Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1208: Fight again after a thousand years

Listening to the cry that resounded through the prison, Juggler sneered, waiting for Kai's next move.

He even guessed what Kay would do next. Will take out the Sword of Uub, break free, and then rush towards himself first.

Thinking of this, Juggler's long knife was horizontally in front of him, and Juggler saw Kai's eyes through the sparks of the collision between the blade and the blade.

It was an unbelievable look, and the eyes were filled with a certain kind of firm belief.

Unbelievable? What can't he believe? Why, he thought they were as good as the Millennium? Or do you think they haven't changed in a thousand years? Or is it simply surprised by his changes?

It was clear that they had parted ways thousands of years ago. One was chosen by the light, and the other awakened to darkness, so what is unbelievable?

But an anger ignited in his heart for no reason, and the sneer on his face was not consciously restrained, and he became indifferent.

He increased the strength on the blade, opened Kai's forcefully, and then took a step forward and directly attacked Kai.

The familiar scene was staged again in recent years.

Juggler raised his sword, and Kai raised his sword to resist. But Juggler's blade moved away as soon as he touched it, twisted his waist and raised his legs, kicked Kai's abdomen, kicked him back several steps.

Juggler had already landed on his knees with the strength of his waist, rotating and shifting Xiangkai's legs and attacked him.

Kai was forced to retreat step by step, and in the end he could only land on one knee, inserting the Sword of Uub in his hand into the ground to resist Juggler's blade.

Juggler, who reacted extremely quickly, supported the ground with one hand, and kicked him over his head with his legs hanging in the air.

Kai could only let go of the sword of Uub in a hurry and raised his arms to resist, but he was still swept out by Juggler's great power.

Kai lay down on the ground embarrassedly, and before he got up, Juggler's long legs had already walked in front of him.

"You have become much stronger again." Kay panted and supported his body from the ground, but when his arm was loose, he almost leaned back on his back. The blow just made his arm numb now.

"You don't think that you are the only one moving forward." Juggler is holding a long sword in one hand and the Sword of Uub in the other, looking carefully.

"But is that what you call becoming stronger?" Kai simply sat on the ground and raised his head to look at Juggler. This is probably the first time they have had such a peaceful conversation in this thousand years.

"Which?" Juggler frowned, but quickly let go, smiling evilly, "Does occupation of this prison cause panic?"

"With the lives of those innocents?"

"Innocent?" Juggler laughed. He leaned forward and closed his laughter. The tip of the long knife he was carrying made a harsh "prick" on the ground, making his laugh look very strange, "You won't pay it back." Hold on to that naive idea? This is war, and war will always have sacrifices, and whether it is me, the empire, the Star Alliance, or other cosmic people, there will be no so-called innocent people appearing on this battlefield. "

"What do you think the war started?" Juggler, who finished laughing, bent down, leaned closer to Kai, stared at him closely, and slowed down his voice: "It is profit, it is survival. Innocent people will not appear. Here, the only ones that will appear here are those killing fields that throw everything aside for the benefit, survival, and the power for their own sake! Here, only the strong can be distinguished, only the victory can be distinguished, and only the distribution of benefits can be clarified. To end all of this. Kay, I have experienced wars for centuries. I know what war is better than you, a warrior who wanders in the universe, is a hero, and saves the weak. If you’re thinking of “don’t want a victim,” it’s better not to get involved. Because you can’t stop it.”

He threw the Sword of Uub in his hand in front of Kai and turned to leave.

The Gatsi star blew a whistle, praising Juggler's handsomeness at the moment, and followed.

Jetton starman Sanyu Jiro looked at Juggler, and then at Kai. He was a little confused and didn't know if he should follow.

But the Jerton monster outside has been released, isn't it this Ultraman of Light played it? Then why does he still change his body?

"It can always be done." Kai picked up the Sword of Uub and shouted at Juggler's back, "But at least I know what I should do! I will never, I will never sit and wait!"

A dazzling blue light shone from the Sword of Uub, and the standing Kai general raised the long sword in his hand, and the beam of light enveloped him, leading him to disappear in the prison hall and appear in the universe.

"Huh!" Juggler grinned as he looked at the place where Kai disappeared, and didn't know what he was laughing at.

He glanced at the Jetton star, Sanyu Jiro immediately understood what he meant, nodded, then looked up to the ceiling, and made a move that was extremely unexpected by everyone present.

He no longer flinched like before, and even made a series of extremely abnormal smiles: "Wow, khaka! Get rich, it's time for our long-lost fun!"

As he said, a low growl belonging to the Jetton monster came from above. Jetton starman Miyutaro listened to the low roar of the Jetton monster, and then nodded as if he understood: "Warrior of Light...Light Of warriors?"

His laughter was full of malicious intentions, and he ran out of the prison gate happily.

Juggler: "...?"

Garnier of Gaci Star: "?!"

A crowd of cosmic people: "?" What just happened?

Juggler also looked dumbfounded, what the hell, was that the Jetton star who was trembling with the cowardly speaking before?

Garnier, the Gaci star, moved his neck with difficulty: "Boss, that guy won't... there is something wrong here, right?"

He pointed to his head, and it was self-evident what he meant.

Juggler twitched his mouth, but did not answer in the end, although he had the same thoughts as the Gatsians.

But after all he maintained his compulsion, and said indifferently, "Follow him. You can continue."

With that said, he wanted to go to the warden's office.

The star Gaci nodded: "As expected of the boss."

Although Te himself didn't know what he was sighing about, it was worthy of his admiration that he didn't change the color of the jagaku ramen.

So, he beckoned to the stunned group of cosmic people on the other side: "You guys raise monsters and come on!"

A group of cosmic people nodded subconsciously. When the figures of Juggler and Gatsi disappeared from sight, they exchanged glances at each other and went to see Jetton's monster fighting the warrior of light with enthusiasm.

"Who do you say can win?"

"I bet on monsters!"

"I bet on that princess."

"Then I bet Master Juggler."

"...Can I bet on the Warrior of Light?"

"There is a traitor among us!"

"beat him!"

"Don't don't! You show mercy, fuck, don't slap your face!"

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