The power of the dark crystals is, to some extent, the power of Gatangieu.

It goes without saying that Gatangieu is powerful. General Ultraman will not be its opponent.

What's more, the energy in this dark crystal is so huge that at least it covers an earth.

It seems that Hong Tu needs to worry about Gauss.

I glanced at the dark crystals that were wrapped by the chaotic virus in the distance, and I don’t know what kind of psychology it was. Hong Tu did not stop it, but enthusiastically asked another question: "Where is the planet you are looking for? ?"

The Chaos Virus was silent for a while, and said to Hong Tu seriously: "..." There are many. Through this wormhole, you can reach directly.

Hong Tu didn't care about the undoubted pause of the Chaos Virus. He looked at the wormhole in front of him and nodded, "Okay."

"..." You can go now.

Chaos virus tries to encourage Hongtu to enter the wormhole now: "..." After you come back, all the earth's crises will be resolved.

It promised vowedly, as if it was really not trying to spread the red tea.

Hong Tu: "..." Even if the person talking to me is just an individual, but there are so many individuals around, can you not see what you are thinking?

However, after thinking about the darkness of those planets, Hong Tu decisively eat.

So Hong Tu nodded and flew straight into the wormhole.

The other end of the wormhole is indeed a planet.

Moreover, it is a dead planet.

Hongtu flew out of the wormhole and saw the gray planet at first glance.

This planet is not illuminated by stars, it is even just a satellite of a huge planet, and the only light source is the faint light emitted by this planet.

And under the light of this faint light, the planet was dark.

The wreckage of buildings of special mineral quality is scattered all over the "city". On the earth of the planet, there are broken stones and scorched pits and pits. There are cracks in the mountains. There is no vegetation on the ground, even No trace of life ever existed.

The scarlet color overflowed in Hongtu's eyes.

He heard the wailing and crying on this planet, saw the resentment and hatred of the dead life forms on this planet, and felt the unwillingness and helplessness of this planet.

"Even so, don't you think that you are wrong?" Hong Tu turned his head to look at the light spot that fell on his shoulder again, "This planet, is it dead?"

Chaos Virus' answer is quite wrong: "..." Gauss did it. It was Gauss who destroyed the new order established on this planet and killed the life forms.

Shaking the pot with confidence.

Hong Tu: "..."

Looking at the terrible state of the planet below, it is not difficult to imagine what happened on this planet.

Perhaps there was a very prosperous civilization on this planet. Because of the chaos virus, the life forms on the planet were parasitized and wreaked havoc on the planet.

In the end, personally destroy civilization on this planet.

Under the anger of the rushing Gauss, he killed those violent life forms, and finally caused the planet to die completely.

No wonder Gauss chased the Chaos Virus all the way to the earth.

It is truly a tragedy.

The culprit did not feel that he had done anything wrong at all, and even rightly condemned Ultraman Goss for killing the life form of the New Order.

However, I did not expect that Gauss used this style of painting before...

Hong Tu was silent for a while and stopped paying attention to this.

Anyway, this planet is dead, it's useless to entangle this, let's prepare for dinner.

Hong Tu breathed a sigh of relief, and darkness began to surge around him.

The light spot of Chaos Virus quickly moved away from him, avoiding the darkness.

This light is floating outside the darkness, just watching the darkness more and more silently, gradually covering the planet below.

This is just one planet, and there are many planets that have been transformed by the Chaos Virus. These planets will be enough for Hong Tu to eat for a long time.


When Hongtu was eating happily in the universe, the SRC and the defense forces on the earth were broken for Hongtu.

When Hongtu disappeared, they quickly agreed on a plan and began searching for Hongtu all over the world.

After Musashi was taken abducted last time, he was hid in an inaccessible place, and I am afraid this time too.

Therefore, with the help of the defense forces, the youth elite team is constantly patrolling to find the traces of the Chaos Virus and Hongtu.

This is of course nothing.

And this search lasted a week.

It is not that they have never thought that Hongtu will be in the universe, but humans cannot survive in the universe. If Hongtu is really brought into the universe, they may not even be able to find Hongtu's body.

In a hurry, even Chi Shan couldn't help communicating every day, asking if the young elite team had any clues to the discovery of Hongtu.

"Sorry, there is still no news." Ripu's expression was a little tired, as if he hadn't rested for a long time.

The computer screen in front of him was Chi Shan's face.

Chi Shan looked haggard a lot, his neatly trimmed beard had been messed up a lot, and his chubby figure was thinner.

"Really." Chi Shan looked disappointed, and also seemed to have some unexpected meaning, as if he had expected such an answer long ago.

"It's been a week, and I don't know what happened to Red." Chi Shan's face was full of worry, "Damn Chaos Virus."

Ripu did not respond, but was silent.

He faintly had a bad feeling.

No one knew why the Chaos Virus would suddenly take Hongtu away, but there was no movement for a week, which made Ripu couldn't help but think.

Is there any particularity about red tea? Or, what new conspiracy is the Chaos Virus doing?

However, it has been a week, why there is no movement at all.

At this time, Captain Ripu unexpectedly expected the Chaos Virus to appear as soon as possible.

In the universe, the Chaos Virus has absorbed the power of the dark crystal and completed its evolution.

At this moment, the number of chaotic viruses hidden in the universe has reached an alarming level.

A large number of light viruses condensed together, forming a huge halo, rotating in the universe, looking very bright and beautiful.

But what makes up this beautiful thing is a dangerous and terrifying chaotic virus.

It has to be said that the Chaos Virus actually has great potential. Even if it absorbs the solid dark power, it still maintains its beautiful appearance without being contaminated by darkness.

At this moment, the prepared Chaos virus is about to "save the earth".

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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