Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1217: Juggler and Uub's duel

The battle continued, and there were only a few cosmic people left in the battlefield below that were still barely supporting, and the monsters were only Hyppajdon, Goldras, and Bemunstein of Juggler.

The Star Alliance fleet has lost more than 60 small and medium-sized spaceships, and two huge starships have fallen.

There were only two mechanical dragons left in the Nass Legion.

In the distance, there were only two monsters in Bilanchi's army, one Iculius and one extremely fast flying monster.

Oh, that's not right, there is another one, the one that protects Birange.

Such a situation put Birange on the verge of rage, but it was more of a panic.

Not only was the army of monsters unable to resist the panic on the other side, but also the fear that Juggler would abandon her.

But Birange couldn't summon more monsters for a while, and her defeat was doomed.

Most of the small and medium starships have surrounded her, and the rest have surrounded her only remaining monsters, and the rest is just her stubborn resistance.

Moreover, unlike Uub’s solitary combat, the Covenant Fleet, as an army, analyzed while fighting, and quickly found out the weakness of Iculius. The ultra-low temperature spray sprayed out and enveloped Iculius, seemingly frivolous. The white ice crystals began to spread on Iculius, and Iculius soon turned into a transparent ice sculpture.

This ice sculpture looks thin and light, but in fact it is very hard. This is... the ultra-low temperature that even Ultraman can't break away.

Iculius was resolved, and what was left was a fragile energy body monster and the monster that protected Birange.

These two monsters are not single powerful monsters, but auxiliary monsters. There is no doubt that the two monsters have also been eliminated one after another. The light prison composed of special energy directly enveloped Bilanqi, announcing her recapture. .

"Master Juggler! Save me!" Billanche decisively began to cry for help.

But Juggler, who was asked for help by her, was crushing Uub wholeheartedly, and didn't even look at her asking for help.

Under Juggler’s stimulus, Uub was obviously irritated, and he abruptly resisted Juggler’s offensive, even started a counterattack, and even got involved with Juggler for a while.

Juggler suddenly remembered what Hong Tu had said about the characteristics of Ultraman, the kind of idealism that became more and more courageous...


Juggler slashed through Uub's abdomen. Uub retreated to avoid his blade, then raised his hand to press on his right knuckle, trying to restrain his right arm holding the sword.

Juggler twisted his body directly, and his elbow hit Uub's chest with an elbow that was not grasped.

Uub couldn't react, and was directly hit in the chest by the blow, and suddenly flew out.

Juggler slammed his long knife and chased after him.

Uub steadied his body, turned and flew to the other side, Juggler chased him behind him, and from time to time a crescent-shaped energy blade flew towards Uub, but Uub dodged flexibly.

"Can you only run?" Juggler, who has been unable to catch up, was a little annoyed. He couldn't even catch Uub's speed at this moment. Isn't this guy's energy bottomed out, why can he fly so fast? !

Uub didn't pretend to answer his provocation, but once again avoided the energy blade that Juggler struck.

"Tsk." Juggler was a little unhappy suddenly, he became more irritable, and no longer simply used his own power, and pinched a golden monster card with the flip of his hand.

On the golden card, the phantom that belonged to Neorgeton flashed away, and a string of dark purple light flashed from Jagula's body, and the whole person brought out an afterimage, which appeared in front of Uub in an instant.

Uub's reaction stopped extremely quickly, but he was still kicked in his abdomen by Juggler, and he was kicked and flew back upside down.

One Demon and Ultraman immediately fought together again.

Behind them is the faint star, and a gleaming galaxy belt shining in the distance, witnessing the battle.


In the end, only two monsters remained.

Fa Cai was seriously injured. In the face of this type of bombardment, even speeding movement cannot be avoided. What's more, multiple starships can always construct space-limiting devices, which greatly restricts Fa Cai's movement.

The other surviving one is naturally Goldras. This golden monster has evolved into Dark Goldras, but its time and space are not without weaknesses, and as long as the weaknesses are caught, even if it is Goldlas could not last long either.

But Dark Goldlas didn't care. It ignored the wounds that were constantly overflowing with tan blood and black "fog", and continued to attack the starship in the sky.

A new round of intensive artillery fire on the starship created new wounds on its body.

There is no interstellar prisoner who can stand up anymore, er, except for Jetton Starman Miyutaro, who, as the master of the fortune, has long been protected by the fortune.

In addition, even the sniper Garnier suffered serious injuries and could only lie in a shadowed corner, coughing up blood while looking at the dim artificial star in the sky.

"It's really embarrassing." There was a huge penetrating wound on his waist, which almost interrupted half of his waist. If it wasn't for his physique, he would have died at this moment. "I don't know who the boss and the warrior of light are better. Hehe...it should be the boss."

He talked and laughed, out of breath: "It's worth it to be able to face this kind of big power. It's the small vault I hid, I haven't had time to spend it..."

So Garnier's tone became weeping again: "My little money..."

What could be more sad in the world than "the money is still there but the people are gone"?

No, maybe he can hold on until the boss comes back, and then hand over his small vault to the boss? No, no, no, I feel a little unwilling...I don't say anything about giving away my hard-earned money. It's time to be buried with thousands of miles away.

Garnier nodded to himself, and then looked at the sky again, this time he looked at the starship.

The roars belonging to Hypargerton and Goldras sounded in his ears along with the sound of gunfire, and Garnier could not help but sigh the power of the monster again.

"It's no wonder that so many cosmic merchants like to resell monsters, and they really make money..." His tone was a bit sour, but who made him completely devoid of such brain cells.

A sense of exhaustion gradually hit, Ganier calmly waited for the arrival of death: "Probably they will clap their hands and applaud..."

He, the special Gaci star, is dead, and those people who have always looked down on him will probably be very happy. Humph, but he is richer than them, and even richer than them when he died!

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