Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 825: Ultraman Chaos repelled by Anton

Therefore, when the giant chaotic virus aperture in the universe casts the first beam of light on the earth, it seems to be the signal that the battle begins.

The Chaos Virus took the lead to the earth is a Chaos Ultraman.

This Chaos Ultraman was dropped near a research base of SRC.

The reason why it is here is that this base is the research institute for cultivating Chaos Virus Antibodies and Dark Forces.

Chaos Virus is at least a bit tactical, knowing to solve the things that might threaten you first.

When Ultraman Chaos appeared, the youth elite team immediately dispatched and rushed to the location of Ultraman Chaos.

With heavy footsteps, Ultraman Chaos gradually approached the research base. The colorful light group condensed in its hands, and then was thrown out by it, easily blowing up a corner of the building.

The personnel in the base evacuated urgently. The weapon set up outside the base aimed the muzzle at the offender and launched an attack without hesitation.

But these bombs fell on Ultraman Chaos, and they had no effect except exploding the beautiful "fireworks".

Instead, Ultraman Chaos easily smashed all these weapons with a few light bullets, and approached the base unstoppably.

When the youth elite team arrived here, they immediately attacked Ultraman Chaos.

But this time, Ultraman Chaos is different.

First, Shinobu drove the fighter plane, went around behind Ultraman Chaos, and sent a blue light toward Ultraman Chaos.

After this light hit Ultraman Chaos, it did not explode, but turned into a rope of light, which tightly bound Ultraman Chaos.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Ultraman Chaos broke the light rope with his arms supported, and directly attacked Shinobu's fighter.

The fighter plane couldn't dodge, so it was hit by this light bullet, and immediately swayed to the ground.

Seeing that the fighter was not completely destroyed, Ultraman Chaos was ready to make up for a blow.

Seeing this, the wind drove the fighter plane and rushed over immediately, directly attacking the back of Ultraman Chaos.

A series of sparks exploded from the back of Ultraman Chaos, interrupting the attack of Ultraman Chaos.

Chaos Ultraman's actions stopped, and there was no immediate action.

When the wind-blown fighter was about to attack again, it suddenly turned around, jumped, and easily grabbed the fighter in the sky with both hands and pulled it directly from the sky.

It landed on the ground, a dashing spin, unloading the momentum of the fighter, and when raising its hand, it planned to directly solve the fighter and the humans in the fighter.

In the only intact fighter plane, Musashi grabbed the joystick and rushed directly towards Ultraman Chaos, trying to stop it.

Of course, Ultraman Chaos raised his hand with a light spot, and Musashi's fighter also fell.

Ultraman Chaos threw away the fighter in his hand, raised his hands high, and laughed wildly.

After laughing, it turned around and looked behind him.

There, a blue beam of light slowly dissipated, revealing a huge figure in the beam.

Gauss appeared.

Gauss and Ultraman Chaos glanced at each other, and the two sides slowly adopted the same fighting start style.

The battle began.


When Ultraman Chaos and Gauss were fighting together, the dark monsters of Hongtu also dispatched.

However, they had a little dispute over who was dispatched.

"Roar!" Silbagun wanted to take the lead.

But Gomora also thought, the two big brothers collided and confronted each other, not letting anyone else.

Bemunstein and Patton are also ready to get involved.

Shum hid and shivered, because he couldn't beat all these quarreling monsters.

In the end, the phantom of Mezzad appeared: "Please be quiet, the Ultraman Chaos that appeared this time, please let Anton pull out."

"Roar?" The monsters looked at each other, not understanding why it was Anton La.

"Because Antonra's game did not end, but was snatched midway by the Chaos Virus, which was considered a failure." Mezzad's reasons are well-founded.

The monster bosses finally agreed to Mezard's suggestion due to a long time.

So, what eventually appeared was Anton La.


When Antonra arrived on the battlefield, Ultraman Chaos had steadily gained the upper hand, suppressing Gauss.

Antonla crawled out of the ground, and the huge movement caused quickly attracted the attention of two Ultramans.

As soon as Antonla appeared, he quickly rushed towards Ultraman Chaos.

Ultraman Chaos immediately dodged to avoid it, and Antonla shot down, but instead knocked Gauss away directly.

The innocent Gauss fell to the ground and got up after a long time.

And Anton Lass ignored the Gauss who was hit by him. It quickly stopped the car and rushed toward the Chaos Virus again aggressively.

When Gauss stood up, what he saw was Antonra and Ultraman Chaos fighting together.

Ultraman Chaos didn't seem to want to get entangled with Antonra at first, and kept avoiding it. It was not until Antonra became angrily and became dark Antonra that Ultraman Chaos knew that this battle was inevitable.

It no longer blindly avoided, but landed on the opposite side of the dark Anton La, and slowly put on a fighting start.

Gauss was a little stunned for a while. He looked at Ultraman Chaos and then at the murderous dark Anton La, and seemed to realize something.

Without waiting for him to think about it, Dark Antonla rushed towards Ultraman Chaos, and the two behemoths immediately fought together.

And Ultraman Chaos finally realized how uncomfortable it was during the battle between Gauss and Anton.

Any of its attacks fell on the opponent's body without the slightest effect, whether it was light or fists, they were all blocked by the hard carapace.

On the contrary, the strength of Dark Antonra was very strong, and Ultraman Chaos was easily lifted by it many times and fell to the ground.

When Antonra once again clamped the waist of Ultraman Chaos, clamped it up abruptly, and threw it out, magnetic force condensed between the giant claws of dark Anton, which quickly condensed into an inconspicuous beam of light , Hit the chest of Ultraman Chaos.

Chaos Ultraman's movements stopped, and countless colored light spots appeared on the surface, and his figure seemed to be about to dissipate.

Gauss, who was dumbfounded on the side, immediately reacted. He drew circles on his chest with both hands, compared with the posture of L, emitted light, and made up the final blow to Chaos Ultraman.

In the end, Ultraman Chaos figure dissipated completely, and all the Chaos viruses disappeared.

In the universe, the huge halo composed of Chaos Virus surged for a moment, but in the end it did not send a new Chaos Ultraman again, but fell silent for a while.

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