"He fought the alien beasts and the dark giants, even if he was seriously injured, he still fought desperately."

Even if he was attacked by humans, he still stood in front of humans without hesitation.

Sitting across from him are three men in military uniforms, all senior members of TLT headquarters. They came specially for Ultraman's business.

On the side, the manager of Matsunaga was standing there, listening to this inquiry.

Under their inquiry, Gumen Jiang explained all the interactions between himself and Ji Yazhun.

After fighting with the alien beasts, when Lizi had an accident, he came to rescue him as soon as possible...There are so many, he seems to have been saved many times by Ji Yazhun.

"Ji Shi, why did he transform himself in front of you, revealing his identity as Ultraman?" the respected old man among the three soldiers asked him suspiciously.

You know, humans have attacked Ultraman before.

"This should be a very dangerous thing." The old man admitted frankly the despicability of human beings. The arrest of Ji Shizhun naturally proved this.

"I think it's because he trusts me." Gumen gave such an answer.


"Yes, so Ji Yan told me his secret."

Matsunaga on the side suddenly said: "You didn't want to disappoint his trust. You have indeed kept hiding his true identity from us, ignoring the reporting obligation as a member of the night raid team."

Gu Men stared at him dumbfoundedly, and withdrew his gaze.

In fact, it was not just him who concealed Ji Yazhun's identity in the beginning.

There is also Saijo style.

Komon remembered the conversation between him and Saijo after that time.

"Saijo, why did you hide things about that man from your superiors?"

"There is no need to report. Next time I see that man, I will kill him myself."

At that time, Komon never understood Saijo-kaze's thoughts.

It is not very clear now.

But Matsunaga told him the truth.

"The Saijo team hates the alien beasts, especially the alien beasts that can pretend to be humans. It's like Mizoroki. He probably regards Ji Ya Jun also as alien beasts."

This truth was told by Captain Hecang before Gumen.

"Seven years ago, in Colorado, USA, a female scientist was killed by an alien beast. The victim was Nami Saijo, the current mother of Saijo Kaze. The Saijo team member who was the only witness said that she was able to pretend to be a human being. Alien beast."

"The Saijo member's mother was killed by an alien beast?!" Gumen suddenly raised his head and looked at Commander Matsunaga in astonishment, his hand already unconsciously squeezing the armrest of the chair.

"Not only her mother, but also her father, who is the chief researcher."

The solitary door was completely stunned.

He remembered the time when Riko died, what did Saijo who comforted him say at that time?

Yes, let him turn this hatred into strength and stand up again...

It turns out that the Saijo team is the same as him?

No, maybe he is much luckier than the Saijo team.

Because of this, Komon suddenly understood why Saijo had concealed his identity in the first place.

Saijo Kaze regarded Hime Yajun as an alien beast, and Mizoroki, like the culprit who killed her parents, could disguise as a alien beast. She hated the alien beast, and wanted to... destroy the alien beast with her own hands.

Is that so...

After telling him the truth, Matsunaga took advantage of his heavy heart and asked the most important question: "The lone player, the next question, I hope you will answer truthfully and frankly."


"What do you think Ultraman is? Why do you assimilate with Ji Yajun and empower him? Please answer."

Lonely thought for a long time, but in the end only gave one answer: "I don't know either."

After a while, he slowly raised his head, looked at Matsunaga, and said seriously: "I think Mr. Ji Ya has been looking for answers."

This sentence is not without reason.

Probably because he knew Ji Yajun's past, or because he had communicated with him at close range, Gumen could also feel what determination Ji Yajun was holding to fight.

"Suddenly this kind of power constantly pushes him to the edge of collapse. Even if he is dominated by emotions such as despair, anger and hatred, he pays attention to what is happening in front of him anyway... This is Mr. Ji Ya's battle. . His battle is lonely and frightening."

Even the last battle went alone.

"Then do you think Ji Ya Zhun has found the answer?" Matsunaga looked at the young man, and seemed to perceive the reason why he was trusted by Ji Ya Zhun.

Gumen looked up at him, tears seemed to accumulate in those eyes, but there was a little relief on his face. Gumen was firm, and said relievedly: "I found it, definitely..."

Matsunaga turned away and asked the next question in business.

"So, how much do you know about the man who can control the alien beast, the man named Mana, and the Hongtu who can transform into the dark Ultraman?"

"We met a year ago. Lizi likes to go to the cafe they opened. Lizi and Mana have become close friends because of this."

"Do you think Hong Tu and Golumu are the same kind of people?" Song Yong stared at Gumen's expression, trying to see all the emotions on his face.

"No." But Gumen knew very little about Hong Tu and Mana, but he gave a guess, "I think Miss Mana and Mr. Hong are different from Mizulumu."

"Oh? Why do you think so? What made you come to such a conclusion?"

"Because they helped Mr. Ji Shi and also helped me. I talked to them, although they said that they will not take the initiative to harm humanity."

However, there are too few intersections between Gumen, Mana, and Hongtu, and he can only judge that their positions are biased toward humans, and the others do not know.

"They admit that it won't be harmful to mankind?" Matsunaga grasped the point.

"Yes it is."

"Then, the last question, Ji Yajun and others disappeared in that world. Do you think they are dead? Alien beasts, have they disappeared?"

The solitary door was silent for a while, and in the end it just gave out a "I don't know."

He resisted this question.

The people who saw this exchanged glances with each other and stopped asking.

After explaining everything, Gumen was allowed to leave the meeting room.

When he went out, he saw Saijo sitting at the door waiting to be summoned.

After the eyes of the two crossed briefly, Saijo Kaze went straight around the isolated door and entered the meeting room.

Next, I asked about Saijo-kaze.

The Gumen wanted to say something for a while, but was eventually blocked by the closed door, and there was no time to ask.

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