Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1209: Special Jetton Monster

Saisha, a rare "normal person", looked at the group of cosmic people in a group, and covered her forehead with a headache.

These guys are really restless.

She stood at the prison door and looked into the distance, and saw that not far from their prison, a Jetton monster stood opposite Uub Altman.

"Does any of you know that Jetton star?" Saisha asked suddenly.

The other cosmic people were startled and looked at each other: "Do you know him?"

"do not know."

"I haven't seen it before."

"Ah, I seem to have heard it." A voice suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

When they looked down, they saw the "traitor" surrounded by them and beaten and said, "I've heard of it, probably."

This is a Godela star with a black and white body, a long neck, and only two big eyes at the top. At this moment, he is covering his eyes with two hands, feeling the fists around him stop, and then tentatively put it down. hand.

A cosmic person immediately stopped his long neck with one hand in a friendly manner: "Tell me~"

The Godra star shrank subconsciously, but to avoid fruitlessly, he was staggered by the cosmic man and almost fell to the ground.

He stabilized his body: "That was hundreds of years ago."

That was after the war between the warrior of light and the demon of the universe.

Because of that battle, the earth also smoothly entered the sight of the universe. I have to say that the ecology of the planet with that tree of life is always great.

But because of Ganon's lock-up, they couldn't live on that planet, but the earth was different.

The earth’s civilization is still at a stage where it has never stepped into the universe. There is not much resistance to it, and it is easy to be occupied or eroded by foreign civilizations.

The top forces in the universe have inserted strongly, protecting the earth and preventing it from becoming a colony.

But it is not without the idea of ​​some malicious guys hitting the earth, and among them, the most famous one is the invasion of the Hawks.

Those guys secretly lurked on a satellite not far from the earth, and created a projection that could cover the entire earth, with the intention of stealing the earth without deceiving everyone in the universe.

Unfortunately, there have been many alien immigrants on that planet.

The Jetton star is one of them.

That night, a powerful Jetton monster killed all the unscrupulous cosmic people and destroyed the star.

Of course, this was not the real reason for the arrest of the Jetton star. The aggressor was beaten back, which can only be regarded as a legitimate defense.

The real reason for his arrest was that in the six months after that, the Jetton monster appeared again and appeared on the home planet of the Hawkes...

"...In general, it was the Jettons who destroyed the home planet of the Hawkes on their own. Later, the Hawks invited reinforcements, but the home planets of the reinforcements were destroyed together. In desperation, how many This force joined forces to suppress the raging Jetton monster, and was imprisoned along with the Jetton star. It’s just that I didn’t expect to be kept here."

"You know it very well." A cosmic man patted Godra on the back, smiling like how good their relationship is.

"Ah," the Godra star smiled embarrassedly, "because it is our Godra star that was destroyed as a result of the support."

The laughter of other cosmic people suddenly choked, and the hand of the cosmic person who patted him on the back also stopped in the air, and the atmosphere instantly solidified.

"Ah, what's the matter with you?" Godela stared blankly to notice the freezing of the atmosphere, but didn't realize the reason, and looked at these cosmic people who suddenly did not speak.

The other cosmic people paused, if nothing happened: "It's nothing, hahahaha, then you are so miserable."

"It's kind of." Godra nodded in sympathy.

Other cosmic people: "..."

On the other side, Juggler sat on the office chair belonging to the warden, leaned back lazily, put his legs on the table, and tapped it to find out the monitoring device of the warden.

Although this thing requires permission, Juggler took out the dark ring and tapped it lightly with the ring body. The red light flashed on the dark ring, and the red energy instantly penetrated into it. Layers of identity authentication were Passed, the monitoring he wanted was turned on.

Juggler glanced at the surveillance inside the prison, then cast his gaze on the surveillance outside.

Birange's monsters are fighting with the Star Alliance fleet. Although those monsters are very powerful, Birange itself is also very fragile, otherwise she would not be locked up.

Judging from the situation, Bilanchi can still hold it for a while now, at least until they can decide the outcome.

So Juggler no longer paid attention to Bilanchi's side, but looked at Uub's side.

The Balengar monster has eaten a quarter of the stars, and Uub is also fighting fiercely with the Jetton monster.

"That is…"

Juggler squinted his eyes and looked at the Jetton monster in the picture.

He didn't know what breed this Jetton monster was before, of course, he was not sure now, because this Jetton monster was a bit strange.


He was a little uncertain.

Juggler flipped his fingers, and a monster card appeared in his hand, sandwiched between his two fingers.

It was the card of Niogerton. Niogerton is somewhat similar to Hypperton, but the arms are somewhat different.

Neojaton’s five fingers are similar to humans, while Hypageton is a barbed pliers, but this monster of Jayton’s monster Sanyutaro’s is different. It has the upper body of an adult Hypageton. But the lower part of the body is the worm-like appearance of Hyppajdon's larvae.

"Is it a special breed of Jetton monster?" Juggler said, the monster card disappeared, and he watched Uub fight this Jetton monster with great interest.

Because it is a combination of larvae and adults, this Jetton monster is also unexpectedly huge, at least as big as three Uubs.

This also made Uub's battle difficult.

As far as strength is concerned, he will naturally not be the opponent of this Jetton monster, and in terms of flexibility, Hypargerton's unique spatial power, this monster can also play very smoothly and move very fast, but It's a little harder to turn around or something.

But this does not prevent this Jetton monster from gaining the upper hand when fighting Uub.

Yes, Uub was suppressed for a while.

"The strength is good." Juggler nodded in relief.

Behind him, Garnier, who has completely entered the role of guard or subordinate by himself, also nodded his head: "It's really not a person to look like."

Who could have imagined that that guy is actually a fine point, and he still possesses the fine point of such a powerful monster.

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