The tentacle target this time is the big squid.

Seeing that the sea was blocked by nothing, this tentacle rushed to the big squid who was still stunned very quickly, and bound the big squid's brain door.

"Let go of me!" The big squid shouter tried to free the tentacles, but obviously he failed.

It wrapped its tentacles around the huge tentacles, trying to use its own strength to contend, but it was useless after all. It can't compete with this tentacle at all.

What kind of monster is this!

The huge tentacles curled up the two monsters, dragged them up, and dragged them into the dark darkness.

Except for the surging water, the two monsters that were still raging just now were like an illusion.

But the few people who saw this scene did not feel a trace of ease in their hearts.

What kind of monster is that? ! It's a monster bigger than the monsters they know, maybe it's some unknown powerful monster that has been hiding at the bottom of the deep sea...

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but lift it up, and some even felt their legs soft.

Only Hong Tu lowered his eyes, casually squinting at the missing tentacles in this picture, seemingly unmoved.

At this moment, things happened.

A huge crab-like monster rushed out of the sand on the bottom of the sea, slid its hands and feet frantically, and went upstream towards the sea.

It wants to escape!

The people of TPC didn’t expect another monster to appear, and before they could react, a tentacle stretched out again, drew a water mark in the sea, and easily caught up with the monster, and then wrapped it around. It pulled its waist and dragged it up.

This monster that appeared suddenly followed in the footsteps of the tribe, and there was no news.

This change happened so quickly that few people could react, and everything was over.

It was the communicator in Koda's pocket that awakened the last few people.

"Koda! What's going on with you?" Captain Hibi's worried voice came out, "In the ice city base, Dark Dyna appeared. Mami and Kari are safe, but Asuka and Ryōya are lost."

"Asuka and Ryo are okay, Captain," Koda reported instinctively, "but, we saw a... giant monster."

"What?!" Captain Hibi called out, "You say it again! What did you see?"

"...A monster."

Koda's voice was a little dry, and he repeated it, describing everything he had seen to Captain Hibi.

After taking her to talk, there was no response from there for a long time. After a long time, the captain's too calm voice came again: "Don't act rashly!"

Smart as the captain, even guessed what it was.

That was the super-giant monster that shrouded the earth in darkness eight years ago, the ruler of darkness, the monster codenamed [Gatanjer]. But he would rather this conjecture is wrong. Gatangeu should have been killed by the Dark Tiga, why did he appear again?

Could it be...Neg is back?

It is said that the monster eaten by Nag will be resurrected by him and used by him. Then, is this Gatanjae the same?

Captain Hibi didn't dare to think about it, and the most urgent task now was to rescue his men.

On the other side, while everyone was stunned, Hong Tu got up, did not disturb anyone, and left the command room.

The lights in the corridor flickered, and they lost their light completely.

Ruoyuruowu's darkness clings to Hongtu's body and disappears into the corner until he has completely disappeared.

The lights in the corridor returned to bright, as if the darkness that had swallowed all the light had never existed.


Hong Tu appeared on Gatangieu’s head, those thick tentacles wandering around Gatangieu, in the cage of the siege of the tentacles, three monsters stayed quietly in it like a chicken, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. a bit.

Hong Tu moved her neck and looked down at three huge monsters with a human body: "It looks like you chose the latter."

After a long while, Star Shihme realized what he was talking about. He was talking about the choice he gave before.

The former is surrender, what is the latter?

It seems... to be ruined along with their planet? !

"who are you?!"

"The so-called, the best life body in the universe, Shum doesn't even know such a simple question?" Hongtu stepped on a tentacle stretched out by Gatanjae and asked Gatanjae to send him to Lili. The three monsters are closer.

Behind him, the huge Gatanjee opened his huge red eyes, opened his huge inverted mouth, and roared silently, threatening the three monsters on the opposite side.

Seeing this monster, Si Humm was stunned and suddenly realized something: "Are you Nig?!"

Yes, there is such a huge monster on the earth, besides Gatanjae, who else is there?

"Unexpectedly, you would have stayed on the earth..." After fearing, Si Humm calmed down, "Furthermore, he also controlled this monster."

"Excuse me, if I make another choice now, is it still too late?" Sihum asked seriously, "I choose to surrender."

As Shum, even if it is a second time, he has to be extremely open and natural.

Hong Tu: "..."

Rao is Hongtu, and was also made up and down by the words on the other side.

"What if I say, can't it?" Hong Tu asked with a smile.

"That's distressing."

Sihum is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart. At this moment, it is natural to judge his situation.

The three of them are not opponents of each other. It was secretly observing the surroundings, but it saw everything except the black fog visible to the naked eye.

It's...a heart-palpitating power. Although I've heard of [Negg]'s name for a long time, I still find it unimaginable when I see it. Why would such a powerful force choose to hibernate on such a planet instead of plundering other planets?

Sihum couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't think too much.

Rather than thinking about these useless things, it is better to think about how to get rid of the current predicament. Sihum, who considers himself the best race, can't bear to be controlled by Hongtu like this monster, so what should I do?

It wandered and shifted its gaze to the large sea snake and the big crab who were holding each other trembling.

"I know the position of the other people!" Shum decisively sold his teammates. "Our clan lives separately in order to better invade the planet. Even if you go to our planet, there is no way, but I can take you to find it. they."

But after finding his own people, everything is hard to say.

Hong Tu squinted her eyes and listened to this guy's careful thoughts.

Heh, want to know what happened to the guy who had the same idea with you before?

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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