The red data stream is like Hongtu itself, domineering and irresistible, easily swallowing and usurping anything that hinders them.

Under the impact of these red data streams, the golden data stream is losing ground, and even the data stream itself is much less, which looks extremely embarrassing.

It constantly abandons those parts that are infected by the red data, trying to break out of this computer.

But letting them in is the trap set by Hongtu. Now, the golden data stream is surrounded by red, they are like trapped beasts, there is no other way besides struggle.


An inorganic voice came from the golden data stream, and the disguised voice that was designed to imitate humans was torn away. The voice of the Shummian was just a simple computer synthesized voice.

Their own language is consistent with something similar to ultrasound, which humans cannot hear.

But compared to the anger and despair of the Shumm star, Hong Tu's voice seemed very calm and relaxed: "I'm listening, what do you want to say? If it's ruthless things, don't say it. I just want to hear some of me now. I want to hear."

"Do you think you can fight us?! You will only be buried on this planet with the humans on this planet! Even if there are those Ultramans!"

The Shummers are still talking ruthlessly, even if they can't control the central computer, they can directly break through with force.

Thinking of this, Shum, who had finished speaking hard, gave up resisting and allowed the golden data stream to be completely swallowed by the red torrent.

After seizing the central computer, Si Hume gave up this nasty method and decided to attack directly, letting this base, and the people inside, be buried in the bottom of the deep sea.

Outside, two huge monsters moved.

The huge squid-shaped monster stretched out its long tentacles and entangled the base tightly. The underground monster also moved. It broke out of the ground and raised its neck high, revealing the sea snake-like head. The unicorn on the top lit up with a dim light, aimed at the main control room where Hong Tu was, and emitted a light blue light.

They want to kill Hong Tu directly.

But just as the monster was about to attack, Hong Tu's eyes raised slightly, and through the computer screen, he met the monster's huge eyes.

The movement of the snake-shaped monster suddenly stopped, its eyes widened, and it was full of fear.

Because an invisible force held it firmly and made it immobile, it could only stand frozen in the sea.

Before it wondered what happened, a light attack from another direction hit it.

"Hiss!" The monster uttered a painful cry, and the power that had imprisoned it finally disappeared, but what greeted it was a series of attacks.

The big octopus and the sea snake turned their heads and saw a submarine belonging to the TPC quickly moving towards them.

Unlike the previous passenger submarine, this is used for combat.

Ryohe Asuka is driving this submarine. Asuka is impulsive, this time it is a rescue mission, so the captain is not very relieved, so let Liang and Asuka come together.

As for Mami and Kariya, they went to the ice city.

But now, Asuka, who should have confirmed the safety of the hostages for the first time, ignored Liang's warning and attacked the monster on its own.

But he also made a mistake, so Hong Tu could not immediately deal with these guys.

Hong Tu suppressed the eager darkness, and her eyes overflowed with scarlets in places that few people had not noticed behind her.


Not knowing that he and the cosmic people have been spotted, the Shummers discovered that the attacker was the TPC, and even saw the shining large group of lights in the submarine.

"Dina!" The big squid screamed, and a long tentacle stretched out, trying to tie up the submarine.

Naturally, human submarines will not be as flexible as fighters in the sky. It didn't take long for them to be entangled in their tentacles and plunged into danger.

"Good! Asuka!" Koda called the two, "Are you all right?!"

"Something is going on!" Asuka's voice came from there, along with the sound of the instrument's alarm.

Hong Tu: "..."

"Damn!" Liang tried to stabilize the submarine, looking for a chance to get rid of the grip of the tentacles, "Asuka!"

"I'm working hard!" Asuka shouted loudly, trying to stabilize the joystick.

But more tentacles entangled, tied the submarine round and round, and pulled down.

The sea snake on the other side quickly moved away from the original place, found a place far away from the base, and prepared to attack again.

"Talos! Do you really think you can resist us?!" The big squid pulled Asuka and their submarine, and didn't forget to give Hong Tu a ruthless word, "Even if it's Daizhao, you are not our opponents." !"

The large snake opened its mouth, and a blue light flare brewed from its mouth, ready to attack the deep-sea base.

Hong Tu glanced at the flying bird still struggling in the submarine, and shook his head secretly. Next to Asuka, Liang was still awake. At this time, he couldn't expect to wear it.

Dark Dyna was led to the ice city base by him, and this time was about to arrive.

So now...

Longer tentacles stretched out from above, binding the sea snake that deliberately attacked.

Big squid: "!!!"

Great Sea Snake: "!!!"

Koda and others who saw this scene: "?!"

"What is that?!" Koda's voice was a bit dry.

It was a tentacle stronger than the sea snake, and it easily tied the monster and tightened it.

Humans looked up along the tentacles, trying to see exactly what it was. But there is only pitch black on it. I don’t know if it is because there is no light source or because something has absorbed all the light...

The sea snake was strangled and cried silently, but it couldn't struggle. It could only passively feel the tentacle on its body getting tighter and tighter, just like the prey that it had killed.

There was the big squid who had the same question as Koda.

"What is this?!" Before they came, they had never heard of such a large creature on the earth! There was Gatanjae eight years ago! But now, what is this? !

The big squid stopped moving, looking stiffly at this huge tentacle, it was hard to imagine how big the deity would be.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang He Asuka drove the submarine and quickly escaped from the control of the squid, and immediately saw the tentacle.

"That's...what?!" Asuka was also stunned.

Hearing his voice, Liang quickly reacted, driving the submarine quickly away a little.

"Is that... a huge monster?" Liang muttered as he looked at the tentacle displayed on the screen, "I always feel that this thing is a bit familiar..."

But now is not the time to be stunned, another tentacle stretched out in everyone's eyes.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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