the Star Alliance?"

"How about it?" Juggler snorted. "Just like the Queen Amaterasu from a thousand years ago, he blindly seeks peace and even sacrifices himself?"

"Hey, Juggler..." Kai didn't like Juggler's idea of ​​mocking others in such a casual tone, and subconsciously interrupted him.

"Huh?" Juggler turned to look at him, "Why, am I wrong?"

"Of course not..." Kai patted the energy barrier with both hands, completely forgetting the danger of this barrier. The next second he was stunned by the electric body and knelt directly on the ground.

"Tsk." Juggler, who looked at his embarrassed look, was unspeakably irritable. He turned to look at the group of if nothing had happened, but in fact, he had been secretly observing the cosmic people here, suddenly remembering One thing, "By the way, you are here to stop the bomb."

Juggler pointed to the top of their heads: "When you came, you also found the strange star."

His eyes were dim, and he lowered his voice: "Guess what's on it?"

"What is it?"

"It's Barenga." He laughed, "Do you know Barenga? That is a monster that can swallow all non-life energy, and is called the'enemy of civilization'. Even if it's just swallowing a star , It won’t have much energy, but what kind of power do you guess the bomb it makes?"

Kay didn't speak, but his cold expression on his face already showed his guess.

"Yes, it's okay to blow up a Star Covenant." Juggler continued, "But now, the bomb hasn't been completed yet. It will take some time."

"Our game is still going on," he stood in front of Kai, with the long knife in his hand inserted into the ground, and the gray-green light filled his eyes. "It depends on whether you are faster or the bomb is finished. Faster."

"By the way, let me give you a hint. The bomb is almost complete. All it lacks is energy." He took a step back and beckoned to the Jetton star Miyutaro, "Then, you go on."

Taro Miyutaro unscrewed the monster capsule in his hand, and as the cold mist sprayed out, a unique cry of the Jetton monster resounded through the prison.


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