Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 805: Invitation from the Defense Forces

It is said that the fish’s memory has seven seconds.

Is it really only seven seconds? Hong Tu is not sure. Because of the ordinary fish on the earth, some really only have seven seconds, but some can remember many things.

Moreover, Reylos and Pokrag, who are fish, do not have only seven seconds of memory. Fortunately, Pokrag said, the guy Reilos is quite vengeful, at least the kind that he can remember for decades.

When I saw Jerga last time, because Chi Shan was also there, Hong Tu had no chance to interact with this strange stranger.

Coupled with the fact that this stupid big guy kept repeating the same sentence when he met Jerga last time, he didn't care about it.

Now it seems that Jerga may really be mentally retarded.


Hong Tu looked out the window and saw that Pokrag was poking Djerga's big mouth with his large pliers, but the poked monster was not at all annoyed. When poked away, it turned and continued swimming. Then Pokrag came up again and continued poking.

"Hoho~" I am Bokrag! You forgot it again! You really are mentally retarded!

It seemed that Bokrag had at least come to Jerga, but Jerga, the fish head, had forgotten the little monster friend.

Hong Tu suddenly came to curiosity.

So, after some inquiries, he learned everything from Pokrag.

Pokrag and Djerga met half a month ago.

At that time, the first person to discover this quarantine area under the sea was Reilos wandering around.

After discovering that there is a strange monster here, Reilos' first reaction was to defeat and conquer Djerga, making it his own little brother.

Of course, as smart as Reilos, he quickly guessed that this quarantine zone was established by humans. If it is touched, it will be discovered by humans.

So Reilos let Pokrag go in and beat Jerga.

Well, that is to say, when Jerga was swimming around the bottom of the sea happily, he was inexplicably beaten.

This stupid and fufu monster was directly beaten and dizzy. Without a reaction, it was dragged by its belly to the edge of the isolation net, and was forced to face Reilos.

Reylos asked it arrogantly if he wanted to be his own little brother.

At that time, Djerga was confused and asked who Reylos was, why he was looking for himself, and what he was.

Reilos didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. After some explanations of it, Jerga successfully achieved [forgot about being beaten up, and stared at Reyloth questioningly and asked if it was a new monster, and then successfully drove Reyloth crazy] achievement.

According to Pokragg, Reilos repeatedly explained to this silly fufu fish several times, and finally he was driven crazy by this guy. He gave up the idea of ​​collecting a kid, and even gave up the [dream] of conquering the sea, and turned around. Go looking for food.

Before leaving, I was still repeating the words "too many mental retardations in the ocean".

After that, during the absence of Reilos, Poklage would come here from time to time to see Djerga. Although this guy never remembers himself every time, there is no other Poklage that the beast can play with. Don't mind, every time he scolds two idiots, he introduces himself to the other side.

It can be described as a warm man, ah no, a warm beast.

"It's rare that Reilos can find a guy who can kill it." Hong Tu laughed. "In this case, Bokrag, you can have fun here."

Boklage responded happily, and Hong Tu drove the submarine with confidence and left here smoothly.

Well, halfway through, there was a tentacle sticking out from the bottom of the deep sea, and after saying hello to Hong Tu Yaoyao, he retracted again.

Hong Tu: "..." Haili is a lot more lively than he thought, and even Gatanjee looked very happy.


However, the next day, Chi Shan looked for Hongtu with a bad expression.

He frowned, his face solemn, as if something very serious had happened.

"Red, we are in trouble."

This makes Hong Tu a little strange: "Mr. Chi Shan, has something happened?"

Hong Tu put down the electronic board in his hand, waved to indicate that Mogulton in front of him could leave, then turned to look at Chi Shan and waited for his next words.

"It's the defense army." Chi Shan frowned.

This time, the Defense Forces proposed to let a person in charge of the Dyya Islands go to the defense force base to confirm work.

But the Dyya Islands are the base of the SRC, and the defense forces should not have been involved.

But because of the dual threats of dark power and chaos virus, the defense forces and SRC have now reached a certain degree of cooperation.

This time, on the grounds of the need to understand the specific protection of monsters, the Defense Force hopes that the Monster Protection Management Center can send a person in charge who understands monsters to assure them that the monsters in the Dyya Islands are not a threat.

"This is simply questioning the existence of the Dyya Islands!" Chi Shan was very angry and said angrily, "They don't believe in these docile monsters! They always think that these docile monsters will be a threat!"

"This is our monster protection management center. Why should the defense army do this!"

Hong Tu: "..." No, I think they might be coming for me.

Said to be looking for a staff member who knew enough about the monster... Except for Mr. Chishan, he was the only one.

Mr. Ikeyama could not leave the Dyya Islands easily, and he was unwilling to deal with the defense forces, so he had to go.

Thinking of the Liu I saw last time, Hong Tu probably guessed the truth.

I'm afraid that I didn't want to trick him into the base camp of the defense army and figure out his identity.

Is it a cosmic person, or is it really a human being with extraordinary beast training skills.

"SRC agreed?" Hong Tu had already guessed the next development.

"Yeah." Chi Shan was very reluctant, "I need to trouble you to go there. But don't worry, if the defense forces embarrass you, you can directly contact Captain Ripu. No matter how despicable they are, they dare not hurt you. "

That's right, from Chi Shan's point of view, the defense forces are a group of despicable guys who think about killing monsters all day long.

Hong Tu didn't refute, but smiled and said, "Leave it to me."

So, in Chishan's worried expression, Hong Tu left the Dyya Islands on a plane dispatched by the defense forces that afternoon.

He came to pick him up in the afternoon, and it seemed that he couldn't go back tonight.

Hong Tu looked at the watch in his hand.

It is four o'clock in the afternoon, so the so-called investigation work will naturally not be completed in one or two hours.

He put his hand down, glanced at the silent pilot in front of him, then turned his head and looked out the window.

Speaking of which, he left the Dyya Islands again...

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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