Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 808: The temptation to flow

"it is good."

The captain readily responded.

The youth elite team chose to temporarily return to the base.

Suddenly, Ayano's suddenly raised voice rang again: "Captain, another alien gravity field has been discovered!"

"What?" The captain who was about to give the return order turned his head to look at Ayano, suspecting that he had misheard, "What did you just say?"

"Monster, appear at the GT23 location!" Ayano directly called up the screen.

In the picture, the monster had appeared in a valley surrounded by low mountains, and in the clearing opposite to the monster, slowly floating... dark energy crystals!

"Wait, that's..." The captain's heart tightened.

Several standard fighters appeared on the screen, and some tanks on the ground firmly surrounded the dark crystals.

On the side of the valley, some humans wearing white research uniforms are surrounding several armored vehicles. With the help of soldiers, they are boarding the armored vehicles in an orderly manner, seeming to be preparing to evacuate here.

And these armored vehicles, tanks, and standard fighters are all painted with the logo of the defense army!

"Defense?!" This monster ran into the defense!

"What?" The young elite team members far above the city suspected that they and others had heard it wrong.

After escaping from the city, the monster ran straight into the encirclement of the defense forces? ! How is this different from sending death?

"Captain, there is a military base for the defense forces nearby." Ayano explained the reason, but everyone's heart sank to the bottom.

What do the military bases of the defense forces represent?

It represents more, stronger, and more complete armed forces. In other words, this monster may really be killed! As for the monster's magical ability, under the covering blow, where can the monster go?


In the base, Hong Tu, who had been inspected, was wearing his weapons one by one.

Mezzad did not stop him from taking the weapon, and he didn't mind coming to the defense army.

At this moment, Mezzad is leaning on an instrument, holding a tablet in his hand, and is recording the results of the inspection into it.

"The body is very healthy." It commented lightly.

Hong Tu didn't answer, and didn't even go to see Mezzad.

Well, the reason is also very simple.

In his eyes, Mezzad was not a glamorous woman, but a non-human image with a bald head like a turtle and two big blue bulb eyes.

Originally, after seeing the weird looks of his subordinates and monsters, Hong Tu could still accept Mezzad's true looks.

But... if a skinny "turtle" specimen with almost only bones stands opposite you, and wears a burgundy base blouse on the inside, a white coat on the outside, and makeup on the face, then it’s another. Visual experience too.

In fact, Hongtu wants to complain. Mimic humans are mimic humans. Why should we learn human makeup on the basis of mimicry?

But Mezzad seems to like makeup very much, and he doesn't know what he looks like in the mirror.

As for how Mezzad handles his physical examination results, Hong Tu doesn't care.

The fellow Mezzad knew how to measure, and Hong Tu did a disguise as well, and nothing big would happen. At least he will not be treated as an alien.

"Now everyone is fighting, Mr. Hong will probably have to wait a while." Mezzad smiled, "After that, someone will take Mr. Hong to the lounge."

"You can take a break, please don't be restrained."

It meant something and then walked to the door.

The door opened automatically, and Mezzad walked out, nodded to the person standing at the door, and left the door.

Hong Tu looked at the people outside and raised her eyebrows: "Mr. Liu."

That's right, Liu Chunye was standing at the door.

He is still in a black jacket, and seems to have been waiting at the door for a long time.

"Mr. Hong, we meet again." With a fake smile on his face, he made an invitation to Hong Tu, "Please follow me."

After speaking, he took the lead to walk outside the door. Hong Tu did not hesitate to keep up, and followed him out of the examination room.

"Mr. Liu won't fight?"

What Hong Tu is talking about refers to the dark energy crystals and monsters outside the defense base. He has already sensed that Metaxisas has just appeared near the dark crystals.

Liu glanced sideways at Hong Tu: "Don't bother Mr. Hong worry about this. The defense forces have enough force to'kill' the monster."

He specifically emphasized the word "eliminate", which is obviously very confident in the defense forces.

But to his surprise, Hong Tu didn't have any excessive reaction, and even said indifferently: "So the monster has appeared."

Neither was it because of trying to prevent the monster from being eliminated, nor was it condemning his words.

This made Liu a little surprised. He tilted his head to look at Hong Tu's expression secretly, but only saw calmness.

It's not cold, but simple calm.

This made Liu Ann frowned. This is not quite consistent with what he expected.

But thinking about it carefully, he hadn't seen any fluctuations in this man's mood since he saw Hong Tu.

Don't talk about smiling, or being gentle with monsters.

Liu is a soldier, and trained to see which emotions are just disguise and which emotions are true.

Therefore, he can be sure that the gentle smiles of Hong Tu are just disguise.

The innocent guys who lied to the youth elite team could not lie to him. This guy named Hong Tu is definitely not a simple character.

"It is said that the monster escaped from the pursuit of the youth elite team and caused damage in the city."

"It sounds like a vicious monster." Hong Tu commented very perfunctorily. "Does the defense army plan to kill that monster?"

"Of course." Liu glanced at Hong Tu, "The young elite team failed to capture, and the monster broke into the chassis of the defense army. We naturally have to solve it."

Hong Tu tilted his head: "Then, what about the Dark Crystal? What are you going to do with it?"

Liu did not answer this question, nor would he answer it.

The defense forces actually didn't know how to deal with the dark crystals.

Before the monster arrived, they had been trying to move the dark crystal.

Not surprisingly, it failed.

Any containment measures adopted by humans are useless, and because of the previous monster's lesson, they dare not destroy the crystals casually, and there is no way to take the crystals for a while.

In the end, he could only find a way to research on the spot, and be alert to the appearance of monsters at any time.

Now, the Defense Forces absolutely do not allow monsters to approach the dark crystal.

If the subspace barrier on the outer layer of the crystal is broken, everyone in this base may not be able to escape.

Therefore, for this base, for humans, and for the earth, the defense forces will directly attack that monster.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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