Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1213: From best friend to status disparity

Uub is also quite active in the universe, at least one thing has spread in the universe, who can defeat that warrior of light, who can be famous in the universe.

Many strong men are already ready to move, but because the war between the empire and the Star Covenant has caught most of the attention, no one has really chased Uub.

But this does not mean that Uub has not been paid attention to.

This is a warrior of light, his powerful universe is obvious to all, and he doesn't know how many times he has saved various crises and well-known celebrities.

Of course, if the popularity is high, in addition to being easily targeted by the strong, there will naturally be idolatry and other situations.

As a result, some cosmic people began to collect information about Uub secretly.

Never underestimate the speed of intelligence transmission in the universe, and of course, you can't count on the truth or falsehood of this news.

However, some intelligence can be deeply rooted, such as the past of Uub and Juggler.

Although the fact that the two people were once close friends shocked a lot of people in the universe for a long time, they took it for granted that the two separated from each other to the present status.

Cough, get back to business.

Speaking of Kai and Juggler parting ways, Juggler was directly brought back to the empire by Hongtu, and then appointed a commander, and began to wander around on various battlefields.

Kay is different. His experience is quite rich, he has been running around all corners of the universe, following the guidance of the light, and working his own power to save the universe and peace.

In the past thousand years, he has defeated many powerful enemies, completed many light tasks, led many fetters, and left many legends.

Defeated Murnau, the witch thief of the universe, and collected the earth element; the water planet defeated the raging three undersea monsters and collected the water element; the volcanic planet defeated the bodyguard of the mine owner, Count Orokk, Sardis and the lava. The monster, collected the element of fire; the planet of wind defeated the brother Naker, the bodyguard of the universe capitalist Zaltana, and collected the element of wind.

Of course, these are only major major events, and there are many small events that have been talked about, which together have created the prestige of Ultraman Uub.

For this reason, when the relationship between Juggler and Kai is deeply revealed, the two will inevitably be compared together.

At least under this post that Hong Tu is looking at, the comparison between Juggler and Kai is in full swing.

Although...Most of them are eating melons and watching dramas like Hongtu.

But for now, Hong Tu has seen a prisoner who claimed to have just escaped successfully and began to make a live broadcast, and is explaining the scene of Prison Planet 484 to the universe.

If it is not forbidden to broadcast live, I am afraid that the live broadcast has already begun.

However, it seems that Juggler has not directly confronted Kai.

Hong Tu doesn’t know much about Juggler’s thoughts. He and Juggler have not seen him directly for a long time, but Juggler is now more and more concealing his heart. As a result, no one in the empire can perceive his truth. Idea.

But Hong Tu knew that Juggler deliberately avoided the place where Kai would appear during the millennium. This avoidance was nearly a millennium.

Obviously, he wanted to compete with Kai, but he deliberately avoided him.

Anyway, Hongtu couldn't understand it, because Hongtu itself wouldn't have the troubles of Juggler, his strength was unmatched, so naturally he would not understand Juggler's mood.

This may be the reason why Juggler never told him his thoughts.

After all...

"The child has grown up and has his own ideas." Hong Tu sighed pretentiously, then registered an account with interest and joined the team of eating melons.

For a melon-eating crowd, is there anything more fun than holding the first melon and sharing it?

On Juggler's side, Juggler's mood has become increasingly unhappy. For no other reason, Uub's situation has become increasingly difficult.

Obviously he should be in a good mood, because of Uub's embarrassed posture, because Uub can no longer do the so-called "saving everyone", but Juggler is in a very unhappy mood.

This guy... This guy is still very annoying even after nearly a thousand years, especially the appearance of knowing that he will lose but still sticking to it, making Juggler even more annoyed.

Why can't he give up? Juggler suddenly thought of it at this moment.

But soon, he covered his face.

Yes, that's why he didn't want to see Kai.

Thousands of years have passed, and he still has not been able to find his way, and he is still confused in his heart, but the guy Kay still moves firmly in the direction of his heart, and has never been confused.

It's really unpleasant.

In the monitoring screen, Uub straightened up again, the timer on his chest had flickered faster and faster, but Uub did not take a step back.

But obviously he couldn't defeat that monster at all. Not in the heyday, now that the energy is about to run out, it is even more impossible.

In the distance of Uub, Fa Cai was slowly raising his arm.

The high-temperature flames began to converge, and a purple fireball gathered on Hyppajdon's chest. As the flames condensed, the ground around Fa Fortune had already appeared scorched black, and even had a faint tendency to melt.

Without even thinking about it, who knows what the result will be if this high-temperature energy ball hits it.

But Uub did not retreat. He was already unstable. The Sword of Uub in his hand had been slammed on the ground as a support for his body, but as the high-temperature flames condensed, he was slowly trying to lift the sword. , Ready to face the blow.

Unable to avoid, so he decided to fight.

This guy... this guy... is an idiot at all! !

As if feeling the crisis, Uub steadily supported his body, and the only energy remaining in his body began to converge towards the sword of Uub in his hand. As the ring at the hilt of the sword turned slightly, the elemental symbols engraved on it Wen also lit up a variety of lights.

This blow was his last strength!

As for retiring? He never thought about it.

Finally, the huge high-temperature flame ball condensed and formed. The fire ball appeared purple, surrounded by golden chain-like flames. Just looking at it, you could feel the high temperature burning on it, and this fireball was even bigger than Hyppajdon’s head. Big.

Fa Cai threw this condensed fireball towards Uub, the energy of Uub's sword's tip converged into a beam of light, and rushed out with his sword, hitting the fireball fiercely.

The energy and energy clash, pushing the fireball in mid-air, but it also made the fireball more unstable. Large bulges appeared on the originally flat surface, which seemed to detonate at any time.

Once the fireball bursts, thousands of miles around this area may suffer, including the prison fortress like a copper wall and iron wall may be flattened!

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