Ultraman: I Really Didn’t Want to Rule the World

Chapter 831: Save Gauss while in progress

The dreamlike rays of light flowed down like a galaxy and condensed into a single entity not far from the darkness of Gatanjae.

This is the condensed entity of all chaotic viruses, which is the body of chaotic viruses.

It still has the demon face that humans have seen, but it has a pair of minion-like wings behind it. The limbs are slender and the claws are sharp. It looks like a human, but also vaguely like an Ultraman.

It seems that because of absorbing the dark power, the Chaos Virus has a darker color at the moment, and some fine red lines spread on its body.

It squeezed its paws and turned to look at the darkness of Gatangieu.

Dark Gatanjae also watched the Chaos Virus, but did not immediately attack, but looked at this guy unscrupulously, silently mocking.

Yes, it is mocking.

Dark Gatanjee was originally a arrogant guy, and after seeing the Chaos Virus dare to appear, and after appearing as the body, only a full of mockery remained.

This weak chicken wouldn't think that it would be its opponent to dispatch the main body!

It's just a chaotic virus!

The Chaos Virus didn't care about Gatanjee's ridicule. It took another look at the warplane in the distance, and then set its sights on the sea below it.

The colorful light ball in its hand forms a beam of light, which is gently extended to the sea.

In a short while, Gauss's stone statue was picked up by the beam of light and slowly moved to the EYES base in the distance.

It doesn't know how to wake up Gauss, it can only pin its hopes on the light of human...

After doing all this, the Chaos Virus looked towards the darkness of Gatanjee, the dangerous ball of light condensed in his hand, and the two pairs of scarlet eyes looked at each other, and the battle was on the verge!


"team leader?"

The sound of the wind blew in the communicator. Captain Riura understood what he meant. After a moment of silence, he took a deep look at the Chaos Virus that was fighting with the Dark Gatangieu. After all, he gave the order: "The wind blows. , You stay, pay attention to the movement of monsters and Chaos Virus, Shinobu, Doigaki, you and I will go see Gauss."

The wind opened his mouth. In fact, he wanted to see Gauss's situation more at the moment. He knew the true identity of Gauss and couldn't rest assured anyway.

But at this moment, only Doiigaki, a technician, is Gauss, no, the person Musashi needs most.

Maybe a way to save Gauss can be found.

When the sensible wind finally suppressed his lips, he gave the order.



Two of the three fighters circled back to the EYES base, leaving only one fighter plane, watching the battle between the two behemoths from a distance.

It's all these guys!

Because they were not far from the base, the captain and Shinobu flew back to the sky above the base.

This artificial island has been surrounded by black fog, only the surface of the island has a shallow black fog, which failed to completely engulf the island.

In the center of the island, Gauss' stone statue was lying quietly.

Humans actually don't understand Ultraman.

They don't know where Ultraman came from, why it would help humans fight, why it became like this, and how to save him.

But Ultraman has saved mankind so many times, and now, it is the mankind who has figured out a way to save Ultraman!

The three of them got off the fighter plane, braved the shallow black mist, and quickly rushed to Gauss's side.

Without the captain, Doiigaki took the lead in taking out the tablet and began to analyze the situation of Gauss.

The captain turned his head and looked at the thick black fog surrounding them, with a complicated expression.

What is the relationship between that monster and the dark crystal? Because of the rush of evacuation of the base, they have no time to take care of this issue.

At this moment, seeing this full of black mist, the captain had to think deeply.

Was that monster also the monster that swallowed the dark crystal, or... the reason why the dark crystal appeared?

Captain Ripu took out the communicator. Unsurprisingly, the communicator had no effect, and the black mist completely isolated the signal.

When the fighter plane was dispatched, he contacted the defense army and learned that the black fog had only spread to the sea, and had not spread to land.

But although the range of black fog spreads slowly, it does not stop moving. Moreover, no one is sure when the black fog will spread rapidly.

The SRC has already informed the defense forces of the danger of this black fog, and now, it can only depend on the defense forces.

The captain looked at the huge stone statue behind him.

Perhaps, there is Ultraman Goss.


In the Dyya Islands, when Gauss turned into a stone statue, Lidoria looked up anxiously, anxiously trying to fly out of the base.

When the black mist spread, other monsters also became restless.

The aura in the darkness of Gatanjae is too unknown. It is the darkness that represents destruction. Just spreading out is enough to make these keen darkness feel the crisis and feel the signs of the earth's impending destruction.

As a result, these docile monsters on the island anxiously wanted to break through the protective net of the island's outer layer to fight against the Dark Gatanjae or the Chaos Virus.

But... there is another batch of monsters on this island.

The dark monsters belonging to Hongtu stopped these eager spoilers, even Melba, who had always been too active, was serious at this moment, flying majestic in the sky, and the cold scarlet beast eyes looked down on the island below. , Staring coldly at the behavior of each monster, warning them to calm down.

Some irritable monsters tried to resist, but they were all easily overwhelmed by the monsters of Hongtu, and King Ai Lei was given an electric shock, making these guys unable to stand up.

In a short while, the Dyya Islands were completely occupied by the monsters of Hongtu.

Administrator Chishan stood in the center of the island, looking worriedly at Melba who was patrolling the sky above: "What the **** happened?"

The monsters were suddenly agitated, and divided into two camps to attack, and quickly ended the battle. In this process, humans could not react at all.

Reminiscing about the lost contact with the EYES base, Chi Shan already had a bad feeling.


In the consciousness space of Gauss and Musashi, Musashi was closing his eyes, floating in the center of the star sea without movement.

At this moment, because Gauss's power was exhausted and the light was taken away, the star sea was very dim, and the starlight was much less.

"Musashi, Musashi..." Gauss' deep voice awakened Musashi's consciousness.

Musashi opened his eyes and saw the huge Ultraman staring at him with bright bulb eyes.

"Gauss." Musashi looked up at Gauss. It took him a while to remember what had happened. He immediately looked at Gauss with care and guilt, "Gauss, are you okay?"

Without waiting for Gauss' answer, he remembered the reason why he and Gauss would be in this situation, and suddenly became lost again: "I'm sorry..."

Had it not been for him to go his own way and rush up, trying to save the Chaos Virus, Gauss would not have become what he is now.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world. Please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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