The fluctuation of the world made the alien beast uneasy.

Strong vibration waves of alien beasts are emitted, and the human fighters are the first to be affected.

The fighter plane was faltering in the sky, as if it would fall at any time, and the shattered space around it almost sucked in the fighter plane.

Sylvia who noticed this immediately grabbed the fighter and held it firmly in his arms.

His eyes drifted in this unstable world, and he seemed to have finally found a place.

Sylvia raised his hand to a point on the timer on his chest and pointed out, and a beam of golden energy followed his fingertips and landed in that space.

A golden aperture spread out, and within the aperture was a dark chaos, which was a wormhole.

As soon as he sent the fighter in his hand forward, it was sent into the wormhole.

The humans in the fighter plane reacted and looked back, but only saw the Ultraman of Light who stood in the collapsed world and watched them leave.

The captain slowly raised his hand and saluted a military salute.

Zog stared deeply at the familiar figure and tightened his face.

The lonely door was taken aback, and he could naturally see that Altman had no intention of leaving that world at all.

But he couldn't do anything at the moment, he could only stare at Ultraman's figure in a daze, at the world that crumbled all around him.

"Gumen," Ji Yazhun's voice suddenly rang in Gumen's ears. At the same time, Gumen seemed to see Ji Yazhun who was watching him through the bright bulb eyes of Ultraman, "Light is a bond. When passed to the next successor, it will shine again."

The wormhole closed, and at the end, Gumen seemed to see Ji Yazhun smile, and then disappeared into the white light.

The violent shaking of the fighter plane by the energy of time and space forced these humans to focus on the situation in front of them.

Gumen also had to withdraw his thoughts and tried his best to stabilize the fuselage and himself.

But the shock did not last long. Suddenly, the shock stopped, and the fighter landed obliquely, but it did not cause much damage. Even the night raid team inside was not injured.

Serbia apparently set the other end of the wormhole closer to the ground.

After a brief recovery, Gu Men immediately turned his head and tried to find Ultraman's figure.

But it is a pity that there is silence around them, and a white light has already appeared in the distant skyline.


In the world of alien beasts, Sylvia, who sent the human warplane out, looked up to the sky, and finally discovered the culprit that caused the world to collapse.

Red Tu floating above the sky, darkness was like a substantial ribbon, floating around him, and then suddenly inserted into a certain part of the space, fiercely stretched straight.

Noting Altman's sight, he looked down.

Not the scarlet red eyes, but a pair of black eyes to the extreme.

At this moment, the figure of Ultraman of Light was reflected in these black eyes, but the body of Ultraman of Light was escaping light.

The power that Silvia gained was obviously a one-off. Now that the energy is exhausted, his body can't be maintained naturally, and he is disintegrating.

But neither Ji Shizhun nor Zhang Jie paid any attention to this.

Their gazes were fixed in the sky, just staring at Hong Tu, watching him bit by bit, eating away at the world.

Countless alien beasts rushed towards the red tea in the sky, and several tentacles burst out of the sea and swept towards him.

At this moment, the alien beast no longer cares about the light that is incompatible with this world, but rushes into the darkness in the sky with a posture that he can't wait to tear it up.

But in the next instant, the black energy exploded, and all the alien beasts were instantly annihilated into fragments by this energy.

The darkness above even the aboriginal people of these worlds who have never even given their eyes, more "ribbons" stretched out and inserted into the world itself, further causing the world to disintegrate more quickly.

Mana and Yitzhak were in a quiet place, looking up at this scene, and their eyes reflected a scene of cracks in the world like glass.

Finally, when Ultraman's body dissipated and disintegrated into countless light particles, the world was completely enveloped in darkness, and finally shattered into countless pieces like a broken glass bead, and then engulfed by darkness...


After this battle, for half a month in a row, the real world was too quiet.

The alien beast has never appeared, and Miu Lumu has never had any more conspiracies. The Red World Cafe has been in a state of closure, and even Ji Yazhun has never seen it again.

Everything seems to be over.

The night raid team spent half a month of relaxation.

But Gumen has been restless.

After all, it was because after that day, he had never seen Ji Yazhun, nor had he seen Hong Tu and Mana.

He has been to Miu Lumu's house and the Red World Cafe. But without exception, they were all empty.

It was an accident that I saw Miss Saku who was also looking for Ji Yazhun, but when the other party asked Ji Yazhun’s whereabouts, Gumen could not say anything, only that Ji Yazhun was missing.

He finally bid farewell to Miss Saku like running away, and when he left, he remembered the words before Ji Yajun disappeared.

"The next successor"...

This makes him have to think about the fact that he least wants to accept.

When that world collapsed, Mr. Ji Ya probably did not leave. Perhaps he was physically and to the limit, but he gave them the only chance to escape. He stayed in the broken world and buried with the alien beasts. In the world of that alien beast.

For this reason, he even went to Zog privately, wanting to ask more about Ultraman Sylvia.

But Zog just said lightly: "It's not over yet."

This sentence, the explainer has also said.

The mysterious boy in white also said to the night raid team: "Everything is not over yet, and the alien beast has not been wiped out."

With such a fluke and sincere hope from a solitary door, Ji Yan is fine.


Today, Gumen is accepting an inquiry.

Inquiries about Ji Yazhun, Ultraman, and Dark Ultraman.

"My first contact with Ji Yazhun was in a mountain forest." Gumen explained in detail his first encounter with Ji Yazhun.

That time, Ultraman was injured because of humans, and this injury naturally reflected Ji Yazhun's body. At that time, it was Ji Yajun who met Saijo and Komon together, and of course, they met together and Mana.

This time, the solitary door confessed everything without reservation.

Probably because before coming, Matsunaga manager also told him about the investigation of Mana and Hongtu.

After all, their previous fighters were equipped with cameras, and the scenes of their battles were preserved, and Mana was naturally discovered.

But the strange thing is that there is no Hong Tu in it.

But it didn't matter. After Mana was discovered, Hong Tu's identity naturally couldn't be concealed.

I like Ultraman, I really don’t want to rule the world, please collect it: ( I really don’t want to rule the world. The literature is updated the fastest.

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