When Hong Tu was undergoing a medical examination here, outside the base, the defense forces had already arrived near the Dark Crystal.

The defense army did not notify the youth elite team, they chose to dispatch themselves.

However, monsters have appeared.

The monster that appeared this time was a monster that looked like a huge manatee without arms and legs. It has a pointed head like a bird, four pairs of bright blue eyes, and a huge cone-shaped body.

Moreover, this guy appeared directly near the city.

It appeared there out of thin air, and the four pairs of eyes stared straight at the city in front of them, seeming to be thinking about something.

This is Metaxiss, a monster that Hong Tu got in Max World, a guy who can travel freely in space.

If it weren't for electromagnetic waves to expose its location, Max could hardly do anything with this guy.

And this time, what the humans and Ultraman have to face is this extremely difficult guy.

Originally, Metaxisas was going to go directly to find the dark energy crystal, but halfway, attracted by the electromagnetic waves of humans, he could not hold back and ran over.

Unlike Black Rain's purely inattentive attitude, Metahisas really hated human electromagnetic waves and couldn't help but come here.

But after arriving in the city, it hesitated again.

This guy still remembers Hong Tu's order and is not allowed to harm humans.

However, it shouldn't matter if you blow up these nasty sources of electromagnetic waves?

Soon, the figure of Metaxisas, who had figured it out, flashed and disappeared in place and appeared near a cell phone tower.

Its four blue eyes blinked, completely ignoring the humans on the ground who pointed to them. Suddenly, its beak-like mouth opened into three petals, and its long tongue quickly stretched out, easily piercing the top of the signal tower, completely destroying it.

Metaxisas, who finally felt that the world was a little quieter, turned his head and noticed another signal tower.

There are still quite a few in this city, if you solve them all, let's find the dark energy crystal.

Metahisas who thought this way quickly disappeared in place and appeared in front of another signal tower.

When Metahisas destroyed three signal towers one after another, the youth elite team finally arrived here.

"This guy actually appeared directly in the city." The wind driving the fighter frowned, "How is the situation?"

"There have been no casualties yet, but..." Ayano's voice came from the communicator, "This monster seems to be directed at the signal tower in the city. It has already destroyed three signal towers. And... , This monster seems to be carrying a strange gravitational field, and the magnetic field of this city is changing drastically."

"Signal tower?"

Musashi was taken aback, before he figured out the key points inside, he was taken aback by the scene before him.

Mehtahisas disappeared directly into their sight, without warning, and without a trace.

"Disappear...disappeared?!" Musashi couldn't help but stared at this scene in astonishment, hurriedly looking for the trace of the monster, "Where did it go? How could it suddenly disappear?"

"What is this?" Doiigaki was puzzled at first because the monster suddenly disappeared, but soon he was attracted by the data in the computer before him.

The data in the computer detected an abnormal electromagnetic wave. Okay, the magnetic field in this city was a bit disordered because of this guy, but this wave is different. It is very stable and constantly changing.

That's right, the position of this electromagnetic wave is changing.

Out of the instinct of fighting monsters for so long, Doiigaki quickly began to chase this kind of radio wave position.

This is, Shinobu's voice sounded in the communicator: "Found the monster!"

Everyone looked around where she said, and really saw the Metahisas who reappeared in front of a signal tower.

They immediately pursued the monster.

But because of the long distance, when they flew there, Metahisas had already cleared the signal tower in front of him.

"Why is this guy staring at the signal tower?" Feng Xiao frowned.

The approach of the fighter finally attracted the attention of Metahisas, the big guy twisted his body, four pairs of small eyes saw the fighter in the sky.

Subconsciously, Metahisas superimposed these fighters with certain fighters.

It is a human fighter, and their attack will hurt the body! ! !

Metaxisas is born to use swift and unrestricted space movement as a combat method, just like the crispy assassin in the game. It has a superb movement method, and the corresponding itself is very fragile, with almost no resistance. Strike ability.

In other words, this guy, like Giza Desibi, is a guy who can be killed by a human as long as he catches it, uh, one shot is not good, two shots are fine.

In Max World, when facing a human fighter, this guy was knocked down by a human fighter.

In the words of Metahisas, it is... the pain of memory is particularly deep, even if he is dead and resurrected, he cannot forget the pain.

Therefore, after recognizing the human fighter, this guy's first reaction was-counseled.

Metaxisas had never thought about whether these humans could catch up with him. It was very careful, turned his head, and quickly disappeared in place.

Human fighters are here to kill monsters! ! !

As a result, everyone in the youth elite team found out in a daze that the monster disappeared again, and completely disappeared in the city.

"The city's abnormal gravity field has completely disappeared." Ayano's report sounded on the communication channel. "The monster's reaction has disappeared."

"Leave?" Fengqiu was a little upset.

They didn't have time to figure out the ability and purpose of the monster, so the monster left?

This is, Doiigaki, who is sitting behind Musashi, said: "That monster, perhaps because it hates the electromagnetic waves emitted by telecommunication towers, it destroys these signal towers."


"This monster seems to carry a kind of low-frequency radio wave itself, and the signal wave emitted by the signal tower is very disturbing to its existence, so I hate the signal tower."

"Is that so."

Looking at the destroyed signal towers, Musashi was lost in thought.

"Ayano, has the monster left?" The captain's voice wanted to sound, "Can you track the whereabouts of the monster?"

"Do not."

"Doiwaki, have you found anything?"

"One thing, that monster can go directly through space, but I have found a way to confirm its location." Doiwaki's tone was smiling and proud, he patted his chubby chest. "Leave it to me next."

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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