"Ayano, you are responsible for evacuation of the remaining personnel in the base. Then, leave with everyone."

Captain Hiura gave the order.

Ayano opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but finally nodded firmly.

She is a supercomputer user who can easily control the base. Therefore, she must open safe passages and cut off dangerous areas to buy more time for the evacuation of base personnel.

She is not a combatant, but she is the most powerful reserve personnel of this base.

The captain nodded and looked at the rest of the people solemnly: "Youth elite team, dispatch!"

This time, the young elite team's operations will lack the backup support of the base, and they can only rely on themselves.

Others also know this clearly and are prepared.

Knowing this, Ayano pursed her lips: "I don't know where Musashi went."

Hearing her whispering wind blew and stopped talking, in the end she said nothing.

Instead, the captain glanced at Ayano, and said, "Relax, Musashi will be fine."

The wind blowing on the side glanced at the dark screen behind him, and secretly clenched his hand.


The young elite team quickly dispatched, and within a short time, three fighters flew away from the base.

Because Musashi is not there, the captain alone drives the fighter that originally belonged to Musashi.

Shinobu and Doiigaki ride in one plane, and the wind blows a separate one.

However, when the three fighters arrived, what they saw was a scene where the light of the dark Gatangie ran through the sky.

When they saw the gray stone statue in the sun, everyone was stunned.

"That's... Gauss?"

Gauss turned into a stone statue, and he still maintained the action of pushing his hands on his chest. That was his movement to unfold the Ultraman barrier, but now, Gauss is frozen in this movement.

Just when the light penetrated, Gauss suddenly rushed over, blocking the chaotic virus, trying to block the attack for it.

Of course, it failed.

The light directly pierced his barrier and penetrated his body unstoppably, dissolving the halted chaotic virus. And Gauss also directly turned into a gray stone statue.

After the gray-white stone statue stagnated for a few seconds in the air, it fell downward in accordance with gravity, and finally fell into the sea under the gaze of humans, and fell silent.

Gauss... failed?

How could this be?

Human beings are a little at a loss, Ultraman has become a stone statue?

Fengqiu reacted first, he directly drove the fighter plane to rush up, and did not hesitate to launch an attack on the darkness of Gatangieu.

He rarely has such irrational times, but now, he is full of heart to save Ultraman Goss and kill this monster!

"Damn it!!!"


"Ah, Gauss has become a stone statue." Hong Tu looked at the light curtain in front of him, "It's a bit miserable. But it's really something Musashi will do. Then, what should I do next?"

He looked up at the chaotic virus halo around him: "So, what do you do?"

The Chaos Virus was silent for a while, and did not immediately answer Hong Tu's question.

The chaotic virus surging around him formed a huge triangular head. After a while, this head asked: "Why?"

Its tone was very dazed, like a beast at a loss, and ignorantly issued its own question: "Gauss, why do you want to do it?"

It also has a panoramic view of what Gauss did just now.

Gauss, is it protecting it? But are they not enemies?

So why?

This artificial life body, which has not yet fully realized the true appearance of the world, felt for the first time what "goodwill" is, but now, it does not know what it is.

"Probably because of Musashi's'gentleness'," Hong Tu said casually, "Probably until now, Musashi hasn't really regarded you as an enemy."

Yes, it is Musashi, not Gauss.

"So, what are you going to do?" Hong Tu asked again, "Gauss protected you, although he sacrificed himself, but he also released his'goodwill' to you. Do you plan to respond to this feeling? "

"Goodwill?" Chaos Virus looked at Hong Tu suspiciously, "Is it the kind of incomprehensible feelings that humans have."

Its tone is no longer a question, but a statement. It has been confirmed, this is the feeling he has not understood before.

But Chaos Virus doesn't know what Hongtu's "response" is.

Subconsciously, it wanted to ask Hongtu, but it asked another question: "Does Gauss see me as an enemy?"

"It's the human being fused with Gauss." Hong Tu corrected the Chaos Virus statement, "He doesn't want to be your enemy."

Chaos Virus was taken aback: "Is it a human?"

It seemed to remember the strange power that it had sensed when leaning over humans.

Instinctively, it knew what it was.

Seeing this, Hong Tu raised her eyebrows and waited quietly for its decision.

After a while, the chaotic virus around him began to escape. The chaotic virus that originally formed the halo began to dissipate into countless spots of light and pour toward the earth.

Chaos virus made a decision.

"Oh Huo, it's... unexpected, and there has been an unexpected development." Looking at the bright light falling on the earth, Hong Tu sat cross-legged in the universe, supporting her face, with a slight smile on her mouth, "Quite, Interesting."

Only Dark Circle was unhappy: "..." Is Chaos Virus actually going to help Gauss? How can its position be so unresolute! Isn't it the best time to invade the earth? ! Without Gauss, human beings and the earth would have no power to resist! ! !

Well, now the most determined person who wants to invade the earth is probably only the dark circle.

It should be said that it is indeed the dark circle.


Yes, after the measurement, Chaos Virus intends to help Gauss.

Although it actually doesn't know how to save Gauss, after a certain judgment, Chaos Virus believes that it can now work with Gauss to deal with the darkness of Gatanjee.

However, it seems that Chaos Virus itself does not quite understand the basis for this judgment.

Large swaths of colored light form a beam of light, passing through the unclosed black cloud layer, occupying the beam of light that appears under sunlight.

In a daze, the brilliantly colored light spots seemed to turn golden.

"Chaotic virus?" The emergence of the chaotic virus attracted the attention of human beings, and even the wind that had lost his sanity returned to God and looked at the chaotic virus.

"Damn it, I want to take this opportunity..." Do you completely destroy the earth?

This is the first reaction of mankind.

After all, Gauss...has been defeated, and his life is unknown.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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