Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1214: I won't laugh at you

Uub was startled, his first reaction was to immediately withdraw the energy output.

The high-temperature fireball condensed in mid-air, constantly bulging out "fire bubbles", which was very unstable. And with the high temperature energy emitted by the fireball, it is not difficult to imagine how powerful it is.

Can't let that fireball explode here!

This was Uub's first reaction. He didn't retreat but instead rushed towards the already unstable fireball, condensed energy in his hands, and rushed straight into the sky holding the fireball.

The fireball exploded in mid-air, and the hot flame spread to the surroundings, almost covering the entire sky above the prison, and the burst of light even surpassed the star. The high-temperature flames gradually extinguished because there were not many combustibles, and only some of the remaining sparks landed stubbornly, leaving small scorched black pits on the ground.

Juggler in the warden's office stood up when Uub rushed into the fireball, but he had no time to stop him, so he could only watch Uub rush to the sky like that, being flooded by the fire.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in the flame, and Uub fell down and hit the ground heavily surrounded by high-temperature flames.

The timer on his chest flickered faintly, and his eyes were slightly dim. The flames gradually extinguished on his body, but Uub did not move.

Juggler disappeared directly into the office, and was already next to Uub when he reappeared.

"Zhi... Pause..." Fa Cai let out a low growl, and moved his feet to approach Uub. Obviously, it intends to solve Uub directly.

The yellow light-emitting organ on its chest lit up, and the fireball condensed again, this time it was just an ordinary golden fireball, but this blow would be a fatal blow for Uub.

Juggler turned his head blankly to look at the fortune who came by. This Hypajton itself had no wisdom, and it was all directed by Sanyutaro on the side.

And Taro Miyutaro didn't notice the existence of Juggler, and naturally he wouldn't stop attacking when he got rich.

At this moment, several laser bombs struck and fell on the body of the fortune, interrupting the accumulation of the fortune.

It hurts to get rich and eat, the concentrated flames dissipated, and it growled angrily and looked up at the source of the attack.

It is the fleet of the Star Alliance.

To be precise, it was the fleet that came to support.

Under the sudden increase of the fleet's attack, Birange's monsters could not resist at all, and they were directly breached, giving them a chance to support them.

Juggler frowned, but he just glanced at the Star Covenant fleet and looked at Uub.

The attack of the Star Alliance and the roar of getting rich made Uub a little awake. He moved his fingers hard to support his upper body, and at the same time noticed Juggler on the ground.

The Covenant's intensive artillery fire fell on and around the huge monsters. Although it did not affect Uub and Juggler, there was still a large amount of dust splashing around them.

At a certain moment, the dust covered Uub's line of sight, and when the dust fell, the one standing there had already become a fiercely famous "snake heart" demon in the universe.


"Our game is not over." Juggler turned to look at the support fleet approaching in the sky, "Or you can just surrender."

He turned his head and glanced at Uub: "I won't laugh at you."

With that, he turned to face those fleets.

Behind him, the fortress-like prison also moved.

The weapons that were originally used for external forces were activated, and a group of turrets protruded from the wall, calibrated, and aimed at the fleet in the sky.

The prisoners who were originally imprisoned walked out of the prison. Although they were still wearing prison uniforms, they had already clenched their weapons, laughing wildly and provoking the starship in the sky.

The monsters that had been suppressed at the bottom of the prison were released. They were not many, but they all looked up at the threat from the sky.

The huge Hypajton looked up at the sky, and uttered an angry long cry: "Zhi... Pause..."

This was the prisoner's counterattack. It was a small gift from Juggler to the Star Alliance. As for the big gift, it was jointly sent by these cosmic people, which was the soon-to-be-formed Balenga bomb.

The Star Alliance ignored the bomb in the artificial star for the time being, because it was an artificial star, and ordinary cosmonauts or spaceships could not approach it at all. They had to deal with these prisoners first, and try to disarm the bomb remotely.

Thus, the war started smoothly.

The artillery fire of the Star Alliance fleet hits the monsters and cosmic people on the ground by washing the ground. The monsters are not afraid to die. They stand in the artillery fire, spit out energy bombs or energy pillars against the starships in the sky, trying to shoot down Those battleships.

People in the universe without spaceships can only increase their bodies to attack, or simply stand on the shoulders, backs, or heads of monsters and use weapons to attack.

It's just that those who stand on the monsters need to pay attention to prevent being thrown off by the monsters inadvertently.

Haipajton is naturally the leader of the attacking team. His barrier can block all attacks. The high-temperature fireball is a great threat to the fleet's barriers. So soon there will be some smart monsters. Followed by Fa Cai.

Miyutaro was already excited, completely forgot Ultraman Uub, and concentrated on commanding the fleet that made Fortune attacked the Star Alliance.

Juggler hasn't moved yet.

He held the Snake Heart Sword in one hand, and the dark circle in the other. The bullets fell around him, and those who were about to hit him were blocked by invisible barriers, which firmly protected him.

"Jagueras Juggler," a voice came from the fleet, "Stop it. The mob that you formed is not our opponent at all."

"Huh," Juggler snorted, "It's so arrogant. Isn't it because of the threat from Naig that you are here?"

"..." There was silence for a while, and continued, "Negg is really strong, but it's not invincible."

"Really, then I'll wait and see." Juggler in the form of a demon fought Ma's long sword on his shoulder, and the dark circle in his hand lit up with an unknown dark red light. "Guess how many monsters did I bring?"

The Star Alliance's fleet did not answer, and in response were several flying disc-shaped flying objects.

After being hit by the stray bullets, these flying objects stretched out into a series of metal mechanical dragon-like monsters. They were the cosmic dragons, the bodyguard-type monsters unique to the Waylud. An army of monsters made up of monsters.

Juggler inserted the long sword at his feet, raised the dark circle in one hand, and then a golden monster card appeared in his hand. He pinched the thumb of the monster card, and one became six. The fan was pinched in his hand.

"Next is the game round with you." The monster cards were inserted into the dark circle one by one, and large scattered red light particles wrapped around him, and finally condensed into six huge monsters behind him.

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