Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1216: One-sided battlefield

This war will not last long.

Juggler retracted his gaze and looked up at the stars in the sky.

It’s time to take a look at the bomb...

"Kay!!" Juggler let out a roar, but it was too late.

Uub, who had been ignored by him before, was closing the lid, and the huge star in front of him had already been covered by Barenga, which had disappeared, and it was self-evident.

Of course his roar could not reach Uub's ears, he was already outside the atmosphere, and of course his voice could not be conveyed.

But Uub still noticed something, turned his head and looked at Juggler, and saw Juggler's expression in full view.

But he still never stopped.

The ring timer on the chest of the human-sized giant of light was flashing red, holding a gray sealed water cup that didn't match the wind in one hand, and looking down at the demon on top of the monster's head for thousands of miles.

One is calm, and the other is full of anger.

Kai can always find a way to provoke Juggler, once and now.

The plan was interrupted, so the furious Juggler rushed towards Uub without hesitation.

Uub put away the water cup in his hand, and the sword of Uub appeared again, and he rushed towards Juggler without hesitation.

The two of them didn't become huge, so they fought in the universe according to the size of human beings.

The Star Alliance's fleet did not bother them either, and went straight to further clean up the monsters and cosmic people on the ground.

The firepower became more and more intense, making the monsters and cosmic people on the ground difficult for a while.

"It seems that the outcome is about to be determined." Garnier, the Gaci star, was lying on the top of the prison building, holding a huge sniper cannon much taller than him, and glanced at the situation on the ground, distressed. He scratched his head, "Ah, although I had a great time playing, it doesn't feel good..."

As a sniper, he has been paying attention to the situation in the field, and will shoot down some small and medium-sized spacecraft from time to time. While firing the gun, he naturally paid attention to the safety of important personnel on his side.

Oh, this important person naturally refers to Juggler.

In addition to Juggler, he also glanced at the main battlefield in the battlefield as the main force in the battle, Hyppajdon, and the master of Jetton, Jetton star.

Therefore, he naturally noticed the scene when Juggler left the field angrily. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the location of Jetton.

In fact, the Jetton star is right below him. At this moment, this guy is waving the stick in his hand frantically, shouting the slogan: "Sure victory! Sure victory! Get rich! Come on! Come on! Get rich!"

It is not so much madness as it is ecstasy.

Look at the other cosmic people. They are completely mad. They are obviously injured seriously. No one really chooses to retreat. They don’t even bother to hide, just to get an extra spaceship in the sky. .

Gaci star Ganier sighed: "Really, it's a group of guys who will lose no matter how you look at it."

With that, he filled the sniper cannon with shells and aimed at a battleship in the sky, a...large starship.

Although his teammates didn't know the tactics and only knew how to rush, he couldn't help but aim at the "biggest targets" with the sniper gun in his hand, even if he knew that the weapon in his hand was not a threat to that thing.

Still not reconciled after all.

Soon, more and more interstellar prisoners fell, and most of the monsters fell. Only Goldlas and Hyppajdon were intact.

The decline on their side is already visible to the naked eye, after all, fighting the army with this kind of truth is indeed a bit wishful thinking.

Everyone in the universe knows it naturally, but who cares, hahahaha, just hit it!


Garnier raised his head and looked at the sky. The furious demon took the upper hand. After all, Uub had little energy and could no longer hold on to this fierce battle.

But why does it seem that the boss is even more angry?

Garnier tilted his head and quickly gave up thinking.

Forget it, let him go, continue to blow the opposite side!

Seeing that Garnier was about to be defeated, he was also plunged into madness. It can only be said that it must be a bit abnormal to be locked here.

Haven't you seen such a gentle beauty like Saisha raising a gun and shooting fiercely?

In the universe, Juggler's long knife slashed, Uub raised Uub's sword and held his knife, but soon he was pushed down by the great force of the knife.

"You really got stronger..." Uub flew down while being crushed, looking at Juggler.

"Of course." Fighting always makes Juggler calm down. This is a habit that has been cultivated in the battlefield for a long time. Only calmness can better see the overall situation. "But as always, no, it should be better than before. It's even more annoying."

"Really." Uub's tone was relaxed.

"Of course." Juggler's blade turned, shifted with the sword of Uub, and kicked his feet toward Uub's wide open abdomen.

Uub raised his leg and blocked his foot, then flew away from under Juggler, and flew behind Juggler instead.

Juggler turned and raised his hand to catch Uub's fist, and the long knife in his other hand slashed towards Uub.

Uub had to retreat and distanced himself from him.

The two played fiercely, but Juggler actually had the upper hand.

"Are you going to fight me with this posture?" Juggler sneered, "You look down on me too much!"

"I never underestimated you," Uub said sincerely, "Jagula, but stop it this time. Uncle Red..."

"Did you ruin the Galactic Court?" Juggler accepted his words, "Guess where he will destroy next?"

Uub was taken aback, and suddenly realized something: "Did you... deliberately?"

"Ha," Juggler snorted, then stopped the attack, and laughed out loud, "You don't think I was really caught in this simple way! Hahahahaha, of course this is a plan for the Star Covenant. NS!"

"The war between the empire and the Star Covenant has lasted for too long, and I am tired of it for so long." Juggler regained his ease of posture. "The Galactic Court will only be the first step. The resistance of this universe is better than I thought. Still stubborn, for nearly a thousand years...huh, in fact, you only need Hong Tu alone, right?"

"Are you going to... destroy the Star Alliance?"

"Of course, our goal is always this universe." Juggler's tone was indifferent, and his words made Uub feel the cold from the bottom of his heart, "Incorporate this universe into the empire, Since they are unwilling to accept the peaceful way, it can only be destroyed."

"How could it be like this..." Uubke never thought so deeply. He had never been in contact with war before, but the meaning in Juggler's words was definitely not a good meaning.

At this moment, Uub was deeply aware of one thing-he no longer knew Juggler at all, or that Juggler was no longer the enemy of the same person who drifted away from the universe with him and climbed the top of the brave thousands of years ago. Yiyou's partner is now.

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