Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1223: Beria suspected of being whiplash

The empire is strong.

But no dark star would underestimate the strength of the Galactic Empire.

The ruler of the Galactic Empire is Beria, who is a Leonix, the heir of LeBrondo, and there is naturally a monster army.

And Beria itself has extremely high charm, after all, not everyone can gather enough cosmic people to build an empire in a short time.

What's more, they seem to have made some powerful bionic robots.

Although the Galactic Empire may not be their opponent in terms of power, it is difficult to say the pure force value.

So this must be a long battle.

If you lose, the empire will withdraw from the Universe of the Kingdom of Light.

Victory, the Galactic Empire will no longer try to get involved here in the short term.

But both sides can afford it, um, it may be the suffering of the kingdom of light, because this planet will become the most important place of disputes.


But Hong Tu did not think it was too much to watch the excitement, so he directly chose to face the Galactic Empire. Whoever is afraid of others will lose the Kingdom of Light anyway.

Well, having said that, but the Kingdom of Light is still "his turf" at present, and it still needs to be taken into consideration, otherwise it will be no fun if it is really broken.

Speaking of Beria, Hong Tu thinks this guy is really stubborn.

The last time this guy established the Galactic Empire, he was directly destroyed under the joint hands of Cerro and Servia.

But this guy somehow resurrected from the monster cemetery, and even turned Cyro into Dark Cyro.

It is said that it is possessed by the soul... so why is it not Sylvia who possessed it?

Well, in short, Beria was possessed by Siro at the time and successfully turned Siro into a dark Siro. It is said that he also successfully wiped out all of Siro's small partners.

In the end, he was counterattacked by Sai Luo and was wiped out with his soul.

Well, it seems that the story ends here.

But the fact is the opposite.

Cerro got a glimpse of light from Noah, and he actually successfully used the power of turning back time to resurrect his friends, and then successfully resurrected Beria.

Really... the twists and turns.

It's just that I didn't expect that the light boy in the Kingdom of Light would really dare to use time to resurrect life, I am afraid that Noah, who gave him power, would not have thought of it.

It's Beria, I feel like being whipped...

Well, well, this has nothing to do with Hong Tu, and Beria, who was "whipped the corpse", seems to be quite happy with the current situation and is actively regrouping and attacking the Kingdom of Light again.

As for the conflict with the empire, the Galactic Empire is really too arrogant.

I don't know what Beria thinks. Not long after the resurrection, I didn't want to organize the forces, and then came towards the light ion galaxy.

Oh, the photoion galaxy is the galaxy where the kingdom of light is located, the one officially named by the empire.

You must know that the empire has the greatest power in this universe. Even the kingdom of light will not interfere in the affairs of the empire, because the empire has a certain degree of work. As long as it does not touch their bottom line, the dark stars of the empire are still quite "talkative". "of.

But the galactic empire is different. The group of cosmic people headed by Beria can be called extremely evil. They are pure and extremely evil. What they do shows the evil nature of the dark stars, plundering, killing, oppressing, and torturing. This empire itself is a manifestation of the dark side of the universe.

As a result, this excessive difference between the two empires gave rise to obvious disputes.

The empire despises the brainless aggression and plunder of the Galactic Empire, blindly starting wars, and has no prospects at all, and the Galactic Empire dislikes the fact that a group of dark stars in the empire does not look like dark stars at all, and simply calls itself the light system universe people.

Of course, the biggest reason is the issue of the ownership of the universe of the Kingdom of Light, or that there is nothing wrong with the issue of the ownership of the Kingdom of Light.

To reiterate, the question of the ownership of the Kingdom of Light here is not the final decision of the Kingdom of Light. Yes, the Kingdom of Light, forced to be the center of the dispute between the two empires, has no right to speak. Well, I probably don't know my situation now.

But this dispute is real.

It's just that the two behemoths have always had small frictions, and it doesn't seem to be an immediate war.

But now that Hong Tu has freed his hand, it is time to break his wrist with Beria.

The starship Hongtu was riding slowly passed through the wormhole and arrived near the empire's capital star.

This is a planet illuminated only by artificial stars, but the brilliance of artificial stars is not strong, at least not enough for this planet to grow vegetation that needs light to grow.

But it doesn't matter, this is the kingdom of the dark stars, and there is no need for those vegetation.

The planet was transformed into the appearance of an entire city, and on the other side that the stars could not illuminate, it was also brightly lit, and there would be no real darkness, because the master of this planet, the ruler of the empire, is the only darkness here.

However, there are only more than 60 million cosmic people living on this planet. It is not that the planet is not big enough, but that there are not many who are qualified to live here.

Only the Dark Stars can survive on this planet, and they are all outstanding among the Dark Stars. Anyone who can be pulled out is a powerful cosmic person.

Hong Tu’s starship slowly followed a predetermined trajectory and landed on the pier of the planet. After it was parked, the hatch slowly opened and a beam of light was dropped. Hong Tu, holding Yitzhak, appeared on the ground first. .

A cosmic man ran up to him immediately, bowed and saluted: "Welcome back, King."

Hong Tu nodded slightly: "Thank you."

The cosmic man nodded flatteredly: "Yes!"

But soon felt wrong again, and shook his head with a strong desire to survive: "No, no hard work, no hard work!"

Hong Tu just said casually, but nodded if necessary, and looked behind him.

Mana had also appeared behind him, following him with a cold face as always.

Only then did Hong Tu step forward and walked out of the dock.

The cosmic man immediately followed and sent Hong Tu to the interstellar car outside the dock.

This floating vehicle, which has been transformed into an earth-style vehicle, is equipped with quite a few small snacks. It can be seen that it is specially prepared for Hongtu.

As for the driver...

"Summet," Hong Tu recognized the driver at a glance, "You are back."

"Yes, Wang, all matters on the'Red World' side have been handed over, and the subordinates will come back." That's right, it was Samet who hadn't seen him in a long time.

When Hong Tu left, he was left on earth.

It looks like this guy can't wait to run back again.

Hong Tu nodded: "Then go back."

"Yes." The interstellar vehicle started and drove slowly towards the largest palace on the Capital Star.

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