Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 1224: Tranquility before the war

Mana sat in her seat, looking straight ahead without squinting.

This robot has very few hobbies. Even if Hongtu tries his best to cultivate it, he has only cultivated a hobby of cooking as a pastry chef.

This other robot is not interested.

Over time, Hong Tu also let her go "in a daze" like nothing else.

Therefore, Hong Tu didn't care about Mana's silence. He put Yitzhak on his lap, licking the tiger cub with one hand, and pulling it with one hand, and a virtual screen appeared in front of his eyes.

Hong Tu began to browse carefully.

These are the things he has to deal with next. Although he has not been out for a long time, his workload has gradually increased as the empire grows stronger. Although most of them have been thrown away to his subordinates, there are some things he still has to watch. .

At this time, he missed Juggler very much, because he could throw all these things to Juggler on the grounds of "exercise".

These documents are really too boring.

Soon, he got the news that belonged to the Kingdom of Light.

The resurrection of Beria and the re-establishment of the Galactic Empire, the Kingdom of Light has only recently received news.

At present, Ultraman Cerro, who has defeated Beria many times, has been recalled and seems to be preparing to defeat Beria again.

It's Servia... The Empire's intelligence has not yet found a trace of Servia, and I don't know where it went.

But that guy will always show up at critical moments, and it's not certain that he will get in at some point.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Light seemed to be faintly aware of the recent changes in the empire, maybe it had discovered the empire and the galactic empire.

Although no one has come to negotiate, a dark star recently discovered the trace of Ultraman of Light in the area of ​​the empire. I think it is the movement of the dark stars in the dark empire.

But it was not sure what they were suspecting, but this was enough to make the dark stars of the empire feel unhappy. At least Hong Tu has seen a request for temporarily imprisoning the Kingdom of Light.

Hmm, to be imprisoned in the name of guardian and to completely control the reality of the kingdom of light... should it really be the style of the dark stars?

But it doesn't seem impossible... After all, the Kingdom of Light is now in danger. Maybe the next battlefield will be the Kingdom of Light. Perhaps mastering the battlefield in advance is not a bad thing?

Hong Tu: "..." Ah, I was taken crooked...

Silently suppressing the thoughts in his mind, Hong Tu continued to read the information.

Huo, another piece of news about the Kingdom of Light, to be precise, the news of the new star of the Kingdom of Light.

The news of Ultraman Cerro continues to receive the attention of many cosmic people in the universe, and is now included in the entire Cerro team.

It is said that many young fighters are eager to join them, but there seems to be no way out. Because the Siro team often appears in some extremely dangerous places, it is difficult to see one side.

Many young fighters had to go home.

Followed by the movement of the Kingdom of Light, there have been many young Ultramans in the Kingdom of Light, and it is said that they will be members of the next generation of the Guard of Light.

Well, but the Kingdom of Light protects them very well, even the Empire did not find accurate information about their opponents.

Then there is the latest optical technology launched by the Kingdom of Light, and... the dangerous weapons developed by the Kingdom of Light.

But that weapon hasn't been fully developed yet, but the dark stars of the empire are already thinking about it.

Hong Tu glanced, but didn't care, it would always appear anyway.

Continue to browse down to find out what weird monsters have been discovered, what interesting things have been tributed by cosmic people, they are all small gadgets scattered to please him.

Suddenly, Hong Tu's sight stopped.

[The Galactic Empire seems to have ambitious goals and is currently exploring other universes. 】

Oh? Other universes?

Just don't know how many universes they have conquered now.

In fact, it sounds nice and quite curious about Beria.

The Beria he had seen before belonged to the kind of evil purity, and his mind was full of fighting and killing.

The appearance of the galactic empire represented Beria learned a lesson and chose to grow and hibernate. Although he was still a little eager, he failed in the end, but it cannot be denied that he is a very good person.

It is said that the empire tried to recruit Beria's subordinates, um, the five dark kings under him, but they were rejected outright.

This shows that Beria is still very popular.

Now he is a little expectant to what extent Beria has grown up now, after all, he won't be disappointed.

Thinking of this, Hong Tu skipped the message and looked to the next one.

The next one is news about Torrecchia.

Before, Torrecchia chose to temporarily leave the empire's sphere of influence in the name of research and lost his trace.

Unexpectedly, this time was caught a trace.

It is said that he set up a test field on a planet and conducted some dangerous experiments that destroyed that planet. After that, he lost track again.

Hong Tu: "..." Another dangerous scientist.

Forget it, he is not in a hurry to make trouble, just let it go.

What follows is some trivial news, what claiming to be the existence of the Dark Messengers appeared, and the conspiracy was defeated by the Ultraman of Light, and what other cosmic people were involved in, and the result was directly suppressed by the Empire or the Kingdom of Light.

There seems to be no valuable news.

Hongtu simply turned off the virtual screen and looked out the window.

He has reached the gate of his palace.

"Hey." Hong Tu sighed, and the life of the "community animal" was about to begin again.

In a universe where the empire has never set foot, Beria's five dark giants are gathering together.

They will appear here, naturally because of Beria's orders, to be precise to realize Beria's ambitions.

"Conquer all the universe... It's worthy of your Majesty Beria." A Mephrus star with his hands behind his waist, with an elegant posture and a leisurely voice.

He is of the same race as the Mephoras star under Hong Tu, and the two have known each other before, but they were in a competitive relationship a long time ago. At this moment, the two sides have become the second in command of the hostile forces.

The other four cosmic people around him are the Grozam Star Man, the Hippolyte Star Man, the Imperial Star Man, and the Tish Lei Nebula Man.

It is worth mentioning that Hong Tu's former Dark Four Heavenly King Srem was also a member of the Di Slei Nebula.

In this way, the coincidence rate of Beria and Hong Tu's dark stars is quite high.

But now these guys are all looking distressed, and no one agrees with the words of the Mephrathians.

"Are you so leisurely?" The Mephora star who did not receive a response looked at the others displeasedly, "This is an unprecedented feat!"

The empire starman whispered: "But an empire is very difficult."

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