Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1212: The grievances between the Chebulls and the Kuls

It's really been a long time.

When the leader of the Kul star saw the Chebull star, he subconsciously stepped back a bit.

This Chebleman can be said to be his lifelong nightmare.

Kuer Stars are suspicious and cautious, but at the same time they are extremely loyal to invading other planets. They can be said to be typical dark stars. At the same time as they invaded, they were very timid, so they invented the invisibility device at the cutting edge of the universe, which was able to completely hide their spacecraft and themselves, and even invisible their home star, completely fading out of the star field map of the universe.

All this should have gone smoothly, their home planet was invisible, no one could find them, and they didn't need to have too much worries to invade other planets as much as they wanted.

Until... met this Chebleman.

This guy is not a normal Chebleman at all.

As we all know, the Chebulls are not much better than them. They can at best be a little hypnotized, but in fact their combat power is worrying.

But this does not include the one in front of you.

Just as there will always be such an alien among some cosmic people, this one in front of you can be regarded as an alien among the Chebulls.

He has a powerful mental power far surpassing his family, and what he masters is not simple hypnosis, but direct mental control.

The most terrible thing is that this Chebleman didn't know how to touch the home star of their Kurman!

As the current leader, the Kurstar will never forget the scene at that time.

The seemingly insignificant Chebulls are sitting on the palm of the Golden Ancient Bridge, commanding the Golden Ancient Bridge army to look for their home star bit by bit like a puzzle game. His purpose is not for aggression, nor for hatred, but has nothing to do with the so-called interests, just... just to find it interesting.

He controlled more than ten Pedan Stars alone, and the controlled Pedan Stars dispatched nearly twenty golden ancient bridges to surround the area where the Kuer Stars' home star was located, and started bombarding search little by little.

That time, the home planet that the Kul people had hidden for thousands of years was almost destroyed.

But fortunately, the Chebulian control of the universe was quickly noticed by the Pedanian. They sent more golden bridges to stop them, and finally succeeded in killing all the Pedanian that was controlled by the Cheburian.

Oh, it is the Kurs who are passing to the Pedan.

Simply put, it is now an enemy meeting.

However, compared to the reaction of the Kurdish Stars, the Chebble Stars looked extremely flat and even felt regretful.

Of course, it is naturally not only that his subordinate recruitment plan has been ruined, but also that he may never have the opportunity to find these guys to make friends in the future.

He suddenly lost his interest.

But the Kul star on the opposite side was different, and the Kul star even regretted it and asked for help. He thought that everyone was a dark star and might be able to seek blessing.

Who would have thought that the enemy was here...it would be embarrassing.

Obviously the Chebles joined earlier than they did. Isn’t it easy to make trips?

The Kul Stars would not underestimate this Cheble Star, on the contrary, this Cheble Star gave them a very deep shadow. If this guy can join in, 80% of them are already pretty good!

Moreover, this guy ran out, and the Star Alliance did not give any news at all. It was really unreliable!

The Kul star cursed secretly while thinking of a way.

He had already acquiesced that the attitude of the ruler of the empire was biased towards the Cheble Stars, so the top priority now was how to escape from here.

They came to show their sincerity, they didn't bring a communicator to contact the Star Alliance! And most of the weapons were confiscated.

What can a group of weak chickens whose weapons have been confiscated do? It's just a dish!

The emotions that were almost on their faces quickly exposed their thoughts, and the Chebble star suddenly sighed in disappointment: "Really, why can't you be a little more cautious?"

In this way, he doesn't have to worry too much, and directly destroys the Kuer Stars. After all, his powerful new master doesn't mind giving his ministers a little bit of revenge.

But I will mind the civil war between the empires.

Oh, this group of guys may not be called real empire residents, but... they can't do it either.

The Chebble star turned his head sorrowfully: "Well, come with me, I'll arrange for you."

The Kurstar backed away vigilantly, obviously not believing him.

"Oh, don't look at me like that." The Chebleman waved his tentacles, with helplessness and disgust in his tone, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you now."

After that, he didn't care what the Kurstar thoughts, and walked straight out of the reception room.

I really don’t know why he came to receive these guys... Could it be that his new owner was aware of it?

The Chebleman was lost in thought.

On the other side, Hong Tu is lying on the bed comfortably while reading the Interstellar Forum and eating snacks.

As for the Chebleman, he was completely left behind.

He didn't care about the tracking observations of the Chebble Stars, because the ones at Mephistopheles were not much better before, and they were somewhat used to it.

And the reason why the Cheble Stars were allowed to go, was to try the Cheble Stars' abilities.

This Chebleman is very strong and has a good mind. Hong Tu has already seen another subordinate who can help him deal with files in the future.

You know, as the empire's strength gradually increases, its territory becomes wider and wider, more and more people in the universe are protected, and naturally there are more and more problems, and Hongtu naturally needs to deal with more and more things.

Although he can handle it, who likes office work?

He doesn't like it anyway.

So he can only think of ways to increase the number of subordinates who can share the work for himself.

As for Mephistopheles' thoughts... well, would they have any opinions? Of course not.

Realizing that he was very witty, Hong Tu pulled a few times and saw an interesting interstellar post.

Because here are basically anonymous, few people in the universe will iron out their true identity, so the netizens in this interstellar forum also unexpectedly... let themselves go.

Just like the one that Hong Tu saw-[Taking a look at the love and hatred between the universe-famous warrior of light and the prince of the empire! 】

Oh, the name sounds so amazing!

Hong Tu directly clicked in and started eating melon enthusiastically.

Although he held the melon first, he was really curious about what these cosmic people thought of Uub and Juggler.

The poster of this post is also quite conscientious, and directly first came a wave of detailed introductions to Juggler and Kay.

Hong Tu glanced at Juggler's various achievements, and then looked at Uub's deeds.

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