Soon, the earth discovered a large number of chaotic viruses in the universe.

This wormhole was actually discovered long ago by humans.

Although there was a reaction from the chaotic virus, humans did not realize the potential harm of wormholes at the time.

Human beings are invaded by the dark crystals and chaotic viruses appearing on the earth, and there is almost no time to care about the crisis outside the earth.

Therefore, when a large number of chaotic viruses were discovered, the SRC and the defense forces were nervous.

So many chaotic viruses... how many parasitic monsters can be created, replicating monsters, realizing chaotic viruses, or even replicating Ultraman?

This is simply beyond imagination.


The captain's voice couldn't help but improve a lot, but Ayano understood it in a second, and immediately analyzed the scene of the scene.

I saw the picture gradually enlarged, and the center of the chaotic virus was nothing but the wormhole.

"Captain, no trace of red was found." Ayano's voice couldn't be said to be lucky or disappointed.

The captain's expression is also a bit complicated. He nodded and looked at Ayano: "Monitor the movement of Chaos Virus at any time."


Not surprisingly, Captain Hiura soon received a communication from the defense forces.

"Captain Niura, I think you have also received news about the Chaos Virus outside the earth, right."

Commander Sawara’s expression was unprecedentedly solemn: "I want to know what you think."

"We may have to face it. The Chaos Virus has attacked." Captain Hiura slowly said his guess.

This coincides with the forecast of the Defense Forces. Now, what mankind may have to face is the most difficult battle.

"Captain Niura, we need to prepare early for this matter." This is the purpose of Commander Sawara's communication.

This time, the Defense Forces and SRC might have to take the initiative to attack.


The emergence of chaotic viruses has not only alarmed human beings.

And the monsters on earth.

The Earth monsters who were sleeping seemed to feel the crisis, and they all fell asleep unsteadily. There are even some that are about to wake up.

Of course, the monsters of Hongtu are indispensable.

At this moment, there is a huge underground cave in a certain area of ​​the earth, and the monster “bosses” who have been divided into groups are rarely gathered here, and even the Ocean Group has sent a Sihum over.

Bemonstein and Patton squatted together at this moment, and the two bird monsters chirped to the other monsters, waiting for themselves to wait for the beast to experience in the universe.

"Tweet!" The Chaos Virus has been found. There are too many, and the aura of the dark crystal can no longer be felt.

"Tweet!" That guy was too cunning, he kept separating a large number of individuals to confuse his sight, and he didn't know why, he would always disappear after chasing.

In this week, the universe group has been searching for traces of chaotic viruses in the universe, trying to find the trace of the owner or the dark crystal.

But the universe is so big that the monsters always chase after them and lose the trace of the Chaos Virus.

It's not that the monsters are not fast enough, but the Chaos Virus seems to have mastered the power of the wormhole. This monster is really helpless.

Gomora, who was sitting aside, tilted his head slightly, and let out a low growl: "Roar~" Al Robopard had gone through time to find his master, but he seemed to have actively avoided it.

Silbagon looked at Gomora suspiciously: "Roar?" The master took the initiative to avoid it?

Why did the master take the initiative to avoid it? !

The other monsters looked at Gomora dumbfounded, almost wondering if El Robopa was lying to them. That guy wouldn't dare not approach at all, would he?

Gomora: "..." At any rate, I have a little confidence in El Robopa... That guy is not particularly persuaded.

Uh, well, it's not that Gomora was worried, but after a beating, El Robopa still said that, and it seemed to be true.

Gomora, who felt that his subordinates were being questioned, was not very happy, and turned to look at Bemunstein and Button: "Hoo~" Doesn't Kuronom also have time ability? Didn't let it go and see?

As a result, Bemunstein and Patton looked at the other monsters very confidently: "Tweet!" Kuronom didn't find the owner.

Hearing this, Si Hume, who had been quiet on the side, said thoughtfully: "..." Could the dark crystals have been absorbed by the master? Chaos Virus also joined the game under the banner of winning the spoils for the master. Maybe it was after the crystal was taken, it was dedicated to the master.

The other monsters suddenly fell silent.

No way? ! Could the ultimate winner of the game be the hypocritical light virus? ! No, this ending is unacceptable! Even if Gatanjee wins the game, it is better than letting Chaos Virus win!

These xenophobic monsters broke down a bit, and refused to accept the truth.

When Mezzad arrived here, what he saw was the look of these monsters who were deeply shocked.

Medzad: "???"

Fortunately, Mezzad did not delve into anything, it came with a purpose this time.

"..." The rules of the game have changed, and new game content is now announced.

Gomora and other monsters turned their heads and stared at Mezzad faintly: "Roar!" What about the Chaos Virus? !

"..." This time it was for the Chaos Virus. The current situation is that the Chaos Virus has absorbed the power of the dark crystal. As for the owner, it seems that the Chaos Virus has been sent to the other end of the universe through the wormhole.

"Roar?!" What did you say? !

This group of monsters couldn't sit still suddenly, the monsters who were sitting or squatting stood up with red eyes, and the dark power on their bodies was about to overflow.

Chaos virus privately absorbed the power of the dark crystal? ! That is what they worked so hard to collect! This guy actually swallowed it privately! ! !

Sure enough, this gleaming creature just couldn't believe it! It's simply a good-looking appearance to fool the master!

Also, it actually sent its owner to the other end of the universe, which is bad at first sight!

"..." Don't get excited yet.

Mezzad was very calm, not caring about the increasingly dangerous aura of the guys opposite, even stretched out his body like a giant jellyfish, rolled his tentacles, and continued: "..." Chaos The virus seems to be officially attacking the earth. Do you know what to do?

Gomora stepped forward, aggressively: "Roar!" Of course... Kill the Chaos Virus!

The other monsters nodded and agreed.

"..." So, the new game is to repel all the attacks of Chaos Virus.

Mezzad announced the game directly, without even talking about the rules of the game.

Of course, this game does not require rules. What the Chaos Virus has done can be said to have caused public outrage. These monsters must be impatient and want to kill the Chaos Virus.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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