Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 806: Mezzad of the Defence Force

Yes, literally, Hong Tu has left the Dyya Islands again.

And Mezzad also started a new round of games.

When Hong Tu got on the fighter plane bound for the defense base, the dark crystal had quietly appeared somewhere.

Last time it was the EYES base of the SRC, this time it was near the base of the defense forces, and it was this base that Hong Tu went to.

And... just ahead of the flight path of this plane.

The pilot noticed this dark crystal slowly emerging from the void at first glance.

He calmly raised the altitude of the aircraft, and after confirming that the dark energy crystal had stabilized, he calmly turned on the communicator and reported the situation to the base.

"This is Flying Eagle TK25, and the dark energy crystal was found. The location is GT23. Repeat, this is Flying Eagle TK25..."

After repeating the report twice, he heard the reply from the base: "This is the command room. The appearance of the dark crystal has been confirmed. Flying Eagle TK25, now bypass the dark crystal and return to the base."

"Flying Eagle TK25 received."

After hanging up the communication, the pilot drove the fighter straight up again, bypassing the location of the dark crystal, and continued to fly towards the base.

Halfway through this, he never said a word with Hong Tu.

Hong Tu also remained silent, looking out the window with interest in his eyes.

The base of the defense forces was established in the suburbs. It was a plain, surrounded by mountains with short mountains. It had little combat effectiveness, only military bases established in a clearing.

At this moment, the dark energy crystal is behind a low mountain in the distance of the defense base.

Turn over a short body, you can see this kind of base.

And somewhere in this mountainous area, an electromagnetic wave that humans cannot perceive is condensing.

The speed of the fighter was naturally very fast, and soon, Hong Tu arrived at the defense base.

When he got off the plane, he happened to see several fighter planes leaving the base, flying quickly in the direction of the dark crystal. On the ground, there are still several tanks, which have been assembled, are arranged in an orderly manner, and are slowly driving away in the direction of the dark crystal.

Without waiting for him to look more, one of the soldiers who came to greet him reminded him: "Mr. Hong, please come with us."

Hong Tu retracted his gaze and nodded: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

The soldier didn't reply again, so he walked straight into the base.

The base of the Defense Force and the base of the SRC are almost two completely different styles.

Although most of the SRC base is located inside the island, there is almost no sunlight, but the base is very comfortable, the lighting is bright and soft, and the construction materials of the base are also very special. The staff who come and go wear warm uniforms. When you see people, you will greet with a smile or nod. The overall environment will give people a very warm and bright comfort, plus a sense of science and technology, giving people an intuitive technological feast.

In contrast, the base of the Defense Forces is very simple. There are no extra decorations, no extra lights, and some have only dull gray walls and cold lights shining overhead. The soldiers coming and going in the corridor were dressed in military uniforms, with solemn expressions, without any unnecessary communication, only monotonous and solemn military salutes. It feels too cold, without the slightest human touch.

Obviously they are also organizations that protect the earth, but in the end two extremes have been formed.

It's really interesting.

The smile on the corner of Hongtu's mouth deepened, and she didn't feel the anxiety of being in a military base.

The soldier leading the way in front of him turned his head and glanced at him vaguely, without saying anything, and led him to a room in front of him.

"Sorry, Mr. Red, as usual, you need to be checked."

He directly pressed the code at the door, opened the door, and signaled Hong Tu to enter. But he stood upright at the door, with no intention of entering.

Hong Tu raised her eyebrows, and paused for a while on the expressionless soldier's face, then nodded, "I see."

He went straight in.

The silver door closed behind him, shutting him completely inside.

But Hong Tu didn't panic either, he glanced at the door behind him, and looked inside the room indifferently.

The so-called inspection is naturally just an excuse.

If it is really to check the dangerous things he carries, he should check it as early as he gets off the plane.

But now that he was brought into the base, he said to check, he wanted to check his body.

Hong Tu raised his eyes and first saw the monitors in the four corners of the ceiling.

The four monitors were all on, and they were clearly aimed at him.

Hong Tu tilted her head and retracted her gaze.

This room is separated into two compartments by a layer of transparent glass.

There is only a simple table and a tire-shaped test bed.

This thing Hongtu knows that it belongs to the SRC technology, which can accurately detect the physical condition of the subject.

On the other end, there are several instruments, which are basically used to analyze the input data.

But the strange thing is that there is no one in the room.

Therefore, Hongtu consciously stepped forward to check these together.

Just as he raised his hand to touch, the door was suddenly opened, and a woman in a white research uniform walked in.

Hong Tu was taken aback for a moment, then naturally withdrew his hand and looked at the person coming.

"Mr. Red," the woman walked into the room, the door closed behind her, "When we first met, this is Kaori Miita."

Hong Tu raised her eyebrows: "Hong Tu."

It's really surprising. The one who came was...Mezad.

That's right, the incoming person is Mezhad disguised as a human being.

But now, of course, Mezzad does not mean to reveal his identity. After all, this is a human military base. As a spy, Mezzad is very dedicated and dedicated.

Of course, it also knows that Hongtu will cooperate with itself.

Sure enough, Hong Tu looked like she didn't know her: "What do I need to do next?"

"Please take off your equipment, put it on the table, and then lie down on that bed."

Mezzad pointed to the table inside and motioned for Hong Tu to do so.

Hong Tu nodded, raising his hand to unload all the equipment on his body.

Although he was not a combatant, he was also equipped with weapons because of his contact with monsters.

Hong Tu put weapons, communicators, identification certificates and other things on the table and lay on the bed.

The light above came on, and a blue light slowly scanned down from the top of his head.

Following the trajectory of the blue light, Hong Tu's internal human body template also appeared on the computer in front of Mezzad.

Mezzad's eyes moved slightly, and silently began to manipulate in front of the computer.

Soon, the scanning light swept across Hongtu's calf, swept across its feet, and finally stopped.

"Mr. Hong, you can get up."

Mezzad glanced at the completed picture of the human body in the computer, and a trace of red flashed in his eyes.

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