Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 829: Gauss turned into a stone statue

The Dark Circle is very dissatisfied now.

At this moment of beating Ultraman, why can Hong Tu sit here so leisurely and watch the show?

Do you remember that you were the first to rush up before? !

The dark circle is clearly extinguished, and I can't wait to control Hong Tu or the monster below, now go and beat Gauss, oh, chaos virus also has to fight, it is best to change the card.

But it's a pity that it can neither control the monsters nor Hong Tu. No matter how excited, it can only stay here and watch the battle with Hong Tu.

Well, maybe you can scream.

Like this...

"!!!" Gatanjee, go! Kill both Gauss and Chaos Virus and become a card!

It can be said that it is a brain circuit with the monsters under Hong Tu.

Hong Tu didn't care either. He wanted to know what Gauss would do next and what Musashi would do.

However, the chaotic virus surrounding Hongtu did not speak, quiet and unusual.


"Ayano, how is the situation?" Captain Niura looked at Ayano and Doigaki anxiously.

After Gauss took away the Chaos virus, the base system was restored.

But before the machine restarted, the black fog of Gatanjae spread over, and the base that had not yet been restarted fell into a semi-paralyzed state again.

The only comforting thing is that the black mist has not completely spread to the entire base, but it has already occupied the periphery of the base.

At this moment, the base's life-saving system was quickly activated, and the ignoring EYES members were quickly evacuating.

But everyone in the youth elite team is waiting for the launch of the fighter.

"The black mist isolation failed. At present, the areas A1 to A13 have been occupied by the black mist, and most of the personnel have been evacuated to the lifeboat."

"The self-check of Hangar No. 1 has been completed and can be dispatched!"

Two good news were reported by Ayano and Doiwaki together, so that the captain's heart was slightly calmer.

On the side, Fengqiu was already standing beside the captain, ready to quietly wait for his order.

Next, it's time to save Musashi, no, it's time to support Gauss.


Gatangieu waved his long tentacles, swinging two giant tongs, and seemed very unhappy about the two prey escaping into the sky.

However, the two elves knew the danger of Gatanjae and would not approach him easily.

Seeing this, Gatanjee became even more angry, and most of its tentacles that had been hidden under the sea suddenly stretched out and threw it towards the two Ultramans.

Gauss and Ultraman Chaos responded quickly to avoid the attack of the tentacle.

But this time, Gatanjae was much faster, controlling his tentacles, and chasing after them.

Gauss didn't attack immediately, but Ultraman Chaos didn't plan to wait for death or negotiate.

Once again avoiding the tentacles, it directly held the ball with both hands on its chest, and a colorful energy ball was condensed and pushed towards Gatangieu.

The ball of light hit Gatangieu's shell and exploded bright sparks.

But that was all, such an attack could not hurt Gatangie the slightest.

Gatanjae, who knew he was being provoked, roared, and more tentacles burst out of the sea and attacked the Chaos Ultraman.

Although Gatanjae's attack method is relatively simple, this guy is really rough and thick, and ordinary attacks fall on him, not even scratching it.

Realizing this, Ultraman Chaos didn't want to get entangled with Gatangieu. Its red light bulb stared at Gatangieu below, glanced at Gauss, and flew into the sky.

Gatangieu is not as fast as it is. As long as it flies away from the earth, no matter how strong Gatangieu is, there is no way it can do it.

The Chaos Virus has never liked the presence of oncoming guns. If its strength is weak, it will use the surrounding things to turn it into its own advantage.

For example, now, it has calculated that Gauss will not let Gatangaeo ignore.

Therefore, it only needs to leave the earth now, and let Gauss fight Gatanger himself for the rest.

But Gatangieu would not let Ultraman Chaos leave like this.

After realizing that Ultraman Chaos was about to retreat, it roared, and the black mist that had spread around it surging like rolling water gathered towards its body. Accompanied by it, Gatanjee began to transform. shape.

The original huge figure has doubled again, the gray-black carapace suddenly spreads large red lines, and a lot of sharp teeth grow out of a section of the tentacles, making the whole monster look terrifying and terrifying. Of course, it is actually also It's too strong.


The scarlet beast eyes of the huge monster that has evolved into the dark Gatanjae stared at the chaotic Ultraman escaping in the sky, and countless tentacles were rolled up in the air, and the lavender light guns quickly condensed into these tentacles.

Gauss was surprised when he saw this scene.

Seeing those tentacles flicked, several light guns cut out afterimages, covering the Ultraman Chaos in the air.

This is what Gatanjee learned from Hongtu.

One can't absolutely hit, then a few more!

By the time Ultraman Chaos realized it, it was too late.

Countless light guns struck, and it tried its best to avoid two, but the third one hit the calf directly.

Suddenly, Ultraman Chaos' figure was blurred for a moment, and countless spots of light appeared on its surface, seeming to escape at any time.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth one was inserted straight into Ultraman Chaos's shoulder.

Finally, the figure of Ultraman Chaos could no longer be maintained, and it escaped into countless spots of light.

But most of the light spots flickered for a moment, and quickly melted into the air. In the end, only a small part of the light spots survived. These light spots were condensed into a ball and flew around in the air, trying their best to avoid the remaining light guns.

It seems that it is because of the special existence of the Chaos Virus. After being rubbed by a light gun, it only melted a circle, and there is still a small group of tenacious hiding in the gap of these attacks.

When the Darkness Gatanjae stopped, the Chaos Virus was left with a pitiful little ball, not even enough to condense a copy monster.

Dark Gatangieu opened his mouth, and the red energy in his mouth began to condense, preparing to end the battle.

A slender red beam of light ejected from its mouth, attacking the small group of chaotic viruses in the sky at a speed that the human eye could not see.

This group of chaotic viruses didn't even have time to escape, and the beam of light had already arrived in front of it.

But at this moment, a golden light appeared before this chaotic virus.

The beam of light penetrated the sky unstoppably, and broke the black clouds in the sky again.

Bright sunlight shines through that circle.

But... In the center of the beam of light drenched in the sun, a gray stone statue stood temporarily in the air.

That is Gauss, who has become a stone statue, Ultraman Gauss.

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