But soon, a loud noise interrupted Garnier's calm state.

Then the huge starship on top of his head crashed down directly, smashing to a corner of the prison, smashing the smaller half of the prison into ruins.

Garnier was taken aback: "Are these two monsters so fierce?"

But soon, a starship passing above him explained to him who the real murderer was.

It was an unfamiliar starship, no, and it cannot be said to be completely unfamiliar. At least, Garnier had looked at it from a distance, and at a glance he recognized the emblem embedded on the starship-a huge dark circle.

This is the symbol of the empire.

Yes, the empire's logo directly uses a dark circle, which is simple and crude, without extra decoration.

Of course, the dark stars of the empire originally wanted to use the portrait of Hongtu as a marker, but Hongtu refused, instead throwing out the dark circle.

It is worth mentioning that the Dark Circle is very happy about it.

The starship belonging to the empire slowly sailed across the sky. With excitement, Garnier even forgot that he was seriously injured. He wanted to sit up and see more clearly. Of course, this action affected the wound, so he wailed and lay back. .

The huge starship belonging to the empire slowly entered the area of ​​the battlefield.

They didn't go through the wormhole, but came directly, but strangely, the Star Covenant's radar did not detect the existence of these giant starships until they were shot down by a starship.

The commander of the Wye Luther star stared blankly at the starships that had invaded the battlefield. There was a chill behind him.

Because after the empire's fleet, that is... the bottomless darkness?

The fleet of the Empire is not the same as the fleet of the Star Alliance. In fact, the appearance of the fleet within the Star Alliance is also different, basically one force and one shape.

For example, the Veiludian fleet is a circular ring, which is convenient for their Nath Legion to move flexibly inside the starship. The Shad star is disc-shaped, and the Charma star is very common in the shape of a giant ship.

But the imperial fleet on the opposite side is of a unified style. The two-layer structure of the outer ring and the inner disk, and the upper and lower ends of the center disk are built with some city-like buildings. The size is much larger than that of ordinary starships. Starships are more like steel fortresses that can move.

But at this moment, the back of these mobile fortresses was shrouded in darkness that could not reflect a trace of light.

It's not that darkness is chasing the starships, but that wherever the starship passes, it drags the world into the terrible darkness...it's like the traces of the dark thing inadvertently left behind in the place it passes. It didn't exude any breath, but it made the person who looked directly at the darkness shiver from the heart of the soul.

When the Empire's fleet stopped far away from the Covenant fleet, the sky of Prison Planet 484 had been divided into two halves. One half is the normal universe, and the other half is pure darkness without light. Jingwei is clear, but there is also a faint tendency to continue to expand.

The commander of the Wayludd star finally understood what the Charma star Bolton meant by "darkness". That was not a sign, but it was literally.

The "darkness" mentioned in the description of the imperial ruler they had heard of was far from being a denotation or adjective, but... the truest portrayal.

Are they going to fight against something like this? !

No one is not afraid of darkness. Even people in the universe have a deep fear of darkness. Even those people in the universe who have been chasing powerful dark forces throughout their lives will have an instinctive fear of darkness.

And now, what they have to face is the real darkness that is feared by the universe!

Hong Tu glanced at the direction of Juggler and Uub's decisive battle from a distance, and then focused his gaze on the dark Goldlas and Hyppajdon Fatai who were struggling on the ground.

Although he was surprised at the Fortune this variant of Hyppajdon, his main focus was still on Dark Goldras after all.

Goldlas was groaning unwillingly, but it was already bruised.

Only after hearing its voice, Hong Tu accelerated his speed, allowing the empire's fleet to rush over in time, and directly bombarded a starship belonging to the Star Alliance.

Feeling the approach of Hong Tu, Dark Goldras let out a long cry, asking Hong Tu for more power.

Rather than fleeing in embarrassment, Dark Goldlas hoped for revenge on the spot.

Hong Tu readily agreed.

He stretched out his index finger and tapped it lightly in the void. The dull darkness turned into a stream of light and flew out from his fingertips, passed through the barrier of the starship, and fell into the body of Dark Goldras.

Black light emerged from the dark Goldras, and the wounds on this black patterned monster began to heal with naked eyes. At the same time, the dark Goldras' body began to evolve further.

Its body has grown bigger, with bulging bone spurs growing on its back, and even the horns on its head have begun to stretch and twist, twisting out the appearance of horns abruptly.

Its two front paws began to grow longer and stronger, and its claws began to grow longer and became more flexible. A black exoskeleton broke through the flesh and blood from the spine behind it and moved along its back. Cover the back to the chest, covering its soft waist and abdomen. At the same time, in the center of its forehead, a black octa prism was condensed into shape.

This time, Goldlas exuded an aura that was even more terrifying than Hyppajdon's fortune.

After a brief pause, the Star Alliance fleet began to attack intensively. This time the target of the attack was not only the two monsters on the ground, but also the empire's fleet.

The Stars of the Shad, who had been entangled by Birange, have successfully merged with the starships of the Wailuds. The Star Alliance immediately gained an advantage in numbers, but they still did not dare to relax. Everyone knew the Galactic Tribunal. The tragic situation and the fiasco of the Chalmers.

Fa Cai let out an uneasy growl when Hong Tu appeared, and Sanyutaro realized its strangeness and couldn't help but uttered comforting words.

The artillery fire of the Star Alliance fell on Fa Cai, making the already restless Fa Cai even more irritable, even with Sanyu Taro becoming dissatisfied. He didn't care about the changes in the dark Goldras, nor did he care about the changes in the sky. The Jetton star who had released the monster was extremely abnormal. It seemed that at this moment, only his monster and the enemy on the other were left.

So he once again ordered Fa Cai to launch an attack.

Regardless of the act of making a fortune, Dark Goldlas directly launched a counterattack against the starship in the sky.

Hong Tu cast a glance at the Hypajton, and finally looked at the control panel in front of him.


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